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4441. jexster - 11/16/2008 1:25:07 AM

more animals

4442. wabbit - 11/20/2008 2:35:50 AM

Ah, jexster, I see you are also a fan of I Can Has Cheezburger?!!

If you must have a Roomba, you may as well have one that is color-coordinated with your cat.

4443. arkymalarky - 11/23/2008 8:42:43 PM

I never do home shopping, but Mose lost her Magic Bullet in transit and has been wanting another, so I saw an infomercial on SRI and ordered "two for the price of one" because it's the only place I'd saeen one and that was the deal. I thought I's NEVER get off the phone and of course S&H was the big catch in that deal.

But I caught another infomercial this morning on the H2O mop and I want one. Anyone know anything about them? I didn't call, but if I could buy one in a store and knew it worked, I'd love to get one.

4444. judithathome - 11/23/2008 11:22:21 PM

Check out these reviews on the H20 mop and think about buying a cat, instead.

4445. arkymalarky - 11/23/2008 11:37:15 PM

Thanks Judith! Allergic to cats, so I'll have to keep looking for the one perfect cleaning tool--so it can sit in the pantry unused and I can throw the other unused ones away.

4446. arkymalarky - 11/24/2008 12:02:37 AM

Love that link! Won't get the mop, but glad I got the Magic Bullet after reading comments. I paid a total including shipping of $140 for two, with the blender and juicer and glasses.

4447. judithathome - 11/24/2008 12:14:24 AM

I have no idea what a Magic Bullet is but we bought a VitaMix several years ago and use it every single day...it can turn entire apples into juice in seconds (peel, seeds, and all) and even grind grain into flour.

We paid $300 for it and Keoni swore we'd regret it but guess who uses it daily for smoothies?

4448. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/24/2008 12:35:05 AM

That cat is hysterical--thanks wabb, it made my day!

4449. wabbit - 11/24/2008 2:53:30 AM

Isn't that sweet? I rehabbed a deaf kitten years ago that loved riding on the front of an upright vacuum cleaner. She was such a cutie.

We lost two cats to coyotes this year. One was my very special kitteh Sophia. I still look behind the stone wall and expect to see her stalking the small fur creatures.

The remaining three cats all go outside, but two don't go more than about ten feet from the house. They'll walk all around the perimeter of the house on their own, but they'll only venture farther away when I'm out walking with them. The third was a street cat and has more courage about wandering a bit further afield.

4450. wabbit - 11/24/2008 2:54:37 AM

Arky, my sister swears by her Magic Bullet. I bought one for my niece, who swears by it. It's the perfect size for two people.

4451. arkymalarky - 11/24/2008 3:12:54 AM

Mose loved hers and lost it last time she moved, so I was tickled to be able to get two.

It's so hard to protect cats, especially if there are wild animals around. We're going to lose Hobo to a car. He chases them and I don't know how to stop him short of a shock collar, and that's still iffy. We can't get an invisible fence and Bob hates to pen him up.

4452. wabbit - 11/24/2008 3:41:35 AM

We have five acres with conservation property on two sides. There is a pond behind us. We have a few deer and turkeys, and it's perfect territory for coyotes. This past summer I managed to get a few seconds of video of one who was under the deck on the back of house. I figure he was after the hen. By the time I started the camera, he had seen me and moved down the yard, but never went behind the stone wall, which is where I think he grabbed the two cats.

Sophia is laying in the opening in the stone wall. The coyote never bothered to go back through that same opening — he wandered off to the right in no great haste.

btw, the hen, Lucille, is still with us.

4453. arkymalarky - 11/24/2008 3:56:28 AM

Wow. Neat shot. The dogs keep them at bay here, so to speak, but they howl right at the edges of the yard, especially on cold moonlit nights. Mose hated it, but Bob and I love it.

4454. thoughtful - 11/24/2008 4:09:36 PM

house update:

Progress is so slow now, and the siding isn't all on yet and winter is setting in...most frustrating. Still the outlines of what is to be are becoming clearer. Stonework is going up on the front of the house. Solar panels are installed and generating power as we speak...only thing is, the power still has no place to go. Electrician working on hooking us up to the grid this week, hopefully.

4455. thoughtful - 11/24/2008 4:12:28 PM

I'm most pleased with these garage doors for the jeep garage. Yup boys and girls, this is a regular lift type garage door, only it looks like french doors with frosted glass...how cool is that. Architect fought me tooth and nail on these, but I insisted. He has since given me kudos for my choice.

4456. thoughtful - 11/24/2008 4:23:22 PM

We've seen coyote at our new house, heard them howling in the middle of the night at our current house and even seen them wandering across the drive at work. With so many turkey around, they're bound to follow. While I'm not happy that they go after pets, I sure hope they can help keep the squirrel population down...so many of the freakin' things!

4457. judithathome - 11/24/2008 4:24:52 PM

Those look superb! We are needing a new garage door...ours is bent at the top and I feel every opening will be last.

Right now, my garage door looks like the ones I drive past and make fun of!

4458. thoughtful - 11/24/2008 4:33:54 PM

I found them many years ago when christopher lowell featured the lady who invented them on one of his shows...called french porte. The windows are a durable acrylic, not glass so they're fairly secure, though not overly energy efficient. But they do let a lot of light into the garage which is nice.

4459. wonkers2 - 11/24/2008 5:24:01 PM

You'r gettin' there. Nice!

4460. jexster - 11/25/2008 12:03:19 AM

Sasha does same..have all but given up on printing

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