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Host: jayackroyd

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46290. arkymalarky - 3/21/2016 4:48:40 AM

I'm kind of enjoying watching them pee themselves and spend their own money at the moment.

46291. Ms. No - 3/21/2016 8:49:29 PM


I'd be in favor of them pooling resources to debunk all of the Koch-funded propaganda, but I doubt that would really do the trick. An enormous number of people who believe that offal don't care about the facts.

I mean, anyone who seriously entertains the idea that climate change is a liberal conspiracy is a fucking idiot and probably can't be cured by anything short of an act of god.

46292. judithathome - 3/21/2016 11:46:48 PM

I'm so effing sick of the "electorate" today that I think we're going to be screwed no matter what...the fact that people keep voting IN slugs like Mitch McConnell to "represent" them speaks volumes.

I can almost guarantee Trump is going to be the nominee of the "people" that the Republican Party has done its' utmost to "procure"....a totally ignorant blowhard who has no idea what "government" is about.

The Republican Party has created this "Golem"....and the ignorant Republican "masses" have bought into it hook, line, and sinker. The only problem being: they have no control whatsoever over what this monster says and does...

I seriously hope the public wakes up to the fact that their "hero" has not only feet of clay but an entire body of it.

46293. jayackroyd - 3/22/2016 10:20:51 PM

Is this thing still on? Members of Swampland, TIMEs political commentary forum has just done to their users what Slate did to Fraysters. Would you be interested in my inviting them to check out this interface as a replacement?

46294. arkymalarky - 3/22/2016 10:41:42 PM

Jay!!! How have you been?
I would! Just in time for election season. Though unfortunately the mote's been really unstable for the last few days. Hopefully that will get resolved soon.

46295. arkymalarky - 3/22/2016 10:44:49 PM

This tendency of the GOP Presidential candidates (and Fox News, and certain others *Giuliani*) to suggest that anyhing that happens the president needs to drop everything and Rush home and huddle in the Situation Room annoys the crap out of me.

46296. jayackroyd - 3/22/2016 10:45:17 PM

Busy. Nice to see my name still in lights...

Did you happen to listen to any of the clown car chronicles thing I did with digby?


46297. arkymalarky - 3/22/2016 10:47:13 PM

No, but I'll check it out! Thanks for the link!

46298. judithathome - 3/22/2016 11:32:53 PM

All I got was Google links to several sites and didn't really know what I was looking for...??

46299. arkymalarky - 3/23/2016 12:00:43 AM

Jay's got a regular blog, so there are a lot of links, but this is the one I'm listening to:


46300. Ms. No - 3/23/2016 3:47:55 AM

Hiya Jay!

Yeah, bring the neighbors!

46301. arkymalarky - 3/23/2016 5:41:26 PM

Interesting, hearing Jay's very interesting conversation with Digby yesterday, then seeing the election results last night, to consider what will play out in Cleveland if Trump doesn't get the required number before then. I'll be surprised if the delegates move to cruz. I think that's why Kasich is still in.

46302. arkymalarky - 3/23/2016 7:23:22 PM

Just now saw Abbey Huntsman made the walk of shame to Fox. I don't keep up very well.

46303. Ms. No - 3/23/2016 11:52:54 PM


Yeah, I've been saying for weeks that Kasich is holding on because he knows he's more palatable to the establishment than Trump. He doesn't have to win the votes, he just has to outlast Cruz.

Whether the party would get away with taking a fairly won nomination away from Trump or not is seriously in doubt, but I have a feeling they'd be much more likely to take the risk for Kasich than for Cruz.

46304. arkymalarky - 3/24/2016 2:20:41 AM

Their little cogs are turning, but the Establishment's options are limited and they risk losing the Senate almost any way they choose to go. Their franken-tea creation is out of control and has turned on them. All I know is that I'm blocking off all my appointments for their convention and stocking up on popcorn.

46305. iiibbb - 3/24/2016 7:13:07 PM

I wish I could enjoy it,

46306. iiibbb - 3/24/2016 7:17:52 PM

I wish I could enjoy it,

46307. arkymalarky - 3/25/2016 12:29:56 AM

Might as well. My dad said he hoped to live to see Hilary president, and I said--or die before Trump or Cruz is?

Everyone's jockeying for position and sending out their signals, which is funny until it's not: Trump to his base--you know you want my wife to be first lady and I'll protect you from everything scary (i.e. Different) while making you feel big and bad; Cruz--the Establishment can't take this away from the People and I'll defend fundamentalist Christianity at all costs; Kasich--I'm ready when the Establishment sees they have no choice but to hand it to me, so I will consistantly show I'm the only sane grownup in the room.

And through all of this Obama is in a stare-down with Mitch McConnell, daring him to risk losing the Senate over the SC nominee and having a legacy of blame that will last a long time. Even if they lose it anyway, he'll get the blame if he continues down that path.

I've also noted tom cotton peeking out from his rock and I wonder what that's about.

46308. iiibbb - 3/25/2016 6:47:01 PM

I don't enjoy it because I find current conditions to be indicative of a trajectory for this country that is depressing. I am rooting for Hillary (or Sanders), but I know that even if they are elected it's still going to be a long haul before our country starts acting sane again.

Even on the Democratic side there are problems with people that don't know what compromise means and don't understand governance.

46309. arkymalarky - 3/26/2016 4:51:59 AM

Yeah, but you have to Lance the wound and look at a lot of pus before you start to heal. And two of the biggest pustules I've ever seen in politics are Trump and Cruz.

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