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46554. judithathome - 10/6/2016 12:59:50 AM

Mark Halperin

OMG... deliver ME!

46555. judithathome - 10/6/2016 6:33:53 PM

Hysterical comment from a Nevadan kindergartener at a school Trump viisted after lecturing the voters on how pronounce their state's name: he walks into the class and you can hear one little girl saying very loudly "See? I TOLD YOU his hair wasn't ORANGE!"

Love it!!!

46556. winstonsmith - 10/8/2016 5:22:53 AM

Hopefully, the lewd tape won't quite be enough to get Trump to drop out. Dropping out could possibly end up putting someone more electable on the ballot.

46557. winstonsmith - 10/8/2016 5:28:36 AM

Hopefully, the lewd tape won't quite be enough to get Trump to drop out. Dropping out could possibly end up putting someone more electable on the ballot.

46558. judithathome - 10/8/2016 6:52:59 AM

Well, after the Vice Presidential debate, everyone was saying how Presidential Pence looked and how much they were looking forward to 2020...Pence's timeline just may move up 4 years.

46559. winstonsmith - 10/8/2016 7:28:16 AM

Yikes, I hope not Judith. Some people are talking about how it would be harder because early voting has started but I suppose they could argue that those are votes for Pense.

46560. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 8:22:03 AM

I don't think they can bring Ronald Reagan back and he get elected now. It's too late. I don't think Trump will drop out anyway though because he's mad and he's going to try to tear the whole edifice down on Sunday. You could tell that in his "apology" video that he was doing a Slow Burn.

46561. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 8:23:08 AM

Republicans don't even entertained the possibility of winning the presidency. They just hope that they don't lose the House. They are in full-blown panic mode right now.

46562. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 8:24:27 AM

If they put someone like Pence in, or probably anybody but Trump, his supporters will stay home and the Republicans down ballot will have their asses handed to them Nov 8.

46563. winstonsmith - 10/8/2016 7:53:28 PM

Thanks Arky, that all makes sense. I see that more and more Republicans are rescinding their endorsements of Trump and calling for him to step down. Hopefully it will all play out in a way that is maximally damaging to republican down-ballot candidates. We need to at least get the Senate to get good people on the Court.

46564. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 8:05:04 PM

There's a reason Mitch McConnell demanded that Trump give a full clear apology. And he still didn't do it. He might think he did, but he didn't.

46565. Trillium - 10/8/2016 8:08:39 PM

"Republican" and "Democrat" are a thing of the past, divisions from a different era. Sort of like the "Whig Party" from the early 1800s -- those party divisions don't exist anymore, for many current voters.

See this article from the Manchester Guardian, June 2016:
"Is Hillary Clinton a Neocon?

At work I am hearing people who assert that they are "lifelong Democrats" who will vote for Trump. At other locations I hear the opposite: "staunch Republicans" who intend to vote for Clinton.

46566. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 8:24:38 PM

The Democratic party is more united than it's ever been in my life time. I frankly don't know how the Republican party is going to regroup itself without the Tea Party and the alt right.

46567. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 8:45:17 PM

Because of our rule that whoever has the majority of electoral votes wins, there will always be a two party system in this country. There won't be a multi-party system and there will only be brief periods of one party as has been in the past of one-party systems. The Whigs were formed as a response to Andrew Jackson, who himself lost because of the system failure that resulted from having only one party, so they're not a very good example. Surprise surprise.

46568. judithathome - 10/8/2016 9:43:45 PM

There may not be a Republican Party after this year but there will definitely be two parties.

And Arky is correct: as long as there is an Electoral College, there will only be two parties...voting third party is as usless as voting Demorcratic Party in TEXAS...my vote hasn't meant jackshit for 40 years in Texas because majority rules...electoral votes from Texas are Republican, period.

And forget changing the electoral "mapscape"; gerrymandering by the majority Republicans has taken care of THAT.

46569. Trillium - 10/8/2016 10:39:00 PM

Both parties have left the majority of their constituents behind.

What comes out of this in coming weeks is probably going to be different than what has held sway in the past. Party leadership (both Republican and Democrat) may be the last ones to realize that.

Wait a few more weeks and we'll see -- I could always be wrong, but I think the Atlantic Monthly sees the same thing I do here

Why Democrats in Western Pennsylvania Are Voting Trump

A similar article could be written about Republican leadership who are going for Clinton.

46570. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 10:41:27 PM

That article is dated September 13th. Not exactly current.

46571. arkymalarky - 10/8/2016 11:03:44 PM

good source as a reminder though of how strong the Democratic party actually is, considering the Atlantic broke with tradition to endorse Hillary Clinton

46572. arkymalarky - 10/9/2016 1:05:48 AM

This is like a Gilligan's Island episode. Trump is a monkey with a grenade swinging it around and the Republican party is Gilligan trying to persuade him to set it down.

46573. winstonsmith - 10/9/2016 7:15:44 AM

Red State says CNN is working on a story about how the. RNC is pressuring Pense to quit the ticket so Trum will become completely untenable and have to also drop out. Likely just #NeverTrump wishful thinking but the whole thing is surreal.

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