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4090. jexster - 3/9/2008 7:08:32 PM

Phaelopsolises (sp)! Pretty...

4091. jexster - 3/9/2008 11:28:39 PM

Yo T'filled

My doc said that the CRF was in an early stage but that I should be alert to "signs of decomposition". I didn't think to ask but what..loss of appetite? severe loss of energy?

Hope I've not recalled painful memories but am trying to make this as grace filled a passage as possible

4092. Magoseph - 3/10/2008 12:06:07 AM


Here. Jex.

4093. jexster - 3/10/2008 1:33:24 AM

Merci mago..and again...sooorrrryy

4094. jexster - 3/10/2008 1:40:37 AM

Now I understand how important that damned fluid therapy is ...I nailed it yesterday but he now knows what it means when I put the chair by the door and hang the IV contraption from a hanger...

Great to know that they're not suffering much at all until the very end ....yuk..but kinda ready for that

4095. judithathome - 3/10/2008 6:35:52 AM

Something to keep in mind:

Think Twice Before Asking For Lemon In Your Drink

4096. thoughtful - 3/11/2008 3:49:52 PM

Our cat got more lethargic was reluctant to eat and started losing weight. She huddled close to the wood stove trying to stay warm. We got reluctant to touch her except most gently on the head as anything else seemed to cause her pain. Finally she looked at ius and we knew it was time. Her sad eyes just begged us to do something. So we took her to the vets and had her put to sleep. It was a most gentle and peaceful and humane process...so much so that i cursed the powers that be that prevented us from doing the same for my SIL when she was in such agony suffering terminal lung cancer. It probably only ended the suffering for a day or so but when someone you love is hurting, every minute counts.

4097. thoughtful - 3/11/2008 3:58:29 PM

The other thing is we did not go through what you are w regard to fluid replacement. She was already 18 and had lived a good life. There was no point in postponing the inevitable. Of course that is an individual thing. She was first diagnosed with kidney issues when she was 13 and she seemed to do quite well for years with no seeming issue. The only thing we did for her at that point was to put her on science diet kd (kidney diet) which i believe is low protein which helps protect the kidneys.

4098. thoughtful - 3/12/2008 7:19:50 PM

Time to make corned beef and cabbage. I enjoy it and often wonder why I don't make it more often...somehow I need st. pat's day to remind me...

4099. jexster - 3/12/2008 8:59:15 PM


Sonny is 19plus!!! Be 20 in October if he makes it

The fluid therapy is designed to slow the progress of the disease and relieve discomfort

It is more palliative than anything else. I was having REAL trouble getting the line in ...the first 3-4 treatments were disasters. Water everywhere but in the cat. And this was having an effect - rapid dehydration and sudden loss of apetite

I called the doc and he told me to buck it up ..it is too important that I not be squeamish. We're now going on 1/day for a few days

Then miracle of miracles, yesterday and again this AM total sucess.

He doesn't much like it but at least he's got the strength to fight to get away! I suspect he'll adapt. My brother used to give his cat daily insulin shots..eventually he'd jump up on the chair to get them

4100. jexster - 3/12/2008 9:00:47 PM

We got reluctant to touch her except most gently on the head as anything else seemed to cause her pain. Finally she looked at ius and we knew it was time. Her sad eyes just begged us to do something.

I have had cats die but never put one down

My sis in law has done 3 and THAT IS EXACTLY what she says...

They tell you when it is time

4101. jexster - 3/12/2008 9:09:07 PM

Doing some research..UC Davis has developed dialysis for dogs and cats...this to bridge until a suitable kidney can be found for transplant

Too many people have too much money in this country

4102. jexster - 3/12/2008 9:54:52 PM

T'filled ..from my brother

    I'll send Elise out there. The cats call her Dr.Kevorkian.

    I'm telling you, that note is absolutely right. The cat looks at you and tells you, "hey, can't you do something about this?".

4103. thoughtful - 3/12/2008 10:29:15 PM

Yup, Jex, that's how it is...some how they know how to communicate when they're ready...if we're willing to see it.

A friend of mine waited too long and the cat died before they got him to the vets. It was because he's so emotional and couldn't bear to lose the cat. But as I explained to him, it's not about losing the cat which is going to happen anyway, it's about loving the cat enough to let him go when HE's ready, not when YOU're ready.

So just keep your eyes open and be receptive to what the cat has to say and you'll know when it's time.

Never easy to lose a pet, but much easier to lose them than to watch them suffer.

4104. thoughtful - 3/12/2008 10:33:13 PM

j@h, re the lemon. eh.

Ever watch mythbusters? They did an experiment testing the myth that the water spray from flushing toilets makes uncovered toothbrushes more vulnerable to contamination from bacteria from human waste than toothbrushes stored elsewhere. One of the fellows, as a control, took out a brand new toothbrush and left it upright in a cup on his desk...never used it, never touched it, never got it near the bathroom. Guess what...it was as contaminated with feces bacteria as the one parked in the bathroom.

It's everywhere. We can't get away from it.
As the bumper sticker says, sh*t happens.

4105. judithathome - 3/13/2008 4:01:01 PM

Oh, I know...we're literally breathing it in every day.

I just thought it was intersting since so many people...I'm thinking mostly of my cousin...try to act all superior asking for water with lemon rather than having a diet coke like they really want. Ha!

4106. thoughtful - 3/17/2008 6:26:06 PM

speaking of 'feces' happens, mystery solved thanks to the internet.

Hubby noticed a pile of scat near our bird feeders...too big for cat...almost the size made by a small to mid-sized dog and looked like dog too, except that it had seeds in it. Over the next several days, we kept finding more and more. Odd too in that it's very close to the building foundation. Yesterday we counted over 10 of them, all in the same area.

So I hopped on the internet and found this:


We haven't had raccoons in our are in any numbers for quite a few years as we had a lot of rabies which kind of decimated them. Apparently, they're making it back.

4107. robertjayb - 3/17/2008 10:31:38 PM

Your visitor has established a latrine and will probably return. A livetrap baited with fried bacon and marshmallows may work to capture the critter. Be sure all possible trap exits are secured. They are amazing escape artists.

Or you could stand guard with a shotgun.

4108. jexster - 3/17/2008 10:37:55 PM

Robert will be dismayed to learn that today I administered 100 cc latase solution to my aged cat; didn't spill a drop, and he didn't try to escape (too much)

Coat improving
water intake down
Appetite back to normal

Texas back to Mexico

4109. robertjayb - 3/17/2008 10:56:49 PM

jexster, you are just a regular fucking francis of assisi.

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