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The Good Life

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4506. wonkers2 - 12/7/2008 9:36:00 PM

This Chinook Salmon was too heavy for my son to hold out very far in front of him as I instructed. Eric with Chinook

4507. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/7/2008 11:23:49 PM


J@H- Have no idea or agenda, Judith. His former girlfriend contacted me in the hope that he might (and maybe get back with him, I think). So I wrote a letter to the girlfriend to show to Tim--he doesn't have a phone and lives with his adoption-mother, an agoraphobic with COPD and not keen on me or their biological mother contacting them. And I should add that the twins didn't learn that they were adopted until their eighteenth birthdays--and that was because Kim inadvertently asked as a joke and the mother broke down in tears, finally admitting it. I let him know that he is welcomed to contact me anytime, on his terms. However, in talking to the former girlfriend and my daughter, I've become aware of some troublesome behaviors that could only be understood if you knew more about their situation and how they were raised. Not being aware of their existence, I wasn't around for them, so I'm not one to judge--sufficed to say, there are issues that are profoundly complex with adopted kids--especially twins.

Jen-Which mother?

wonk- I'm not a fisherman but I am a fish-eater and how I morn for all of the fresh seafood I've missed!

This is as close as you'll get to a picture of my present stomach . . .

4508. wonkers2 - 12/8/2008 12:13:59 AM

We need to see you in a speedo for a valid comparison!

4509. wonkers2 - 12/8/2008 12:22:28 AM

Yours truly circa 1940 with my father's fishing partner, Paul Kramer and barracuda? or mackerel? wonkers, c. 1940, Aruba.

4510. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/8/2008 12:34:54 AM

I haven't been in speedos since my lifeguard days. But I still have a buddy (my age) who still wears them on the beach for the sake of being gaped at and ridiculed. He thrives on it.

Wow, what a great set of pictures for comparing time. fish and progeny. Thanks for sharing, wonk.

4511. wonkers2 - 12/8/2008 5:10:49 AM

Judging from the pics, maybe you should do a little DNA testing, Wiz. :-)

4512. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/8/2008 7:41:33 AM

Well if you're going to go by photos, I wouldn't wear shorts with those knees of yours! ;->

4513. wonkers2 - 12/8/2008 5:51:37 PM


4514. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/8/2008 7:14:50 PM


4515. wabbit - 12/9/2008 4:55:35 PM

WoW, yours is my favorite holiday story! And it's real!

I can see you in both of them, but I was really struck by Kim's resemblance in the first photo.

Also, your wife rules!

4516. wabbit - 12/9/2008 6:01:45 PM

I swear I'm a jinx. Two days after I posted this Message # 4452, the hen was gone. I can only think that the coyotes finally got her. They've gotten two cats and two hens this year.

Our first snow fell the other day. This is that same gap in the stone wall in the backyard.

4517. thoughtful - 12/9/2008 6:10:30 PM

Very pretty

4518. thoughtful - 12/9/2008 6:22:50 PM

Happy December...this is the view outside my office...this time of year i get to enjoy some fabulous sunsets.

4519. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/9/2008 9:24:26 PM

Wow wabb, this is downright spooky,

I came upon an old monotype that I thought , might be good for a Christmas card, but then, on more reflection, I thought it wasn't winterish enough. So then I thought about doing a winter version of it, but then decided that I didn't have the time or an idea of how it might look in winter--so I chose another.

Had I seen your winterscape early enough, I would have used it as a guide because it has the same visual elements and proportions. Do you see it? [Of course you do.]

4520. wabbit - 12/9/2008 10:27:24 PM

Oooh, I don't remember seeing that one, it looks like a cool November morning. Beautiful!

I think we share an eye!

4521. wabbit - 12/9/2008 10:28:18 PM

Thoughtful, when are you going to put your calendar out? Your photos are wonderful.

4522. thoughtful - 12/9/2008 10:41:55 PM

Sorry wabbit, no calendar this year...our life has revolved around house building so i've had little time for picture taking...but thanks for the compliment.

4523. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/11/2008 4:57:04 AM

Will one of the nation's greatest musicians be noticed in a D.C. Metro stop during rush hour? Violinist Joshua Bell experimented for Gene Weingarten's Sunday Magazine story in The Washington Post.

"Unframed Art"

The guy in the subway station, wearing jeans, shirt and cap, relaxes against the wall near the entrance, gets the violin out of the box and starts playing with enthusiasm to the crowd that passes through there, and in morning rush hour. During the 45 minutes that he played he was virtually ignored by bystanders, nobody knew, but the musician was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest violinists in the world, performing tunes in an instrument, a Stradivarius of 1713, estimated at more than 3 million dollars.

A few days before Bell had played at Symphony Hall in Boston, where the best seats cost a trifle of 1000 dollars.

The experience, recorded on video, shows men and women to walk
small, cup of coffee in hand, cellphone in your ear, badge
Balancing on his neck, indifferent to the sound of the violin. The initiative performed by The Washington Post newspaper was to launch a debate on value, context and art.

The conclusion: we used to give value to things when they're in a context.

Bell was a work of art without frame. An artifact of luxury without tag for the Virtual. Only a woman recognized the music ...

4524. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/11/2008 5:01:00 AM

Incidentally, don't pass up Gene Weingarten's linke WP piece above, it's interesting for anyone who believes in art & life.

4525. magoseph - 12/14/2008 3:09:22 PM

Determined Squirrel

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