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Host: Ms. No, arkymalarky

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3286. judithathome - 1/11/2014 10:35:06 PM

I have no idea...I'm the wrong person to ask and/or expect coherent answers from...

And yes, I know I ended that sentence with a preposition.

3287. arkymalarky - 1/11/2014 10:58:00 PM

I read the other day that that's a norbert arian fairly recent rule donna so something I wouldn't worry about. :-)

3288. arkymalarky - 1/11/2014 11:00:01 PM

I read the other day that's and arbitrary and fairly recent rule so something I wouldn't worry about. :-)
I will be so glad when they perfect voice to text.

3289. robertjayb - 1/12/2014 2:06:36 AM

Who said, Nonsense up with which I will not put?

3290. arkymalarky - 1/12/2014 2:10:26 AM

Churchill? I think he said every wiuote ever quoted. He and Einstein.

3291. arkymalarky - 1/12/2014 2:14:26 AM


3292. wabbit - 1/12/2014 4:36:01 PM

JaH, arky may be right, trying clearing the browser cache. Check this page for help.

3293. alistairconnor - 1/12/2014 7:03:48 PM

Hi Wabbit, can you get in touch with me about hosting? We need to move the archives.

3294. wabbit - 1/12/2014 11:13:04 PM

I can put them on the same server as the fr'archive, just need to collect up-to-date pages. Are we in a tremendous hurry or do I have a couple weeks?

3295. wabbit - 1/12/2014 11:22:19 PM

Just emailed you, AC.

3296. alistairconnor - 1/12/2014 11:23:15 PM

No particular hurry, it's just that the search engines crawl the site eating up bandwith at a ridiculous rate, and it turns out that 80% of it is for the archives. It would be nice if you could send Sigi a mail to say that you're onto it. You'll need to give him a fixed IP adress so he can let you in by FTP (I can't work out how to do that myself, proof that I'm getting old)

3297. psychprof - 1/13/2014 2:20:30 PM

Thanks to both of you for what you do at The Mote.

3298. robertjayb - 1/13/2014 4:57:50 PM


3299. judithathome - 1/13/2014 8:31:00 PM


3300. Wombat - 1/15/2014 5:30:04 AM


3301. wabbit - 1/18/2014 4:59:56 AM

Pas de problème, mes amis!

AC, all archived threads that were on Sigi's server are backed up. I haven't gotten everything uploaded yet, but I will. I changed the Mote Archive link so it points to my server now and I'll get what I just finished collecting uploaded asap.

Meanwhile, using our Mote maintenance page, I deleted everything in the archive, so Sigi's box should be clear of that now.

While I'm at it, we don't seem to use the Inferno anymore - anyone object to me archiving that thread?

3302. judithathome - 1/18/2014 7:14:09 PM

Maybe we've all matured enough that we don't NEED it any longer...heh.

3303. wabbit - 1/18/2014 7:33:09 PM

LOL, my thoughts exactly.

Geez Louise, it's snowing again.

Back to Mote Matters, I've also collected the pages that we link to from the front page that don't *need* to be on Sigi's server, aka HTML Hints, RoE, FAQs and the Interface explanation. Links are updated and the pages are on my server, so if anyone finds a broken link or a mistake, please let me know, I can change them now. Archive is up to date. Next I'll get the live threads archived...but maybe not today.

3304. wabbit - 1/25/2014 8:33:04 PM

Archiving is done for everything except the Cafe (which I've never archived).

I asked our generous server provider to make us a PayPal button so folks could donate some money. I can't post the darn thing because it's a form, so I've made a link to it at the top of the front page, right-hand column. The link takes you to a page on the server that has the PayPal button, with which you can send a donation to Sigi to help defray our bandwidth costs (about $500NZ last year). Anything anyone can contribute will be most appreciated!

3305. judithathome - 1/25/2014 8:50:11 PM

Having problems with PayPal over at my forum, which is pay-to-play...if this IS set up for donations here, just found out you need cookies enabled in order to use PayPal, at least that is the case at my forum.

No big deal and probably getting ahead of myself but that issue just arose over there so thought I'd mention it.

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