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3958. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 5:18:05 PM

Man, Alistair, there is nothing worse than water troubles. Good for you hitting a few other things in the process of dealing with it. Thank goodness we haven't had them, but my parents have. Bro fixed it, thankfully. They have a five bedroom, three bath house with a huge pool (I call that retroactive child abuse) and ONE hot water heater. It suddenly and completely busted. The plumber they called wanted several thousand dollars (don't remember exactly--3 or 4) to fix it.

We did have to cut out half our bedroom carpet when the dehumidifier leaked--after not catching it for a couple of weeks. It was pretty bad--lots of mold. I'm just going to get rid of the carpet in there this summer, since I'm not supposed to have it where I sleep anyway.

3959. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 5:21:35 PM

It doesn't sound at all horrifying, Mags. What do you think is horrifying about it? If I had to live around people it's the only way I'd want to do it, in a town or city neighborhood. I wouldn't give up my car, but I'd love the convenience of everything I wanted being so handy.

3960. thoughtful - 2/26/2007 4:41:44 PM

My MIL was able to live independently for a few years in her NYC apartment despite being blind. She knew her way around the neighborhood, the local shopkeepers all knew her and kept a special eye out for her and she did quite well. She obviously couldn't drive, but she could walk. She also took buses or cabs as necessary to get to where she needed to go. There are advantages to such things.

3961. Magoseph - 2/26/2007 5:06:28 PM

What do you think is horrifying about it?

I shouldn't have used that word, Arky--I detest for anyone to map the future for me.

3962. thoughtful - 2/26/2007 9:30:23 PM

I detest for anyone to map the future for me.

As do we all, but unfortunately, we are not the masters of our own destiny. Most often health and age get in the way. That's why they say growing old is only for the courageous.

3963. arkymalarky - 2/27/2007 12:46:24 AM

I don't blame you for that Mags, but you still make your own decisions, and I would continue to assert that right with my kids. Heaven knows, my parents certainly do it with me. I said don't buy a two-story house with a pool! I said don't get an SUV and go to Florida! I said don't drive into NYC by yourselves without even a hotel reservation! I told Dad I've finally resigned myself to one day finding him in the bottom of the swimming pool in his Speedoes. At least he'll have died happy.

Everyone yaps about teenage rebellion. No one talks about parental rebellion.

3964. Magoseph - 3/1/2007 8:42:19 PM

Well, I admit that I was very rebellious recently when one of my in-laws decided to make it her business to dwell into my private affairs because she believed that, were something to happen to Flexy and me, she would have to take care of everything concerning us.

3965. judithathome - 3/3/2007 6:29:28 PM

We had Hawaiian food for dinner last night. Don't get excited..it was, ahem, Spam and rice.

I know, I can't believe it, either, but Keoni gets in these moods. I drew the line at him going to the deli for macaroni salad as a side dish.

3966. wonkers2 - 3/3/2007 6:46:20 PM

Nothing wrong with Spam and rice. Thanks for reminding me, I'll pick up a couple of cans next time I'm in a grocery store!

3967. alistairConnor - 3/3/2007 7:44:15 PM

Hmmm, are you talking about that Pacific delicacy, canned corned beef?

Do they really call it spam in Hawaii? An entirely different animal, to me.
Depending on quality.

3968. wonkers2 - 3/3/2007 8:34:04 PM

Nope. It's canned processed ham I believe. Featured in Army rations. Generally scorned by bourgeois, diet conscious Americans. But it's delicious.

3969. wonkers2 - 3/3/2007 8:35:39 PM


3970. alistairConnor - 3/3/2007 10:29:55 PM

ooooooh frustration!

We have been looking forward to the total eclipse of the moon. Right now, the moon should be entering the earth's shadow...

... but it's cloudy tonight.

You people should look out for it a bit later on.

3971. arkymalarky - 3/3/2007 10:42:47 PM

Bob and I will be out in our yard with blankets. It's crystal clear here, but cold. It's supposed to get to 26F tonight.

3972. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2007 11:16:51 PM

alistairConnor, yes, they call it SPAM in Hawaii. It is even on the McDonald's menu there.

South Pacific Army Meat. It's an acronym.

I hope the skies clear for you.

3973. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2007 11:18:56 PM

3968. wonkers2, you think SPAM is delicious?
Ick. I bought some for my kid, because he wanted to see what is was, and even he wouldn't eat it.
It must be an aquired taste.

3974. wonkers2 - 3/4/2007 12:52:19 AM

Perhaps. I acquired as a kid during WWII. Haven't had any for a while because my spouse is down on processed foods. The delicacy suffers from widespread prejudice such as the scorn heaped on it by Judith and, of course, is the source of the name for unwanted email.

3975. Ulgine Barrows - 3/4/2007 1:04:38 AM

well...life is short.
I think you should get yourself some SPAM meat, to remind you of childhood.
To heck with that Judith! We are talking childhood memories, here!

Let me misspel something here, so Judith will show up, and correct it all.

3976. judithathome - 3/4/2007 6:10:58 AM

Spam is a staple in Hawaii and I endure it because my husband is Hawaiian...it's not like having it a few times a year is going to kill us.

To tell you the truth, I would eat anything disgusting my husband liked because he is a gem of a man in my eyes and while that doesn't include menudo (Mexican tripe soup), it covers anything in Hawaii they love, like poi and sei moi (salted, dried plums).

He hates Mexican food but he will take me to a Mexican restaurant because he knows I like it...so it is little enough sacrifice for me to eat Spam twice a year.

3977. judithathome - 3/4/2007 6:12:29 AM

Let me misspel something here, so Judith will show up, and correct it all.

Don't be snide...you know I only correct myself.

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