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46987. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 10:26:09 PM

And because of the factions like the tea party and Libertarians, that condition preceded trump. Trump is a symptom rather than the cause in my opinion. But he's a symptom that increases the problem that caused the symptom, which I guess is why they call it a vicious cycle.

46988. arkymalarky - 3/25/2017 11:50:13 PM

Taking breaks between housecleaning, and I just had to pop back in and mention that I was there in person for all of that and the feeling of all of us high-fiving each other and whooping in the balcony of the capital was one of the best feelings I've ever had.

46989. judithathome - 3/26/2017 12:31:14 AM

For instance, where's Michael Flynn? It's like you dropped off the map.

Flynn is going to called in for a hearing and is facing federal time...you think he's not gonna fold? No way...he will spill his guts in the first day....

46990. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 1:19:25 AM

That's what Malcolm Nance said, and that's why he's missing. You've got manafort and even Carter paige saying they're going to testify before the Congressional committee, but you're not hearing squat out of Flynn. It's clear by the Enquirer headline the trump team dropped that they're hoping that Flynn will become the focus of everything, but that ain't going to work. Too much money has gone too many places to and from too many people.

46991. judithathome - 3/26/2017 8:05:31 AM

Carter Paige will spill his guts and give about 20 answers to one question...I've seen numerous interviews with him and not one was understandable...he's as oily as a sardine.

46992. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 5:34:19 PM

The question that nobody's asking that needs to be asked, Jill Stein was sitting at that table with Michael Flynn and Vladimir Putin. Did they plot to get her to run as a third-party candidate to pull votes from Hillary Clinton and allowed Trump to win states that Hillary would have carried otherwise. And why did Jill Stein paid have those recounts to legitimize the count, which nobody was questioning in the first place?

46993. Trillium - 3/26/2017 6:44:06 PM

Hope you're better Ms. No. There have been sinus/respiratory bugs rampaging through my community and I spent a good three days burning up with fever, a couple of weeks ago. Lost several days to doing absolutely nothing, by necessity, and felt drained afterwards.

46994. Trillium - 3/26/2017 6:47:07 PM

About technical training -- through the community college system and technical schools, many states do offer professional training to students. Problem is with the timing. We make most students wait until age 18 to get access, instead of having 18 as the goal for completing certification/graduation.

I can imagine quite a few young people who would be capable LPNs, cosmetologists, welders etc. by age 18 if they had been permitted to begin studying and practicing earlier.

There are excellent Technology Centers in my community that offer a variety of valuable skills training programs. Unfortunately, all of these require organizing and submitting a FAFSA (usually involving your parents' income, not tied strictly to your own earnings); paying tuition and books and the cost of being off work to attend classes; and no longer having access to free bus transportation to get to/from classes. For students with "parental disabilities", having all these additional hoops to jump through can keep them out of the game.

Compared to Germany's technical training this system squanders time and money that could have been funneled to students with laser focus at a much younger age, so they'd graduate at age 17-18 with solid skills and certificates -- instead of having to wait until after age 18 and then go through hoops to obtain admission to further expensive training programs.

46995. judithathome - 3/26/2017 6:47:10 PM

Today the Wall Street Journal says:

"Paul Ryan is probably safe as Speaker because nobody particularly wants to be Henry VIII's next wife."

46996. Trillium - 3/26/2017 6:47:19 PM

think earlier focus on professional training would also alleviate a degree of teen depression that is too common. Kids at age 14 are not yet adults; but they are at the gateway to adulthood, leaving childhood. Having adult authorities recognize their changing status by asking them to start thinking about the shape of their future adult life, and then to actively start bringing that status into being, would lift spirits for some. There is a gay activism meme about "It gets better..." aimed at young people who are depressed about their sexuality. The German training program carries a strong promise of "it gets better...", not so much in relation to sexuality, but in terms of your ability to control your own life, plans and decisions.

46997. judithathome - 3/26/2017 6:50:32 PM

Yes, Trillium, but "America" could never admit another country does something better than we do. It would be unpatriotic.

46998. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 8:07:18 PM

I taught at one rural school that took buses and kids to be trained at the local Community College, which did Technical Training, including LPNs, and it was a good program even though the kids were on the bus a total of over an hour just getting there and back. But that rural school closed, and the government has virtually stopped funding or supporting programs like that. They're not likely to start back now. Ours has a partnership with the same school that offers courses ITV or online, but that doesn't work well for a lot of the technical fields. Rural schools simply don't have money or proximity for transportation, and there is little government support at any level for those programs.

46999. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 8:09:46 PM

And it's perfectly acceptable for students to start at younger than 18, at Technical Training or at college. In Arkansas we all for concurrent credit so that you get high school and college credit for a single class. A lot of our kids go into college as sophomores, and stans nephew went in as a junior by the time he got credit for the courses he had taken and all the AP tests he passed. What's missing is the technical training for kids who are not going to college. And that's a lot more problematic because of the reasons I described the other day.

47000. arkymalarky - 3/26/2017 8:10:34 PM

All four = offer

47001. wabbit - 3/26/2017 10:02:58 PM

POTUS would like everyone to watch Justice Janine on that most non-partisan of all news stations, Fox News. Anyone who is willing to shift blame away from him is on his team, as least temporarily. Hard to take him seriously.

One of our states reps, Stephen Lynch, was saying that the House was expected to vote for the Ryan ACA Repeal/Replace law without it even being written down. He added that Obama could just about recite the ACA and Trump doesn't seem to have a basic grasp of the Ryan proposal, but regardless, the ACA was in writing so all could read and see what was being proposed. The "replacement" was not only not in writing, it was under minute by minute revision, and Reps were still expected to vote in favor.

Lynch also said that the ACA took Congress off the dole and put them on the ACA plan. He then started whining that his health care insurance went up by $4000/year. Reps make what, $138K/year? His office will be getting a polite bitchslap call from me this week.

47002. arkymalarky - 3/27/2017 12:57:41 AM

Good for you! I got reminded with all of this that democracy is not a spectator sport, and that it's actually kind of fun to be involved in it. I got so involved a few years ago that it quit being fun and I was just worn out, but just participating like every regular citizen should is really enjoyable. And a good added social element with people who having the same goals and principles I do.

47003. arkymalarky - 3/27/2017 3:59:59 AM

Haha! Just got the millennial earlier today and didn't even notice it! I guess we're all getting old.

47004. robertjayb - 3/27/2017 6:32:08 PM

Good for Bernie...

Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday he planned to introduce a single-payer health care plan to Congress, inviting Republican leaders to negotiate the measure.
“I'm going to introduce a Medicare-for-all single-payer program," Sanders told anchor Dana Bash on CNN's "State of the Union."

47005. judithathome - 3/27/2017 7:52:51 PM

Well, like Paul Ryan said...it's
i hard
becoming the ruling party....don't expect them to offer any help with something sensible.

47006. Ms. No - 3/27/2017 8:43:07 PM

The Republicans are finding that it's one thing to bitch and complain about how other people run things and an entirely different beast to have to run them yourself.

It's like throwing a loud-mouth, beer-guzzling couch-potato onto the starting lineup for the SuperBowl.

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