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46454. judithathome - 7/26/2016 1:05:02 PM

Well, a lot of BernieBots behaved like idiots...interviews with a couple of delegates afterward...one very young...showed Bernie may have made acolytes of them but he failed to educate them all on the basics.

This young delegate said Bernie was DISSED at this convention by Hillary people in charge of it. Know why? Because he spoke LAST. :-(

46455. vonKreedon - 7/26/2016 5:52:29 PM

Day one of the DNC was a tour de force on how to handle divisions. The Dems repeatedly confronted the divisions head on with humor, passion, and reason. At the beginning of the day the boos of the Berners were loud and regular; by the end of the day they were inaudible, such as they were, above the continuous roar in support of the Dem platform and nominee. Really good optics. The speakers, one after the other, were top notch and on point. Really good day.

46456. arkymalarky - 7/27/2016 5:30:58 AM

The GOP needs to answer for the danger it has put the world in with their nomination of Donald Trump. Fox coverage of the democratic convention has been pathetic. Sad how desperate they are trying to shift the tone and spin their propaganda. Bill Clinton did great, I've got to say.

46457. arkymalarky - 7/28/2016 5:07:55 AM

Best president since FDR. Awesome.

46458. vonKreedon - 7/28/2016 2:41:10 PM

The Dem convention has been masterful so far.

46459. judithathome - 7/28/2016 5:22:16 PM

How can any Republican be proud of their nominee? Calling for Russia to hack our government? Actully, giving them the okay to do so....and the incentive!

Trump AND his campaign manager Paul Manafort each have business interests in Russia...Trump and his family have been doing business there since 2008 and Manafort has represented clients in business deals for years.

Trump should get in touch with Edward Snowden and ask how he likes the spacious accommodations in Moscow and if there is a walk-up near him that's move-in ready...

46460. vonKreedon - 7/28/2016 10:01:20 PM

Trump's call to Putin to hack and release Hillary's email is one of those apparent gaffs that works for Trump. The Dem's response that this is a threat to national security brings up the Clinton email server issue and gives it relevance.

46461. Trillium - 7/29/2016 1:18:32 PM

Interesting. Hope for the best, but this can't be good

Emergency landing in Russia

Emergency landing in China

46462. judithathome - 7/29/2016 4:31:21 PM

But Russia has now questioned whether the technical glitch was genuine

Why not ask Edward Snowden?

46463. judithathome - 7/30/2016 10:22:28 PM

Just listen to this: THIS Is The Man You Want To Represent America????

46464. judithathome - 7/30/2016 10:31:20 PM

Just listen to this: THIS Is The Man You Want To Represent America????

46465. judithathome - 7/30/2016 10:36:01 PM

Sorry, The Mote is SOOOO out of sync with what I try to post.

I come in here as much as I can but due to "no access" and "site not available"....I have no effing idea what will show up and what won't.

I am about to give up completely...while feeling this won't even POST...oh the irony!

46466. judithathome - 7/30/2016 10:48:09 PM

So thanks so much for all the opporunties I've had to express myself and all the friends...and non-friends-but-still-able-to-comminicate-with...I've made in the past but I am just DONE...at this time in my life, with all going on that I CANNOT control, this is something I can...I'm sick of trying to come in here and not being able to.

There are things in my life that I can control and things I can't...serious things.

So fuck it...I love all you guys and you know who you are...but I am OUT.

46467. iiibbb - 8/1/2016 5:36:09 PM

Tried and tried... I'm at the Atlantic on Discus if anyone wants to find me.... not the Magazine's official board, the other one I gave a link to.

I think highly of all of you.

46468. iiibbb - 8/1/2016 5:38:04 PM

Some good people here, and well moderated.



46469. winstonsmith - 8/4/2016 7:15:19 AM

Well, I have enjoyed coming hear every presidential election and have enjoyed the quality of the discussion and the great people. I hope the site ends up getting moved to a better server so it can go on.

46470. winstonsmith - 8/4/2016 7:15:56 AM


46471. winstonsmith - 8/4/2016 7:15:56 AM


46472. wabbit - 8/11/2016 12:30:39 AM

I have for years avoided the political discussions here, but...

As much as I dislike Facebook, I am there to stay in touch with some friends from college and some far away cousins. Alas, I'm afraid some of them need to be cut loose. I'm *really* tired of hearing about the Donalds's feelings and how he's the only one who can fix things (without a plan or a clue). I really cannot believe the posts going after the Khans for attacking that thin-skinned selfish thoughtless clueless weasel.

Not thrilled with Hillary either, but if that's the choice, it's a bright clear line afaic.

I'm waiting for a trumper to tell me how their guy (what a joke) is going to fix anything. All I get is, well, what about Hillary, she's a bitch, just LOOK at her...seriously?? At least I know the defenders got their Karl Rove letter - keep repeating the lies and they will become true! How about showing me where she has said she wants to overturn the 2nd amendment? Oh, can't do that? Shut up already.

I feel a wee bit better.

46473. winstonsmith - 8/11/2016 2:10:49 AM

Wabbit, yeah, I have a number of friends and relatives that post things like if only people would read this one super enlightening article they would realize how great Trump really is and how he is the only one who can fix things. That, and all the hateful posts about how Hillary is the most evil woman in history. The solution I have come up with is to not block my Trump-loving friends and relatives on Facebook but to mark the source of every link they share to never be seen on my wall again. Over time, this seems to have reduced the crap. I also post much less about political matters on Facebook than I used to. I really do like most of those Facebook friends and don't want to drive them away.

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