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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 46867 - 46886 out of 47369 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
46867. arkymalarky - 2/12/2017 10:00:54 PM

"the work"= the research

46868. wabbit - 2/14/2017 12:08:07 AM

I really miss HBO's Late Week with John Oliver

46869. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 4:43:02 AM

I wish we got premium channels. We too poor.

46870. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 6:11:12 AM

Well, Flynn jumped, leaving us to wonder if he would have ever been pushed--and what investigations may turn up.

46871. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 6:21:48 AM

The Russian dynamic and alt right support of Putin needs looking into. The message is out there in the rw ether but the origin is unclear as are their greater global aims. The role of Jill Stein deserves a closer look as well.

46872. winstonsmith - 2/14/2017 6:37:34 AM

Arky, I wonder if Flynn was asked to resign. Trump knew he was big trouble, especially since his problems related to Russia, an area where Trump is vulnerable/suspect. It may also be the case that it can be proven that Trump knew all about what Flynn did.

46873. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 7:32:54 AM

I Figure the Flynn-Russia conversations thread is hanging from a very big sweater and I just hope it unravels quickly.

46874. judithathome - 2/14/2017 8:22:52 PM

Wabbit, John Oliver started his new season this past Sunday night.

46875. judithathome - 2/14/2017 8:31:05 PM

Arky, I get what you're saying but I think the gasbag shows provide a lot of information...it may be accidental and second or third hand but at least it's OUT there...

I'm sure I could be better informed but I think I know more by watching what I do than say, my cousin who watches FOX...very low bar for anyone to clear but still....

And Katy Tur worked her ass off during the campaign, following that asshole all over the country...stuck in the Trump press pool and getting threats not only from manical "fans" of his but from Trump himself...so she DID do the work to earn her place at the desk for one hour a day.

46876. Ms. No - 2/14/2017 8:34:34 PM

I'm worried that the WH will be able to use Flynn as the sort of "lone gunman" scapegoat. Flynn did all the illegal info-sharing and plotting with Russia. Nobody else in the Trump camp new anything about it! Honest!

The media needs to be relentless on this -- Flynn is done. He's small potatoes in the great scheme of things. I like Arky's analogy to the string on the sweater. They need to keep pulling and citizens need to keep the pressure on at town-hall meetings.

46877. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 11:24:16 PM

They rarely provide anything I didn't already get online. The 7:00 on are much more informative than Chris Matthews, and CNN is good. Reading is still better.

Wrt Tur, if somebody can point me to something that she pursued and exposed and investigated then I might change my view of how useful her coverage was. Frankly I don't think it should have been a Beat at all. Hillary's campaign certainly wasn't covered that way. It was just gaping at what everyone was certain was a train wreck. Take what he says, get the Nuggets that aren't constant repeats out of it, look into their veracity and report. It doesn't need to be all Trump all the time. t's not enough just to sit there and repeat what people say and ask those people questions, even tough ones. You have to do background investigation and research and interviews of people who know, and that just wasn't happening. Of course I teach 7th graders every day, so I don't really see covering Trump as being all that special.

46878. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 11:25:13 PM

Intelligence community that trump so carelessly dissed is not going to let the connections go. When Mitch McConnell says it's going to be investigated, that sends a pretty strong message.

46879. judithathome - 2/15/2017 12:33:41 AM

Hey...take a look at THIS...a Trump spokeswoman...Kellyanne Speaks For ALL!

46880. judithathome - 2/15/2017 12:46:23 AM

Do you SERIOUSLY think Mitch McConnell is going to investigate anything?

I mean...REALLY???

46881. arkymalarky - 2/15/2017 3:35:30 AM

That's not the question. Mitch McConnell is probably the most despicable legislator in office right now, but he never says anything without a purpose. By saying what he said he is Telegraphing to the administration, and they would be wise to heed it.

46882. arkymalarky - 2/15/2017 3:36:30 AM

The I read it is is that he saying you're on your way to fall and I will step aside and watch you splatter before I risk losing control of the Senate over you.

46883. arkymalarky - 2/15/2017 3:36:51 AM


46884. Trillium - 2/15/2017 4:46:22 PM

There is a history of conflict between Flynn and Clapper:
lHead of Pentagon intelligence agency forced out, officials say

"In 2010, Flynn rankled many of his counterparts in the intelligence community when he published an article that was sharply critical of the information that spy agencies were assembling in Afghanistan. The effort was so focused on tracking insurgents that U.S. military and diplomatic leaders got little to help them understand the political, economic and cultural issues driving the insurgency."

46885. Trillium - 2/15/2017 4:47:37 PM

Gen. Flynn has been a lifelong Democrat -- one of the factors that made the last election so different. The old party demarcations didn't matter so much.

Dennis Kucinich on the topic:

'Wake Up!: Kucinich Says Intel Community Making 'Unprecedented' Effort to Upend Trump'

46886. judithathome - 2/15/2017 5:52:50 PM

Sorry...as soon as I saw FOX NEWS at the top of the page, I bailed on that link.

I DO read online but I'd rather read actual news and not Republican propoganda...

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