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29170. iiibbb - 4/4/2020 4:34:01 AM


29171. thoughtful - 5/14/2020 4:08:12 PM

Wow! You guys are still here???

Just popped in to say hi and hope everyone is well. The thoughtfuls are doing fine and surviving the craziness. Though I'm not sure how well since I just took some food coloring to patches of my hair just for fun. Not a good sign.

My major online haunt these days is houzz.com which runs some forums...formerly gardenweb and I hang a lot at Hot Topics where we "discuss" politics and such.

Just stay safe and stay well everyone! This virus crap will pass...crap always does, no?

29172. Ms. No - 5/16/2020 5:54:07 AM

Lovely to see you, Thoughtful, and glad to hear you're doing well!

29173. arkymalarky - 5/16/2020 6:18:02 AM

Sounds like you're fun and upbeat as ever. Good to know in these times!

No, I came in to see how you're doggy's doing, since I got mine yesterday. He's already right at home and Stan and I are so happy to have a little buddy in the house again. Also I called Judith a few days ago and she and Keoni are doing well.

29174. vonKreedon - 5/30/2020 5:34:40 PM

Hi all, happy to read that no one appears to have been sickened or died from covid. I'm well, my work is exclusively from home anyway, so this has had no impact on my work/financial life.

Cheers, all.

29175. Ms. No - 6/2/2020 10:32:55 PM

Hey Cos,

Good to see you and to hear that you're doing alright.

29176. vonKreedon - 6/4/2020 11:13:56 PM

Hey Cos - Nice to find you all still here.

29177. wabbit - 9/11/2020 11:42:09 AM

21 years today - I hope everyone is safe and healthy!

29178. Ms. No - 9/13/2020 9:24:17 PM

Good Lord, we can drink!!

29179. vonKreedon - 9/16/2020 6:13:16 PM

Happy Late Birthday to the Mote!

29180. bhelpuri - 10/5/2020 9:47:10 AM

21 years of Le Mote + some 4 years being in touch via The Fray, Yahoo Chat and WorldCrossing before that. when this all began I still had hair on my head, and now my oldest son (whose birth was announced on this site) will himself turn 21 in just over 3 months.

a long strange trip, indeed. salute to the Motards!

29181. bhelpuri - 10/5/2020 11:13:35 AM

21 years of Le Mote + some 4 years being in touch via The Fray, Yahoo Chat and WorldCrossing before that. when this all began I still had hair on my head, and now my oldest son (whose birth was announced on this site) will himself turn 21 in just over 3 months.

a long strange trip, indeed. salute to the Motards!

29182. vonKreedon - 10/5/2020 4:49:40 PM

Hey Major, a salute to you.

29183. bhelpuri - 10/5/2020 5:58:32 PM

Greetings, vonK!

29184. vonKreedon - 10/5/2020 10:38:00 PM

Where do you live these days?

29185. winstonsmith - 10/6/2020 3:17:06 AM

Seems like whenever I come by, I wonder if the site will still be up. And still, it persists!

I think maybe I first came across the fray when Bill Clinton was in office. I didn’t post much but read articles on Slate and was entertained and enlightened by the lively and sometimes contentious debate.

Congrats you guys on what has to be one of the longest runs in Internet history. I suspect it has pretty much run it’s course but it really has been a success.

29186. AlistairConnor - 8/25/2021 4:35:44 PM

Hey, to my shame, the mote was down for nearly a year... Probably somebody told me but I had other stuff going on at the time [insert embarassed emoticon here]
Wow remember the days before emoticons?

29187. Ms. No - 8/31/2021 8:59:10 PM

Thanks, Alistair!

Gonna start trolling folks to see if anybody's still around. :-)

29188. wabbit - 9/1/2021 11:55:32 AM

Wow, we're back! I just renewed the domain name a week or so ago.

Hey AC and Ms. No, great to see you!

29189. Ms. No - 9/3/2021 3:43:54 PM


I'm so glad to see you!

I kiss you!

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