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46314. arkymalarky - 3/27/2016 1:12:30 AM

I don't really care for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and I don't feel like the Democratic party has done enough to mobilize on the local and state level and take advantage of the presidential election season

46315. winstonsmith - 3/27/2016 1:19:50 AM

Arky, I hope you are right. In any case, I think I need to let go to a degree and recognize that I have little control over how this will play out.

46316. arkymalarky - 3/27/2016 1:27:11 AM

Yeah, a lot of my friends and family are the same way, and anything can happen in any election. But I go back to 2008 and seeing what was going on and really believing that this country would not elect a black man as president. I really think for people like me who live in red States, and for a number of my friends who live in very white red states, their view of people's opinions can be very depressing.

46317. winstonsmith - 3/27/2016 2:11:00 AM

I live in Portland Oregon which is one of the whitest and most liberal places in the US. Bernie was here yesterday and he would have been interesting to see but I would have had to wait in line for hours. He is a rock star in Portland. Most of my friends have negative and unrealistic views of Hillary. They mostly love Obama though. This is truly a little bubble here.

46318. iiibbb - 3/27/2016 2:57:22 AM

Obama is the best president of my lifetime.

I really think Hillary made the best use of her time since 2008. I've never liked her much, but there is no denying her qualifications at this point.

Purity kills parties. I'm actually more disgusted by progressive even entertaining 4 years of Trump as "punishment" to the unpure than I am Cruz or Trump because they are simply acting within their nature... It's like being mad at a scorpion... Progressives willing to throw at risk demographics under the bus while claiming Hillary = Trump and not recognizing the long game even when it is pointed out... It's depressing and infuriating.

46319. winstonsmith - 3/27/2016 3:25:45 AM

iiibbb, yeah, it reminds me of when my Nader-supporting friends would tell me that there was no difference between Gore and Bush. That election had grave consequences.

46320. iiibbb - 3/27/2016 4:38:50 AM

I give Nader voters a bit of a pass. They probably couldn't have predicted how bad Bush would be. I won't give protest votes a pass this time. In many ways progressive causes are more vulnerable than they were 16 years ago. There's much more at stake now. I shudder to think about this Republican party masters of all braches of government.

46321. arkymalarky - 3/27/2016 5:27:22 AM

There aren't that many purists in either party. Stan thinks that it may be a real possibility that the GOP will break into two candidates and Hillary will not break 50%, so the House will decide. There are really all kinds of ways people csn scare themselves with this crazy election, but I still think Occam's razor suggests that Hillary Clinton is going to get it. Trump can't even break 50% and is the Republican Party, and Cruz has been doing worse than that.

And I absolutely agree with 3i. In fact I was just thinking that today. Obama is the best president in my lifetime. And I was born in 1959, so I include Kennedy in that.

46322. iiibbb - 3/27/2016 5:28:04 PM

One poll sayes 30 of Sanders supporters won't vote Hillary under any circumstances. Shit human beings as bad as any Trump supporter IMHO, and in some ways worse.

46323. arkymalarky - 3/27/2016 5:53:57 PM

Bernie Sanders has won a lot of sway at the convention with the platform etcetera etcetera, and when he and Obama get out there it's going to change the whole dynamic. What I really do wonder, is how Trump supporters will vote if he doesn't get the nomination. And more and more people are wondering what's going to happen at the convention, and making gallows jokes about how they feel about their guns and the violence that occurred at Rallies, it could get really ugly. I'm always stressed about elections, but if I were Republican I would be Beyond panic.

46324. winstonsmith - 3/28/2016 4:44:13 AM

More and more I think Sanders could be an asset to Clinton's campaign in the general election. He brings a significant amount of enthusiasm and is raising huge amounts of money. I hope she is considering him for VP.

I realize it woul be unorthodox to choose someone on the far left but this is not a normal year. If the GOP nominee is Trump, I think she could get away with it.

46325. winstonsmith - 3/28/2016 4:52:16 AM

BTW, I know this is off topic but where is The Mote hosted? It seems to be having trouble.

46326. arkymalarky - 3/28/2016 1:58:03 PM

NZ. Alistair is in France, and it seems like a server issue, so....

46327. judithathome - 3/29/2016 12:44:54 AM

Hillary gave a great speech today in Madison, WI...hard to believe someone like Trump/Cruz is getting most of the air time when she can deliver such a great sppech and get one-third the air time those two receive....

46328. judithathome - 3/29/2016 12:45:28 AM


46329. judithathome - 3/30/2016 11:51:26 PM

So, Trump decides women who have abortions need to be "punished"...

Welcome to 1984.

"The tyranny is epitomised by Big Brother, the Party leader who enjoys an intense cult of personality but who may not even exist. The Party "seeks power entirely for its own sake. It is not interested in the good of others; it is interested solely in power."

46330. iiibbb - 3/31/2016 4:42:14 PM

I'm not convinced that Trump doesn't want to be president... he just wants to say he could've been president.

46331. iiibbb - 3/31/2016 4:44:01 PM

Whatever happened to Jexter? I don't miss him exactly... but this place is slow with only 5-10 of us... of course I really like the 5-9 of you that are here.

46332. arkymalarky - 3/31/2016 6:55:58 PM

Jex just wouldn't comply with any requests whatsoever, and finally got the boot. When he did that made some people mad and They left. It's really time consuming, but also instructive and interesting to look back in the archives and see how he became what we were and morphed into what we are.

46333. arkymalarky - 3/31/2016 6:56:51 PM

Haha! and with that post the April fools banners! Yeah!!

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