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3246. vonKreedon - 3/29/2010 4:23:03 PM

Change your moniker? Whatever for?

3247. alistairConnor - 3/29/2010 7:49:22 PM

How about bhelpuri?

3248. marjoribanks - 3/30/2010 10:16:35 AM

I'll take 'Incognito'.

3249. marjoribanks - 3/30/2010 10:17:01 AM

lower case, pls.

3250. vonKreedon - 3/30/2010 2:51:32 PM

We've had an incognito, not a good association.

3251. wabbit - 3/30/2010 4:12:45 PM

banks, you'll need to email me so I can send you the info.

3252. judithathome - 4/15/2010 4:41:08 PM

VonK, in my public email account, I just checked in after months of not doing so and see 5 emails from you...I suspect it was some sort of funny business so I didn't click on any of them and deleted them all...sorry if it was a genuine attempt at wooing me. ;-)

3253. vonKreedon - 4/16/2010 11:36:36 PM

Judith - My Yahoo account got jacked a couple of times, so yeah the emails were either the jacked mail trying to get you to click on a link or broadcast response mail from me apologizing and saying not to click the link. I ran Lavasoft's anti-malware software and found nothing, but changing my password seems to have foiled the jacking so I assume that I logged into my e-mail on a publick computer with a password capture malware on it at some point. Thanks for checking in to see if I actually sent you mail; sorry to say, but no I did not.

3254. bhelpuri - 6/21/2010 8:33:16 AM

Maybe four years ago, I joined Facebook against my every best instinct. How bad could it be if so many of my friends and family are extolling the new and wonderful possibilities offered by this web service, I thought to myself.

Less than hours later, I was fleeing Facebook in total horror about what it is and does. Even now, I cringe away from its links reflexively. That kind of network is Hades incarnate to me: I don't wish to be contacted by riff-raff from my past, or to alert the world in advance to my movements. I never liked the end of anyonymity in the generation of Internet forums that replaced the Mote etc.

For the record, I complained then, even when the model was changing to archiving posts. Though I am now grateful that the Mote Archives preserves flashes of writing from remarkable Internet characters like Hashke or Irving Snodgrass, the process of archiving every post for posterity has undoubtedly been a dampener.

Google is the difference. You can't hide, and it has cached everything in case you wanted to try. There are some surprising searches which lead you directly to my writing on this site, even many years later. I have to admit that I'm not so comfortable with that.

Sites like Youtube now allow you to anonymize quite effectively. That's a retreat, and a good move in the right direction. Can anyone explain why World Crossing forum archives don't show up on Google searches?

3255. alistairConnor - 6/21/2010 8:58:07 AM

ummm I guess they have a "no robots" directive in the html. Shouldn't be too hard, if the web crawlers actually respect it.

I've always been happy with the degree of anonymity offered by the Mote, and the Internet in general, because I'm comfortable with being transparent, or at least, as transparent as I want to be. But I have always understood that this doesn't work for everyone. I'm not rich enough or interesting enough to be targeted by ill-intentioned people, I suppose.

If there are technical arrangements that can satisfy your desiderata, then we'll surely give it a try.

3256. bhelpuri - 6/22/2010 4:20:32 AM

Can the Mote be taken off the Google grid?

See, if I - just for instance - write a comprehensive travelogue here of my last long trip (to the NE of India), then it becomes instantly and prominently available via Google because so many names/phrases/geographic references will be virtually unique to my text. It poses potential problems, don't you see.

3257. thoughtful - 6/22/2010 2:10:56 PM

do you really think someone is tracing your every move and following all the places you've been?

Or that you are the only one who has traced that exact route? In India with it's billion people?

3258. alistairConnor - 6/22/2010 2:33:49 PM

Don't mock, Tful... as I recall, you are very guarded about your own identity. Everyone has their position on the transparency/anonymity gradient, and their own reasons for being there.

Yes Mr B : it's a fairly simple fix, we'll just have to canvass the secret cabal about it.

All opinions welcome. We haven't had a meltdown in years!

3259. wabbit - 6/22/2010 2:51:29 PM

I don't have any objections.

3260. arkymalarky - 6/22/2010 4:51:11 PM

Sometimes I'm tempted to move into civilization or drop out of it altogether. This is one of those times. I had a post and lost it. It basically said I've enjoyed the anonymity from another direction. My friends, colleagues, students and fam know about the mote and I've tried unsuccessfully to recruit many of them. They don't get the appeal, tho most have met at least one rl motie. But my community is small and out of respect for them and Bob, who doesn't really like being dragged into the light without his consent, I've maintained my pseudonym. Whatever y'all agree to do is fine with me.

I also posted something about facebook, basically that I have big reservations about it but we use it to keep up with former exchange students and it's been greaqt for connecting with people I don't see, but I don't use it to communicate. And I don't post every time my butt itches. I don't get people who do that and I try to avoid them, except some are family.

3261. thoughtful - 6/22/2010 5:03:14 PM

not mocking...just stunned

I am very guarded about my identity here, but largely trust in the volume of transactions on the internet to keep the majority of my transactions anonymous.

3262. bhelpuri - 8/2/2010 8:40:13 AM

my concerns, stated above, are quite unremarkable.

see: The Web Means the End of Forgetting.

3263. alistairConnor - 9/11/2010 7:14:17 PM

Eleven years later, and half a world away...

Happy birthday Mote...?

3264. arkymalarky - 9/11/2010 8:04:34 PM

Eleven years! Hard to believe.

3265. alistairConnor - 9/11/2010 8:58:16 PM

ummm age of reason?

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