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The Good Life

Host: arkymalarky

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4201. arkymalarky - 5/14/2008 3:34:28 PM


That's the size of my house, which is more than.enough when it's time to clean. We have a two-story, which looked tiny when it was just the foundation. No basement--they're rare here due to moisture. I wish we had one or a storm/root cellar.

4202. thoughtful - 5/14/2008 4:02:30 PM

Yeah, especially this year! You sure it's not all the politicians running around causing all that wind???

4203. alistairconnor - 5/14/2008 5:14:10 PM

Not wishing to anthropomorphise excessively, but our dear delinquent cat Cookie committed suicide today.

Jumped out of the window, 6th floor.

He's been messing with open windows ever since it's been warm enough to open them. Obviously had no idea of the danger, and a strong instinct to run outside and play. So unfair for a young cat, condemned to apartment life.

There will be much grief this evening. And some sort of burial ceremony, I suspect. I think we'll have to smuggle him into the park and do a clandestine internment.

4204. thoughtful - 5/14/2008 6:35:18 PM

Oh that's so sad. I'm sorry to hear that.
It is not uncommon though.
Apparently cats falling from higher heights are less likely to die from the fall.

See High Rise Syndrome

4205. judithathome - 5/15/2008 4:07:43 AM

So sorry, Alistair.

4206. jexster - 5/15/2008 7:58:14 PM

Meet your match

ASPCA develops cat personality test

4207. wonkers2 - 5/15/2008 10:45:22 PM

Thoughtful, your basement looks like a good tornado shelter, maybe even a good bomb shelter.

4208. thoughtful - 5/16/2008 1:30:45 PM

Yeah, wonks except for the fact that it's completely open on one side. Clearly though, we'll have a great place to go for when a tornado hits. Fortunately, they're rare in our area. Many years back, tho, we did have an F-4 cut a 40+ mile long, mile wide swath through the middle of massachusetts. Considered one of the deadliest. 94 dead, 1300 injured. Yikes!

4209. thoughtful - 5/19/2008 2:14:20 PM

Phew. We were doing battle with our architect about insulating the basement floor and it looked like we had reached an impasse. So this a.m. I called ownes-corning and found out they do have a product that satisfies him and us. Phew.

Now we can get the house project moving forward again.
Last week they did the waterproofing, insulating and the curtain draining. We're on our way!

4210. jexster - 6/4/2008 5:00:54 PM

Cat Haiku

You never feed me.
Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
That will show you.

You must scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail! Behold,
elevator butt.

I need a new toy.
Tail of black dog keeps good time.
Pounce! good dog! good dog!

The rule for today.
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.

In deep sleep hear sound
Cat vomit hairball somewhere.
Will find in morning.

Grace personified
I leap into the window
I meant to do that

Blur of motion, then-
Silence, me, a paper bag
What is so funny?

The mighty hunter
Returns with gifts of plump birds
Your foot just squashed one.

You're always typing
Well, let's see you ignore my
Sitting on your hands.

My small cardboard box
You cannot see me if I
Can just hide my head.

Terrible battle
I fought for hours. Come and see!
What's a "term paper"?

Kitty likes plastic
Confuses for litter box
Don't leave tarp around

Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner

Want to trim my claws
Don't even think about it!
My yelps will wake the dead

I want to be close
To you. Can I fit my head
inside your armpit?

Wanna go outside.
Oh, no! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!

Oh no! Big One
has been trapped by newspaper.
Cat to the rescue!

Humans are so strange.
Mine lies still in the bed, then screams!
My claws aren't that sharp....

Cats meow out of angst
"Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much"

Litter box not there
You must have moved it again
I'll crap in the sink

The Big Ones snore now
Every room is dark and cold
time for "Cup Hockey"

We're almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt.

4211. jexster - 6/4/2008 5:05:24 PM


A friend of a roommate once left his cat with us..kitten really.

Same thing

6th floor. Tried leaping from sill to sill. Really sad

4212. thoughtful - 6/4/2008 6:11:40 PM

Love the cat haiku!

4213. wonkers2 - 6/5/2008 12:58:12 AM

Yeah. Who wrote it?

4214. thoughtful - 6/6/2008 3:24:03 PM

i found it on line...apparently written by various employees at microsoft.

4215. wonkers2 - 6/6/2008 3:43:38 PM

T'ful, how's the house coming? Any recent pics?

4216. thoughtful - 6/6/2008 4:46:35 PM

it's coming...i'll have to upload them, maybe this weekend.

They cut down the 2 dead trees in the front, they backfilled the foundation and are putting in the piping and such needed under the basement floor in case of radon. Hopefully within a week or so the framers should start...at which point it will really start to look like a house!

4217. thoughtful - 6/7/2008 9:49:23 PM

Thoughtful house update...

Water proofing and insulation added to the exterior of the foundation and curtain draining covered with crushed rock added to make sure we have a very dry basement.

4218. thoughtful - 6/7/2008 9:50:30 PM

We're spending a lot of time and money underground. Hubby worked with an architect many years ago who always said, put your money underground. You can always repaint or add shutters, but you're not going to dig the whole house up again.

4219. thoughtful - 6/7/2008 9:53:00 PM

Finally the town trucks show up to remove the two dead maples in front of the house. They were supposed to do it back in Nov before we even started, but better late than never. Certainly better than once the framing was up...lest they dropped a tree on the new house!

4220. thoughtful - 6/7/2008 9:55:07 PM

Those trees were huge. A woman stopped by the place back in the 1960s. She said she was born there and had just turned 100. She said the trees were huge even when she was a little girl.

But everything has a lifespan. I notice a number of very old maples in our neighborhood that have also been taken down recently...looked to be about the same vintage...mostly dead.

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The Good Life

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