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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 46967 - 46986 out of 47369 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
46967. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 7:59:57 PM

The no vote list, which is growing by the minute, will be the roster of Republicans who have said I just cannot stand on the side of trump, and frankly on the side of Paul Ryan.

46968. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 8:00:56 PM

Obama worked on his legislation for almost a year. Trump has given maybe four days, and Ryan hasn't given that many more.

46969. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 8:18:57 PM

Went to dailykos and in one of their headline posts it says exactly what I said about Trump wanting to know who his quote-unquote enemies are.

Democrats ought to go privately to trump and tell him you can redeem your legacy and stick it to the freedom caucus by supporting a healthcare for all Medicare public option and people will pay premiums based on their ability to pay.

46970. judithathome - 3/24/2017 9:36:53 PM

Arky, I hope you don't mind but I copied your posts 46959 and 46960 (with attribution to you) to my forum because I thought it was excellent and needed a wider audience...not that my forum is necessarily that much wider but I thought it was a message about education that others needed to read.

46971. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 9:40:33 PM

Thanks! Anytime! That's one of the chronic problems we were dealing with and when we're doing the rural ed stuff in Arkansas, is they just don't have resources in these rural areas even if they are not highly impoverished, which a lot of them are. The insistence on State and local control also causes rural districts problems, even though they're the biggest supporters of that. They just don't get a fair share of resources under the current system.

46972. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 9:40:59 PM

Heh. Evidently Trump decided he really didn't want to know how many Republicans were willing to vote against him.

46973. judithathome - 3/24/2017 10:29:25 PM

I KNOW! This is great!

Art of the Deal, my ass!

46974. winstonsmith - 3/24/2017 11:31:13 PM

On another web site I saw some posting "Art of the Fail"

46975. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 12:13:13 AM

HuffPost called it a big failing deal, which I'm sure made Biden grin from ear-to-ear.

46976. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 12:14:23 AM

People will have to be vigilant, because Republicans led by Trump will try to do what I mentioned above regarding self-fulfilling prophecies, by trying to gut funding of Obamacare.

46977. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 12:40:38 AM

Trump has beensucking all the oxygen for a year now, but it needs to be clear that this was a massive failure by Paul Ryan. I don't know if he can lead his people in the house

46978. judithathome - 3/25/2017 8:06:34 PM

I saw the BEST new moniker for Trump: The (C)loser.

46979. Ms. No - 3/25/2017 8:17:51 PM

Just saw this while following down a random rabbit-hole of links:

RussiaGate blows WIDE OPEN in Abramson report

I'd love it if this all came out to be true in the main and we got real action on it.

Of course, if Trump and friends were to be impeached and ousted, they still need to tie Pence to all of is sufficient to get him out on "no confidence" at the very least.

Then there's Ryan to deal with, but I imagine things would draw out long enough to put him in an incredibly weak position after what I would hope to be sweeping gains for the Dems and conscionable Repubs in 2018.

Hey, everybody's gotta have a dream!

46980. judithathome - 3/25/2017 8:27:27 PM

These days, I'm just thanking god that RYAN isn't the President! There had been talk of that happening back in the day...I shudder to think what he would be like with unlimited power...because HE knows what to do with it and has a brain, albeit a warped one.

And...he IS third in line to take the throne. Just sayin'.

46981. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 9:19:31 PM

Ryan is badly badly damaged, and since this isn't the first time he's made this kind of embarrassing mistake, he's going to be very hamstrung with the next piece of legislation he tries to get through with Republican-only votes, very likely their tax reform package. If he fails that they're done. And I expect them to fail it. Democrat are more than happy to watch him twist in the wind, and he's not going to get a speck of bipartisan help after the way he behaved while Obama was president. Sucks to be him is all I can say.

46982. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 9:23:34 PM

If you look at Ryan's actual legislative record he's been incredibly ineffective. He just cleans up nice. Headline from PolitiFact:

Professor: House Speaker Paul Ryan has only proposed three bills that became law in his career.

46983. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 9:31:42 PM

Rachel Maddow and The New Yorker have really been doing some good in-depth reporting on this Russian issue, and based on what nunes just did and what the FBI revealed in the public hearing the other day, I think it's going to blow wide open sooner rather than later. I call trump a kildeer, The little bird that pretends to have a broken wing so you don't go around its eggs. He starts tweeting with his little Broken Wings every time he wants to try to deflect from what he thinks people are looking at, and it's just not working, so he seems to have slowed it down quite a bit. Maybe he's figured out finally that it's not doing anything except making people look Harder for what he's trying to deflect from. Finally investigative reporting is back in fashion and the endless talk about stuff that anybody can see is not the only game in town. I hope it stays that way.

I found it suspicious that people like our alt right friend here have been so supportive of Russia, in contrast from what conservatives have always been. And now it's very interesting not who's being discussed, but who's missing. For instance, where's Michael Flynn? It's like you dropped off the map.

46984. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 9:36:37 PM

Also Andrea Mitchell reported that transition and White House people are purging their phones, and I'm certain they're lawyering up. What we saw is just a glimpse of what the intelligence Community has, and they pretty clearly telegraphed in their public hearing that there's something significant there that they're investigating.

Also, Nunes evidently ran by Paul Ryan what he was doing, so Ryan was in on his misbehavior, and Trump evidently planted a headline in The Enquirer which implicated Michael Flynn as the quote unquote Spy.

46985. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 9:44:24 PM

On the Paul Ryan Fiasco, I have a story this a little bit long and I may have told you all before, but that's very relevant to what happened with him.

When we were opposing Mike Huckabee's education Bill, he and his supporters had worked on it for a long time. It was close to 200 pages long as I recall, and it went through several iterations and a lot of shrinking and tweaking before it was finally ready to go to the floor for a vote. They, as any good politicians do, made sure they had the votes before they called for a vote. That's just what you do, and for Ryan not to have done that is absolutely inexcusably unprofessional and incompetent. But, they did very careful editing, adjusting, support-building, and made every effort to make sure this would pass. Meanwhile, we in the opposition managed to get enough legislators to agree to a poison pill Amendment. We spent hours and hours catching up to legislators by phone and in-person to get their commitment to support that Amendment. So when the main legislator put the bill on the floor, another legislator added the amendment, everyone voted for it, and the congressman, Furious, pulled it. At that point it was dead, never to rise again. Huckabee quit even trying to pass a bill and didn't even show his face the rest of that legislative session. He was beyond livid.

46986. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 10:24:19 PM

Republican Legislators seem shocked that you govern based on a set of common principles. Saying no and being intransigent are not principles. Reagan's been gone a long time, and they turned against the bushes, and there is no set of principles that Define the Republican party at this moment. From the beginning I called trump Shiva the destroyer, and he started by destroying the Republican Party. Since he went on to win the election and endanger the country and the world, people forget that the Republican party is still in pieces.

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