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29538. anomie - 6/26/2009 6:21:28 PM

Pelty, good conversation is satisfaction enough for me. Be well and take your time.

29539. judithathome - 6/26/2009 7:24:08 PM

I may be more cynical than you, but I just do not see how we can go through life where all of us are always happy. Well, I am sure you feel that way, too, so I am trying to wrap my head around where we draw the line between "life's a b&^ch" and "John and Jane are limiting my happiness." I am not trying to be a smart-arse, but it seems as though there is a certain impracticality to your system, though I am sure I am just not understanding it because it is somewhat complex. Have you thought it through in a way that will clarify how your view can actually work in the world in which we currently live? Thanks.

To begin with, I am certain you are NOT more cynical than I...if so, you wouldn't be a man of faith. ;-)

And this may sound simplistic but really, I don't spend my days thinking if everyone is happy or not. I feel responsible for only my happiness. And the things that make me happy are pretty simple.

Frankly, I don't think I limit anyone else from achieving happiness within themselves. I think the majority of the world is hooked on pessimism and if they are, they can change...they can look on a rainy day as beneficial rather than a pain in the ass for commuting; they can use a heartbreaking situation as an opportunity for growth (though I will admit that is a difficult but not impossible thing to do, going through one right now myself).

In my book (hypothetical) one can drag themselves out of depression or not...one can choose to be tolerent or not, one can decide the glass is half full, not half empty.

And I don't expect OR want everyone to happy all the time...how can happiness be fully appreciated if it is there all the time as a constant? Contrast and change are needed to make happiness count. Otherwise, it's just boring sameness. The fact it's not constant makes it special to me.

29540. judithathome - 6/26/2009 7:24:46 PM

And you can call me Judith...or whatever you wish!

29541. alistairConnor - 6/27/2009 1:35:58 AM

Pelty :Thus, it would seem, your dogma is "'dogma is anathema to me!'" I am not trying to be cute, by the way.

You're succeeding anyway. This is completely vacuous. If refusing all dogma is itself a dogma, then, by definition, you win the argument. Fine.

(How about this : "Dogma? I can take it or leave it." Is this a dogmatic statement?)

In order to demonstrate your point, you'd have to know more about your world view. I will not be coy about it, and I am pretty confident you'll find nothing that can be meaningfully defined as dogmatic.

I do have a certain number of articles of faith, if you will, which I believe in even though I know them to be objectively false. For example : "People are good, and should be trusted." Such tenets guide me in life, but they are not dogma, because I will not defend them when they turn out to be false, as a dogmatic person must.

Does that help?

29542. pelty - 7/8/2009 10:38:44 PM


I have not forgotten about you, but I am in the midst of moving and writing several papers, so it may be longer than I had hoped before I am able to respond. My apologies.

29543. Ms. No - 7/9/2009 1:55:45 AM

Good luck with your move --- remember to bend your knees!

29544. pelty - 7/9/2009 4:12:29 AM

Ms. No,

Thanks! The moving itself is fine as I will lift nary a finger, but the packing is an entirely different animal. I loathe it.

29545. Ms. No - 7/9/2009 7:47:42 AM

The next time I have to move I may subscribe the the "haul it all out in the yard and set fire to it" school of moving. I have so much crap!

29546. judithathome - 7/9/2009 2:01:23 PM

No, haul it out in the yard and sell it! Everyone else deserves a chance to buy your crap and add it to THEIR crap!

29547. arkymalarky - 7/10/2009 4:05:57 AM

After our exchange students left I finally went through about 5 years worth of stuff and donated it to Mose for her upcoming yard sale. I hate packing stuff too. When we built our house we moved across the yard and I STILL lost stuff. Moving isn't real conducive to writing papers, either, I don't imagine.

29548. robertjayb - 7/21/2009 9:12:44 PM

Jimmy Carter bails on Southern Baptists...

Good on ya, Jimmy...

I have been a practising Christian all my life and a deacon and Bible teacher for many years. My faith is a source of strength and comfort to me, as religious beliefs are to hundreds of millions of people around the world. So my decision to sever my ties with the Southern Baptist Convention, after six decades, was painful and difficult. It was, however, an unavoidable decision when the convention's leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses and claiming that Eve was created second to Adam and was responsible for original sin, ordained that women must be "subservient" to their husbands and prohibited from serving as deacons, pastors or chaplains in the military service.

Did he have to go to the bottom of the world to get this published?

29549. iiibbb - 10/29/2009 12:25:27 AM

Conservatives rewriting the Bible

They really are unhinged...

as upset as this makes me... at least I found this parody.

29550. judithathome - 10/30/2009 12:38:03 AM

What am I missing? That looks like the same site and reads like it, too.

Or...is it all a joke?

29551. iiibbb - 10/30/2009 2:11:04 AM

The first is not a joke... I found it in the news.

Check out their rendition of the sermon on the mount... they don't even follow their own rules.

... and the 10 commandments.

The second is a joke... and funny.

29552. anomie - 10/30/2009 3:45:08 AM

Both of your links go to the same site. There is no "second" or "first".

29553. iiibbb - 10/30/2009 3:49:48 AM

Oops... here you go

Lolcats Bible

29555. judithathome - 10/30/2009 6:51:14 PM

That IS LOL funny!

The "erf"...

29556. wabbit - 11/9/2009 2:51:05 AM

Srsly WANT!

k thnx bai!

29557. wabbit - 11/9/2009 2:55:49 AM

How many generations from a Jewish female do you have to be before you are no longer Jewish? Does the female need to be a practicing Jew? If so, how orthodox is orthodox?

29558. alistairconnor - 11/9/2009 2:11:05 PM


Interesting repercussions. If Jews can't agree on a non-racial definition of Jewishness, then I don't see how any government or institution can recognise any particular special rights for Jews...

If I have a daughter with my girlfriend... will she be Jewish?

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