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46727. judithathome - 11/19/2016 10:16:11 PM

Yeah...but you can't "unhear" what you've already heard....

46728. Ms. No - 11/21/2016 2:14:47 AM

Wikipedia on coining term "Alt Right"

Coining of the term
In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right".[30] In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right.[31] The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.[7][32]

And the Anti-Defamation League corroborates the origin of the term:


White supremacist Richard Spencer, who runs the National Policy Institute, a tiny white supremacist think tank, coined the term “Alternative Right” as the name for an online publication that debuted in 2010. The online publication changed hands in 2013 when Spencer shut it down. It was soon re-launched by Colin Liddell and Andy Nowicki, who were former writers for Alternative Right. Spencer went on to found another online journal, Radix. Both Alternative Right and Radix act as forums for racists, anti-Semites and others who identify with the Alt Right.

The term “Alt Right” is not the only term used to describe this movement. Some of its adherents use other, similar phrases, such as the “New Right” and the “Dissident Right.” They all refer to the same race-infused brand of extreme conservatism.

46729. arkymalarky - 11/21/2016 3:38:17 AM

Trillium knows the source of alt right and knows she's lying. That wasn't something that was passed to her as misinformation. She's obviously well aware of the alt right sites and leaders and links them regularly here. I don't know exactly what her purpose is in a forum so small, but it's pretty obvious that that's what she's been doing since she's been here.

46730. Trillium - 11/21/2016 8:31:45 PM

Ms. No, your Wiki link goes to a Wiki page that says "Bad Title" and provides no information. If you can re-post the Wiki page I'm interested to read it.

I read all sorts of sources. And I don't feel the need to "take a bath" or get a priestly dispensation if I read something that is at odds with popular narratives.

46731. Trillium - 11/21/2016 8:33:51 PM

Rude, Arky. No, I'm not "lying" -- although you're projecting.

I'm interested in the truth, and have found that truth is often twisted when people get away with doing that, because they have gotten into a position of unchallenged power and have unbridled egos.

Mr. Pie has a message for you, but you are dodging it. That's your responsibility.

46732. judithathome - 11/21/2016 9:44:18 PM

I hope that percentage of blacks who voted for Trump are happy with his appointment of Jeff Sessions, one of the most racist men in Congress.

46733. arkymalarky - 11/21/2016 9:58:36 PM

No again. You did not and do not think the alt right term came from the Clinton team.

46734. Ms. No - 11/21/2016 11:04:10 PM

Mis-typed the code:

wikipedia link to Alt-Right - take 2

46735. judithathome - 11/22/2016 10:25:44 PM

I saw the Alt-Right orginator giving a truly scary speech on TV just yesterday...Richard Spencer. Complete with an auditorium full of Trump supporters following his lead of giving the Nazi salute and yelling "Heil Tump!"

46736. judithathome - 11/22/2016 10:33:48 PM

Here's the coverage: Alt-Right Salutes Trump

46737. judithathome - 11/22/2016 10:53:41 PM

...At the conference on Saturday, Mr. Spencer, who said he had coined the term, defined the alt-right as a movement with white identity as its core idea.

46738. iiibbb - 11/22/2016 11:31:17 PM

Trump disavows

Two things I'm thinking about this morning.

First, there are obviously numerous Jewish people on my facebook feed. Some of them are obviously gravely concerned about the uptick in stuff like this... and also the "hail Trump" incident.

I think it is very important not to conflate Trump with these NeoNazi whackjobs. Focus on what Trump says and does and keep it to that. Focus on the NeoNazis and keep it to that. Combining them only creates sympathies for Trump and distract from the things Trump is doing to abuse his office.


Second, something needs to be done about the new Yellow Journalism... who would happily conflate the two. Also... the notion that I could make $40K a month making up fake news... arrrg.


Third.... I'm going to get my gun permit renewed.

46739. judithathome - 11/23/2016 12:06:08 AM

I think it is very important not to conflate Trump with these NeoNazi whackjobs

Maybe if he wouild disavow them...even in an early-morning tweet!...and not keep Steve Bannon ON as his closest advisor, we would view him a tad differently.

46740. judithathome - 11/23/2016 12:06:38 AM


46741. iiibbb - 11/23/2016 4:14:33 AM

I think it's a trap.

if one invokes Nazis... "people" think gas chambers.... if there are no gas chambers, the comparison falls flat to "people" who think that Nazis mean gas chambers.

So one has to be careful about invoking Nazis when describing Trump. I'm not saying let Trump do or be who he wants. I am saying one has to be very careful how one frames what's going on. Because "people" don't like civil disobedience, disorder, and revolution; they think it doesn't affect them.

They are wrong of course, but there it is.

46742. judithathome - 11/23/2016 7:36:29 AM

I don't think we need to assume that Nazis only mean gas chambers...there was a hell of a lot more before that was a bit more subtle.

If anyone needs to brush up on it, just sit back and watch the Trump presidency as it "evolves".

46743. iiibbb - 11/23/2016 2:59:28 PM

I'm suggesting to you... people like my mom, and others I know... they do not see the parallels to now and Germany.

Nazis to them mean gas chambers.

Trump may be as bad, but his methods could very well be entirely different. May be entirely economical.

Democrats gotta play this smart.

46744. judithathome - 11/23/2016 10:07:55 PM

Well, if they do, they need to stop listening to those who claim "Everytime you hear the word NAZI, the person who SAYS it loses the argument."

That axiom might have been true at one time but these days? It is patently false.

Just look at the Neo-Nazi (Alt-Right) yahoos who are following Trump...much less the ones who are his closest advisors!

46745. judithathome - 11/23/2016 10:12:39 PM

And by the way...I am probably older than your mom and I see this whole thing very clearly...when you have people saying "Trump Heil!" it is the beginning of the end.

Remember HISTORY? That niggling little thing that keeps track?

46746. iiibbb - 11/23/2016 11:03:16 PM

I respect your opinion obviously.

And know that I am not discounting it. My wife and kids and a whole side of my family is Jewish.

I'm already freaked out about losing my job because this administration is about as anti-environment as you can get.

There's a lot of amplification and suppression of information going on...

In the slightly more optimistic news department... check out the first 3 stories

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