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The Good Life

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3660. alistairConnor - 3/16/2006 12:30:31 AM

At last, we know what you look like, Ronski!

OK, so the earl of Granville was actually called Carteret... oddly enough, I'm currently organising a mountain biking trip in which we get on the boat in Granville, spend a day riding around the isle of Jersey, then get the boat back to ... Carteret, which is about 30 miles further north on the coast of Normandy.

3661. ronski - 3/16/2006 12:31:52 AM

There's also a Carteret, New Jersey.

3662. Ronski - 3/16/2006 3:32:18 AM

Stowe, March thaw.

3663. Jenerator - 3/16/2006 3:38:40 AM

I miss skiing now.

3664. Jenerator - 3/16/2006 3:39:48 AM

And Thanks Ronski. I miss Simon a lot. He really was a sweet cat - so full of personality.

3665. Wombat - 3/16/2006 3:48:27 AM

Carteret is one of the more noisome parts of New Jersey. Wall-to-wall oil refineries.

The Wombats were in Stowe last Summer, staying for a week at the Von Trapp (Sound of Music) family lodge. I warned Womboy and Wombette that they would have to skip through the fields singing songs from the movie (which is shown every thursday at the lodge). Lovely country. Wombette distinguished herself by asking why so many of the posters of the Von Trapp family singing tours said "die Von Trapps?" After we finished laughing, we explained that "die" is German for "the."

3666. arkymalarky - 3/16/2006 4:45:05 AM

Hahaha! I thought that's what everyone in the audience is saying by the end of the movie.

3667. judithathome - 3/16/2006 7:55:31 AM

I'm making this statement here tonight and will let y'all know if it comes to fruition: Keoni has sworn to clean out the "barn" on Sunday.

The Greeks are coming the first week of May and we need to start cleaning the house but in order to avoid that, Keoni is vowing to do both the barn AND the garage first. Because of course, guests from Europe who are coming to stay for two weeks will expect to have a clean garage and a tidy backyard barn but won't care one whit if they have an accessible room in which to sleep.

3668. alistairconnor - 3/16/2006 10:27:14 AM

Perhaps he's making room for the gifts?

3669. Magoseph - 3/16/2006 11:08:58 AM

…Keoni is vowing to do both the barn AND the garage first.

Well, the way I see what will happen is that he'll have to do the house next because you can’t since you’re on crushes until the Greeks arrive.

3670. thoughtful - 3/17/2006 4:16:38 PM

Hahaha J@h on crushes! Are those fruit drinks or perhaps the more romantic kind!

Sorry mags...it was a typo i couldn't resist.

3671. alistairconnor - 3/17/2006 4:54:52 PM

Is there a good-looking one called Paris?

3672. Magoseph - 3/17/2006 7:02:16 PM

That's all right, thoughtful--actually I didn't even noticed it. I wonder now if I ever knew the difference.

Ali, do you mean one like our own Paris Hilton?

3673. arkymalarky - 3/17/2006 7:17:32 PM

I think he means the one who carted off Helen.

3674. Magoseph - 3/17/2006 11:48:36 PM

I was just making a lame joke, Arky.

3675. alistairConnor - 3/18/2006 12:22:31 AM

Is that a pony nuzzling her tits? How gross.

3676. Magoseph - 3/18/2006 12:28:53 AM

Looks like a bull to me.

3677. judithathome - 3/18/2006 1:06:33 AM

Perhaps he's making room for the gifts?

Hey, you're not too far off the mark there. They ARE very generous guests!

3678. alistairConnor - 3/19/2006 11:03:16 PM

Weekend trip north to Burgundy, the AGM of my vine-owners group. A few dozen of us have shares in several parcels of vineyard in the Beaune area, which we rent to four organic winemakers. The annual meeting doesn't really decide anything much, but it's an interesting talk-shop and opportunity to talk to the winemakers and sample their wares. And to collect our dividends in liquid form...
I might go back up there next month, for a practical workshop rebuilding a stone wall and planting some vines.

3679. arkymalarky - 3/21/2006 12:00:42 AM

That really sounds fun. Bob's buying a tiller this week. He has use of a small tractor and some other stuff. He's also got a catalog of seeds and plants. I think he's looking at planning and getting the land prepped this year--which he's already started--and trying out a small-scale garden next year to see how things go, and to practice methods, determine best varieties, etc.

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