46600. arkymalarky - 10/20/2016 12:40:02 AM I'm not touching it where I live. The kids can't handle it, and it's not worth it to me. 46601. arkymalarky - 10/20/2016 12:42:37 AM And the debates are so totally content free, even if they can have content on one side because Hillary can't get a word in edgewise to actually talk about what people want to talk about. 46602. judithathome - 10/20/2016 1:35:28 AM Well, you guys need to watch tonight because it will be historic...all day long, the cable shows have been "baiting" him with predictions of utter meltdown that will make him sink even lower in the polls...which they refer to as "tanking", "crashing", etc.
I think of it as "must see" TV...like the William F.Buckley/GoreVidal debates and the ones between Kennedy and Nixon...trust me, Trump is going to go into meltdown mode and you will want to see this! 46603. judithathome - 10/20/2016 2:43:19 AM Tomorrows headlines for Trump: "Absolute Fail". 46604. arkymalarky - 10/20/2016 5:47:13 AM Got a bad bronchial infection, can't sleep, but the cnn snap poll looks good. I'll just be glad when this election is over. I've had who I was for and who I was against, but never in my life if I had someone that I just knew would be a disaster for our whole institution if he became president. He may be a disaster for it anyway. Steve Schmidt tearing up last night on the 11th Hour was a very touching thing, and he was so right. 46605. judithathome - 10/20/2016 6:27:28 AM Steve Schmidt tearing up last night on the 11th Hour was a very touching thing, and he was so right
Omg...I saw that and had liked him before but now, I absolutely adore him. He was, prior to this, one of the best Republicans...and one I could STAND...they have lost a great man. 46606. judithathome - 10/20/2016 6:29:17 AM Trump lost this debate at hour 1, minute seven.
From there he went steadily downhill. And his absolute nadir was "Such a nasty woman." 46607. judithathome - 10/20/2016 5:07:01 PM Hillary not only won the debate but she completed her Pantsuit Flag...red the first debate, blue the second, and white last night. Nicely done!
Long may she wave... 46608. Ms. No - 10/20/2016 10:43:01 PM I'm surprised the Trump Campaign hasn't accused her of being French.
My seniors played "Debate Bingo" today. It was pretty cool. (The game, not the debate.)
I'm so ready for this whole thing to be done. I just want it over with so we can get on with the business of running the country.
46609. judithathome - 10/21/2016 5:56:08 PM Well, don't count on much "running" of it unless we get the majority in the either the Senate or the House...preferably both but I doubt it. 46610. Ms. No - 10/21/2016 8:42:42 PM I think the Senate is doable, but we'd have to pick up something like 30 or more seats in the House. Even if we'd just get rid of some of the Tea Party Representatives, things would be a lot less contentious.
Contrary to recent media evidence, there are still reasonable Republicans in the House. So, yeah, a lot of them have been too cowardly to stand up against the radical wing of their party, but I think without that influence, they could step back on the sanity train and work with not only their counterparts in the House, but also with a Democratic president. 46611. judithathome - 10/21/2016 9:28:24 PM I think that's about as possible as the earth crashing into the sun. Tomorrow. 46612. arkymalarky - 10/21/2016 10:27:48 PM The Republican party is unbelievably split, and their focus is going to be dealing with that whether they win or lose the Senate. The alt right wing is not going to give up the influence they feel they gained in this election. And when trump TV get started, it's really going to get interesting. Republicans are going to be in a real bind. And for years now there's no telling what their nomination process is going to look like.. 46613. arkymalarky - 10/21/2016 10:28:24 PM 4 years from now.... 46614. Ms. No - 10/22/2016 9:08:08 AM Trump has the money and celebrity not to ever go away. He can just keep pitching his tantrums and undermining our Democracy for years whether or not he ends up in the White House. You know there are media outlets that will carry his message for ratings alone. 46615. judithathome - 10/22/2016 10:51:17 PM You know there are media outlets that will carry his message for ratings alone
Are you kidding me? He will have his OWN media outlet...this has been his goal all along. 46616. judithathome - 10/22/2016 10:59:19 PM This has been his goal all along...he "ran for office" to test the waters of how much interest he could garner for a new media empire...and he has already run a test on that interest at the last debate...he ran an hour and a half FACEBOOK "show" that night during the debate that had pleas for "donations" on it and garnered 9 million that night...
This whole "Trump For President" has been a scam to get viewers for his new Media Empire. 46617. judithathome - 10/22/2016 11:37:46 PM It will be the NEW FOX network...with Roger Ailes and Steve Bannon...FOX News and Brietbart News mogul...running it.
Trust me...this has been his goal all along and his "run" for President" has frothed up the extreme right and the AltRight to literally THIRST fot it. 46618. judithathome - 10/22/2016 11:39:00 PM mogul(s)...sorry. 46619. Ms. No - 10/23/2016 5:00:46 AM I'm sure it'll be tremendous.