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46934. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 4:52:09 PM

Again, all you can do is everything in your own... I should have slept Another hour.

46935. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 4:57:22 PM

My son-in-law is incredibly intelligent. He has a brother 3 years older who got the best of him in every fight, and when he was little my s-i-l would get him in trouble sometimes by banging in the refrigerator when his parents were in another room and then crying. Trill is banging the refrigerator.

46936. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 4:58:05 PM


46937. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 5:15:33 PM

No, I absolutely agree with you about the media. I got so disgusted with them in the last two or three weeks of the election that I pretty much turned them all off. I'm very glad to see a return to investigative journalism, and the New Yorkers been good the whole time, and Frankly, slate was one of the other outlets before the election who was doing a pretty good job of calling out the bs. Now I'm liking the Washington Post and some of the nyt again. But there's a lot more investigative journalism and a lot of that was not there during the campaign. We should not be learning all of this stuff now if the media were doing its job.

46938. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 5:16:22 PM

Being a stenographer is not journalism, I don't care how in danger or uncomfortable you are.

46939. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 5:18:15 PM

another thing I got thoroughly sick of, even when I agreed with him, was Talking Heads sitting around it table batting their jaws about the SOS over and over and over.

46940. arkymalarky - 3/5/2017 6:06:57 PM

I was going back to try to find trilliums posts lamenting the violence against minorities just minding their own business and doing nothing, but I can't seem to find them...

46941. judithathome - 3/5/2017 11:04:21 PM

Oh wow...the little airport that Trump flies to every weekend in Florida has to shut down while he is there...at a cost thus far of $30,000 to them. No flights of any sort can come in or go out while he's at Mar A Lago.

They didn't say but I wonder if a Care Flight helicopter with a transplant organ for a local hospital would be re-routed? Helicopters are included in the "down time" weekends at that airport.

The people at the airport have contacted the government for compensation but have yet to hear back....duh.

46942. wabbit - 3/6/2017 12:17:13 AM

lol, thank you Ms. No!

I wonder how much we'll be on the hook for with flying POTUS back and forth to FL every weekend...good thing he isn't taking a salary, he'll blow through that pittance within three months. So much for giving a rat's ass about waste in the federal budget.

46943. judithathome - 3/6/2017 7:34:33 PM

According to CNBC:

The three jaunts may cost the U.S. Treasury roughly $10 million, including security and staffing costs, according to a Washington Post report. Each trip to Mar-a-Lago could cost an estimated $3 million or more, Politico previously reported.Feb 17, 2017

46944. wabbit - 3/7/2017 11:20:11 PM

Speaking of wow:

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) on Tuesday said Americans may have to choose between purchasing a new iPhone or paying for health insurance.

"You know what, Americans have choices. And they've got to make a choice," the House Oversight Committee chairman told CNN's "New Day," one day after the House GOP unveiled its plan to replace ObamaCare.

"And so maybe, rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to spend hundreds of dollars on, maybe they should invest in their own healthcare..."
This is what happens when you lose touch with the real world - you don't know that a new iPhone will set you back about the same amount as one month's premium for health insurance, if you're single and don't have children.

46945. arkymalarky - 3/7/2017 11:33:38 PM

Utahans need to exercise their choice and dump that useless slug out of a job in '18

46946. judithathome - 3/8/2017 1:28:11 AM

Oh, they won't...just like they didn't support Huntsman when he tried to run for President.

It's like an abused wife...they know it's wrong but they are afraid to try something different...something not as threatening because THEY think it could get worse.

46947. judithathome - 3/13/2017 1:18:32 AM

Jeez...I guess nothing is happening in politics these days. ;-)

46948. Ms. No - 3/13/2017 2:02:45 AM

I'm still not thrilled with the media coverage of late. I"m not sure what I want to be different about it -- well, I am, but I don't know that it's feasible.

It still seems like there's too much extraneous chatter about the ridiculousness of Trump. I mean, is there nothing else going on in the world other than Trump and Brangelina's divorce?

Report on him, god yes keep him accountable, but if there hasn't been some truly breaking development, we don't need the same old tweets and blurps repeated as front page above the fold news every day. Does anybody really give a hairy rat's ass about KellyAnne's feet on the couch? Is that really news?

How about more info on what our Congressional Representatives are doing? How about more info on just what the de-regulation of certain industries is going to impact? How about they quit talking about Trump's actions as "unprecedented" and find something that doesn't whitewash the ineptness and indecency of what he does? Executing poor children on the White House lawn would be "unprecedented," but I imagine they'd come up with some other words for that.

46949. judithathome - 3/13/2017 4:30:13 PM

He'd call it "thinning the herd"...or..."horde".

46950. judithathome - 3/17/2017 11:19:29 PM

Jesus, Angela Merkel managed to say more with LOOKS today during a press conference with the AssholeInChief than anyone could have said in 100 words or less.

46951. Ms. No - 3/18/2017 7:11:40 PM

He's such a total freak. I can only imagine what world leaders are saying when they get together.

46952. Trillium - 3/18/2017 7:23:43 PM

Joint Press Conference

At the beginning of the YT there is mention of workforce development, especially industrial apprenticeships which have served German industries very well (and various U.S. states which have adopted some features of the German system, notably South Carolina)

46953. judithathome - 3/18/2017 8:54:14 PM

Got a "this page cannot be found" in that link.

Could be my computer...just sayin'.

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