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46614. Ms. No - 10/22/2016 9:08:08 AM

Trump has the money and celebrity not to ever go away. He can just keep pitching his tantrums and undermining our Democracy for years whether or not he ends up in the White House. You know there are media outlets that will carry his message for ratings alone.

46615. judithathome - 10/22/2016 10:51:17 PM

You know there are media outlets that will carry his message for ratings alone

Are you kidding me? He will have his OWN media outlet...this has been his goal all along.

46616. judithathome - 10/22/2016 10:59:19 PM

This has been his goal all along...he "ran for office" to test the waters of how much interest he could garner for a new media empire...and he has already run a test on that interest at the last debate...he ran an hour and a half FACEBOOK "show" that night during the debate that had pleas for "donations" on it and garnered 9 million that night...

This whole "Trump For President" has been a scam to get viewers for his new Media Empire.

46617. judithathome - 10/22/2016 11:37:46 PM

It will be the NEW FOX network...with Roger Ailes and Steve Bannon...FOX News and Brietbart News mogul...running it.

Trust me...this has been his goal all along and his "run" for President" has frothed up the extreme right and the AltRight to literally THIRST fot it.

46618. judithathome - 10/22/2016 11:39:00 PM


46619. Ms. No - 10/23/2016 5:00:46 AM

I'm sure it'll be tremendous.

46620. judithathome - 10/24/2016 1:10:05 AM

Richard Branson's Bizarre Lunch With Donald Trump

Bitter Donald Trump vowed to spend the rest of his life "destroying" five enemies, Sir Richard Branson has claimed.

The Virgin tycoon recalled a "bizarre" encounter he had with the Republican presidential candidate when the pair met for the first time a number of years ago.

In a post on his blog , billionaire Branson revealed how Trump invited him to a one-on-one lunch at his apartment in Manhattan.

The 66-year-old wrote: "Even before the starters arrived he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help.

"He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people.

"He didn’t speak about anything else and I found it very bizarre."

46621. judithathome - 10/24/2016 2:16:21 AM

b Dear Donald Trump,

As New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd puts it, “In Trump’s warped fun-house mirror of a psyche, every rejection is a small death." My ballot arrived in the mail yesterday. Among the other races, I made out my selection for the Electoral College that will ultimately select the President, but I made the selection totally between you and Hillary Clinton. So I just wanted to let you know the following:

Because you admire Vladimir Putin of Russia rather than any American Leader, I give you a little death.

Because you originally were for increasing taxes on the rich to pay down the National Debt and then reversed yourself to Supply-side Tax cuts to the rich, I give you a little death.

Because you played to racists and Neo-Nazis and then did not immediately swear off them given the chance, I give you a little death.

Because you have on tape that you do not respect women at all, and then try to disparage accusers and you obviously had your wife tutored to back you up in a robotic and insincere way, I give you a little death..

Because when accused of lying, your immediate response is to call to ugly to be harassed and threaten to sue them conveniently after the election, I give you a little death..

Because you Still have yet to release your taxes because probably you are not rich and you have not paid taxes, I give you a little death..

Because you have implied that you want to have sex with your daughter, I give you a little death..

Because your sons (except for Baron) appear to think you started from nothing and that racist thoughts are OK, I give you a little death..

Because you think you are fooling everyone with your appearance of an orange raccoon and a bleached possum on your head and I don't want to see that for 4 years, I give you a little death..

Because your speeches are basically yelling all of the time, I give you a little death..

46622. judithathome - 10/24/2016 2:16:55 AM


Because you have denied the voice of the people on November 8, including mine if you don't win,
I give you a little death..

Because your campaign with no ground game or proper use of volunteers is a disaster, I give you a little death..

Because you probably have sundowners and refuse to reveal it, I give you a little death..

Because any world leader could probably get what just by waiting you out 30 minutes, I give you a little death..

Because you are really cash poor, I give you a little death..

Because you have no shame, I give you a little death..

Because you have no decency, I give you a little death..

Because you don't pay your contractors, I give you a little death..

Because you are a LOSER, I give you a big death..

Mr. Trump, I have rejected you as being a leader and have voted for someone else. I have signed my envelope and put it in the mail. I hope you feel it and you are reminded of your loss everywhere you go until the day you die, you whiney little bitch.

46623. judithathome - 10/24/2016 2:19:06 AM

This is from one my favorite posters in my forum, Elvis Bus. He is in local government in his city in the Northwest.

He serves his community so he has a right to bitch.

46624. judithathome - 10/26/2016 11:55:51 PM

Abolutely the BEST political ad of the season...if not for all time: Please Vote For Gerald!

46625. arkymalarky - 10/28/2016 9:37:42 PM

Emails may be Trump's liferaft, but women and his own instability are his sharks, and he can't paddle fast enough.

46626. judithathome - 10/28/2016 11:07:13 PM

Oh, this is rich: FBI Director (Rep.) Is Reopening Investigation Into Clinton (Dem.) Emails.....

Big surprise....

46627. arkymalarky - 10/28/2016 11:17:37 PM

That's what I was posting about. But it's apparently nothing, after the clarifications that were issued at 3 o'clock.

46628. winstonsmith - 10/28/2016 11:20:52 PM

I think reopening the email investigation is a calculated attempt to tighten the race enough to save the Senate for Republicans. I think the Republican party wants Clinton to win but they want her as damaged as possible and without a Senate majority.

46629. judithathome - 10/28/2016 11:29:00 PM

Well, they may just get more than they bargined for...Trump i.e. Putin's new puppet.

46630. judithathome - 10/28/2016 11:40:49 PM

without a Senate majority.

Yeah, because that has worked SOOO well for this country the past 8 years.

Trust me, Paul Ryan, should he survive as Speaker in a Republican Congress, will be announcing the day after the election the very pledge that Mitch McConnel made the day after Obama's election...that they will block every single thing President Hillary Clinton will try to bring forward to benefit this country and the citizens living therein.

And he and they will most certainly carry through on that.

46631. Ms. No - 10/29/2016 6:42:20 PM

Why has no on stepped forward to sue them for dereliction of duty? For Treason? Checks and balances are one thing. Our political process is intentionally somewhat adversarial, but to deny the will of the people is surely something we cannot continue to let our government get away with.

46632. judithathome - 10/29/2016 8:41:25 PM

Well, it's a lead pipe cinch who will be head of the FBI under President Trump...Comey has done his best to insure he still has that job in a week or so.

What. An. Asshole.

46633. arkymalarky - 10/29/2016 8:43:05 PM

What's pissing me off royally is that the networks, especially cable networks, are giving Trump a free platform to spew lies and just let him say anything without even bothering to correct it. They should not be putting him on the air unfiltered when I know he's lying. Comey should be fired. How pathetically partisan and irresponsible.

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