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29149. arkymalarky - 3/24/2020 2:09:56 PM

Oh MsNo!! I'm SO happy for you!! I have been looking in here to see if anyone has posted about their status, worrying about how it's going, and I'm so glad you have a new pal to spend this with! And a border collie too! That's really wonderful.

I am getting another little doxie, born March 21, naming him Bodhi. The first indoor boy I've ever had. I will get him May 15, so no snuggle bunny for all this (no, Stan doesn't count). But the woman I'm getting him from sent pics I look at when it's getting too much.

Haven't seen anyone other than Stan and Spook since we went to the drive-up window at the bank a week ago yesterday. Icky weather but today should be better. I hope everyone else is okay and stays safe.

29150. arkymalarky - 3/24/2020 2:10:44 PM

Love the name, too.

29151. Ms. No - 3/24/2020 5:18:17 PM

Can't wait to see Bodhi! That's something to look forward to, for sure.

My brother and sister-in-law and nephew are planning to come up tomorrow for five or six days. It'll be nice to have folks in. It's also good motivation for me to clean house and stop living like a cave person. ;->

Started calling my students yesterday, will hopefully get all the calls finished today. Working on putting together online activities. Need to do a DoodlePoll to find out when kids are available to "chat" in a group.

29152. arkymalarky - 3/24/2020 6:33:53 PM

That's great! I haven't seen my parents in a week and a half and won't see my grandson for who-knows-how-long but now I'm worried because Mose said he's sick today with fever even though he hasn't been out of the house and yard for two weeks. So just worrying all around has been no fun.

Mose's been working online but since she's a librarian she hasn't met with kids yet but I think she's going to. Don't know when. They gave them all free internet Citywide so they can all get online

29153. arkymalarky - 3/24/2020 6:37:25 PM

This is a link to Bodhi. That's the day he was born and she named him Quincy for the papers but she's going to change them. She left the page up for me to look at. She's on her way to retiring so she doesn't have any other puppies right now but the parents looked so much like Mazie it wasn't even funny. I found her trying to find mazie's parents because I couldn't find her papers. But we just bought Mazie from a family who had bred their own family dog.


Sorry for not having the tags but I'm on my phone and it takes a little while sometimes since I can't Voice to Text tags.

29154. Ms. No - 3/25/2020 3:39:34 AM

Oh my goodness he's the sweetest little nugget! I love the picture of him on his back with all his paws in the air. He's adorable!

This virus has us all so spooked, we forget that there are plenty of other ills around. Here's hoping the kiddo has something mild and short.

29155. arkymalarky - 3/25/2020 7:09:17 PM

Thanks! I hate having to wait 8 weeks to get him but he was supposed to be born April 1st so I'm going to get him sooner than I thought originally.

Little Tyke is good now, already playing again, but the whole fam is under quarantine because son-in-law went in for a meeting and one of the people there had recently been visiting a friend who now has Coronavirus and son-in-law was on his keyboard helping with something. But that was a week ago he just found out yesterday, so good news bad news is he's only under quarantine for another week before he finds out whether he's got it or not. Not Getting tested. This is a nightmare.

29156. arkymalarky - 3/25/2020 7:19:23 PM

Fwiw I think they're fine, but it infuriates me that idiots are putting careful people at risk. They're religious about washing their hands and clothes and sanitizing everything so son-in-law likely didn't bring any virus home and if he did their protocols at home would have likely kept it from infecting anyone but it's just the worry and stress that's so unnecessary because someone didn't do what he was supposed to.

29157. Ms. No - 3/27/2020 5:38:32 AM

yeah, if only the virus targeted only the dumb people who won't follow the rules.

29158. wabbit - 3/29/2020 12:31:43 PM

Hey all!

So my whole company was laid off a week ago, though the company is keeping us on health insurance at least through April. This will be my first foray into the world of unemployment.

And I'm now officially out of quarantine. I had my annual physical two weeks ago this past Friday and got a call from the hospital a week later that someone who was there around the same time had tested positive. They've been good about checking in, calling to see if everyone is ok (I asked, so far nobody is symptomatic). I'm fine, will venture to the grocery store on Tuesday, I have a couple neighbors that have trouble getting out, so I'll shop for them as well as myself, but otherwise I'll stay home. I think I'll get out the sewing machine...


29159. Ms. No - 3/30/2020 5:38:35 AM

Glad to hear you're doing well!

I made a grocery store run today for the fam --- my brother is high risk because of his asthma so I was extra careful. Wore gloves to grab groceries and sprayed everything down with rubbing alcohol before bringing it into the house.

29160. arkymalarky - 3/30/2020 7:07:43 PM

So glad to hear you're managing well. We haven't been anywhere except for a country Drive. We went to see Betty's gravesite and drove around in the country. But we put a deck on the back of our house and a screened in porch on the side so that's helped a whole lot. 6 weeks till I get the new puppy, but since she had speculated he wouldn't be born until April 1st that's a lot earlier than it was going to be. How's your little champ Ms no?

I've got to call Judith. I've been meaning to call her since after Christmas, but Betty died then Mazie died then adjusting to this and getting my parents settled in has been insane. I hope they're okay.

My parents are doing very well and I'm so grateful for that and hope it continues. Mose and family are doing well also. Jim's daughter has had covid-19 2 weeks and she's young and healthy and hasn't been hospitalized so hoping that continues but she described it on Facebook and somebody shared it with me and it sounded awful, even if you don't go to the hospital with it. Jim is okay at home but I don't know if he knows so we haven't said anything. we are not interacting with him because we're afraid of exposing him. He's very frail. We've seen a lot of spook, but he's not going anywhere either so I think we're all good. When he's here he keeps a healthy distance but that's pretty much every day.

29161. iiibbb - 4/2/2020 5:27:46 PM

Hello people. I hope you are all well.

29162. arkymalarky - 4/2/2020 5:41:44 PM

So glad you popped in! Are all of you okay? How's the at home school and work going? It was a challenge for my daughter and son-in-law and Grandson at first but they seem to really be in the zone now.

29163. iiibbb - 4/3/2020 12:51:11 AM

Home school is like surfing. P's got a very rigid schedule so it's on me. 1/3rd of the day schoolwork 1/3rd free time 1/3rd directed activity with parent is the goal. It's okay, but my kids pull me off work about ever 15-60 minutes so it's hard to get contiguous thought time in.

We're healthy. Mostly running screen for my MiL who's got 3 comorbidities. We might have had it before everything blew up. MiL and Wife had seperate trips to NY and me and the kids had a mystery illness that had one boy using an inhaler for the first time in 2 years and I was using mine (although I will use mine at the drop of the hat to avoid any bug from getting to my chest). My MiL went to the hospital twice for that and I don't think it ever got an official diagnosis. So I am anxious for the antibody tests to start coming out and see if we've actually had it already.

Biggest stress right now is my funding runs out in June. It was running out anyway, but now the pivot is going to be harder. Why does the economy tank every time I'm between jobs? I had a hot lead, but I'm not sure how warm it will still be when the world starts to open up again.

29164. iiibbb - 4/3/2020 12:53:41 AM

I've still be hanging out with these folks, but we've moved from Discus to reddit ever since Discus eliminated private boards. Nice people, all good faith discussion. I'm "ystavallinen" over there.


I tried posting here a few times, but was blocked for whatever reason.

29165. Ms. No - 4/3/2020 3:50:31 AM

Hi i3b3!!

Good to see you and hear that you and yours are well. Is that forum related to the one Judith started years ago?

I'm with Arky in that I haven't spoken to her in far too long. I hope she and Keoni are alright.

29166. Ms. No - 4/3/2020 3:52:53 AM


Cisco is doing well --- he's grown so much in just the 10 days since I brought him home. He's much more adventurous now and running all over the place. Right now he's bummed (as am I) because my brother and family left today. Cisco keeps running around and then coming back to me as if to say "Where's the boy???"

Currently he's sacked out after chasing baseballs in the backyard. He won't fetch them, but he likes to run after them.

29167. arkymalarky - 4/3/2020 5:56:35 AM

How sweet! I bet they all had a blast. Big draw to Aunt No's house now! So jealous! Six more weeks. Really hard doing this without Mazie.

3i, sounds like y'all have it under control. I'll check out the reddit. It's been nice here but about to set in raining for a week. Good luck on the funding. When Trump is gone it will get better along that line.

29168. iiibbb - 4/3/2020 3:22:58 PM

Ms No--

It's not the one associated with Judith. It's one I stumbled into that was a breakaway from The Atlantic's Disqus forum, but they were frustrated with the trolling.

So they're tolerant of different viewpoints, but there is a good-faith expectation, some rules, and it is moderated.

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