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3206. wonkers2 - 1/7/2009 6:09:21 PM

You and a couple of others have poisoned the well.

3207. anomie - 1/7/2009 7:22:34 PM

Perhaps it's not a well but a barrel of apples, most of which can be salvaged.

3208. Ms. No - 1/7/2009 7:52:00 PM

I have been speaking for myself. I just didn't feel any more comment needed to be made. I've never been shy. If I'd disagreed with the decision I'd have said so.

3209. Wombat - 1/7/2009 10:54:57 PM

It is too bad that there is no way to allow the Jex who has always been entertaining in the History thread, while banning the bile and filth-spewing Jex of the Politics thread.

3210. arkymalarky - 1/8/2009 12:46:37 AM

Jex knew his choices and he made them. Judith's forum story is very apt; it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Things will run their course here, as elsewhere. People will leave if you don't act and others will if you do.

Wonkers: as moderators we don't function in isolation. As long as you've been here you should know that I don't speak for anyone. I provided you pertinent information so you could share your venom with the others responsible besides Wabbit.

And on a much more pleasant subject, congratulations to Irv!

3211. Jenerator - 1/8/2009 2:11:24 AM

I could have sworn you all said Jex was returning Jan 20th!!!

3212. Jenerator - 1/8/2009 2:14:40 AM

Jex says he's coming back on Jan 20th

3213. dandillon - 1/9/2009 12:40:45 AM

Wow. So may familar faces here. Nice to see you all. And happy new year!

3214. vonKreedon - 1/9/2009 12:43:54 AM

Happy New Year to you!

3215. wabbit - 1/9/2009 1:13:36 AM

Hey dandillon, Happy New Year to you! How've you been, how is the family?

PP, please pass my congrats to Irv!

3216. Jenerator - 1/10/2009 1:04:16 AM


3217. arkymalarky - 1/10/2009 7:55:50 PM

Hey DanD! How's the fam?

3218. thoughtful - 2/5/2009 12:23:47 AM

i miss jex and wonks...will they be able to return from purgatory ever?

3219. arkymalarky - 2/5/2009 2:27:09 AM

Wonks left of his own accord.

3220. robertjayb - 2/5/2009 2:45:02 AM

Wonkers in an Accord? I don't believe it.

3221. magoseph - 2/5/2009 3:05:58 AM

I wonder if we've lost Wiz too, Arky.

3222. thoughtful - 2/5/2009 3:35:32 PM

I know that but wonks left because jex was banished...he may return if jex is allowed back...

3223. thoughtful - 2/19/2009 10:43:12 PM

This place is dying a slow death. at least jex used to keep politics jumping if nothing else was happening. I never understood why he was banned. With wonks gone too, its just not happening any more.

3224. judithathome - 2/19/2009 11:50:22 PM

I know...sad to see but that's the way it goes with forums.

My own is mirroring this one...what I call pity posts and that's about it.

3225. magoseph - 2/20/2009 12:04:56 AM

We lost David too and maybe Wiz, four frequent posters.

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