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5768. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 8:51:41 AM

wonky software.

5769. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 8:58:11 AM

that is very weird.

Thank you.

5770. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 9:01:10 AM

Put on your satin shoes.

5771. NuPlanetOne - 8/31/2006 3:49:43 AM

Ulgine….I wouldn’t say the lyrics are hated, just spammy at times. The rest of the time they are quite entertaining. As for Seamus, I believe his remarks were misconstrued, he merely gave you the floor. That is, until he needs it again. Carry on.

5772. RickNelson - 8/31/2006 12:47:14 PM

Thanks for the remarks about that poem Nu, arky and alistair.

I don't mind the lyrics much either. And with Kim the Waitress, how could one not enjoy?

5773. RickNelson - 8/31/2006 12:48:10 PM

Ulgine, I would read Nu in 5771 and go with that more than any other.

5774. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 1:16:37 AM

God I luv you guys, you moties, you ladies, don't wanna leave anyTone hanging!

5775. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 1:20:20 AM

5771. NuPlanetOne

Yes, spammy.

Actually, my son was curious about SPAM a few months ago.
He was a vociferous gobbler of it the first time.
Never asked for it, since.

Did you know, SPAM, it is South Pacific Army Meat and all the Hawaiian McDonalds have some thingy of it on their menu?

5776. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 1:24:57 AM

Spammmy I ammmmy.

5777. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 1:25:53 AM

yeah, I'm easily amused at the odd rhyme ~

5778. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 3:11:54 AM

Dire Straights

And every victory has a taste that's bittersweet
And it's your face I'm looking for on every street

5779. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 3:34:18 AM

5540 the arrogant loneliness of swans in the canal

See, I can't abide by the choice of arrogant
arrogant loneliness?

I think not.

One can be arrogant, and one can be lonely, but the poet should have said,

'lonely arrogance of the swans'

5780. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 4:17:12 AM

I'm just saying.
I'm no poet, ha.

I don't write it, I read it.
I read a lot of it.

5781. Ulgine Barrows - 9/4/2006 10:05:25 AM

I am obsessed by this Katharine Whalen tune. The people who helped her make this record really love her!

5782. Ulgine Barrows - 9/4/2006 10:05:50 AM

There's something that you don't see
That you can't figure out
Something inside of me that I just can't get out
Well every now and then, I go wild, but I'll never tell

Cuz I hide my dirty little secret inside
You know I never tell a lie, no
So I have to hide

It doesn't matter to me
Means nothing at all
Just another dream
Just another fall
And what goes up must come down
But the world spins around

Cuz I hide my dirty little secret inside
You know I never, never confide, no
So I go and hide

And though I think it shows
Though I think they stay
I just look down
But no one really knows
No one really cares
Life just goes round and round

There's something that you don't see
That you can't figure out
Something I'd like to be, but I can't get it out
Well every now and then I go wild, but I'll never tell

And though I think it shows
Though I think they stay
I just look down
But no one really knows
No one really cares
Life just goes round and round

There's something that you don't see
That you can't figure out
Something inside of me that I just can't get out
Well every now and then, I go wild, but I'll never tell

Cuz I hide my dirty little secret inside
You know I'll never tell a lie, no
So I have to hide

Cuz I hide my dirty little secret inside
You know I never, never confide, no
So I have to hide
my dirty little secret inside

5783. Ulgine Barrows - 9/4/2006 10:17:56 AM

Husky voice, got get it. She is divine.

5784. Ulgine Barrows - 9/4/2006 10:18:24 AM

GO get it.

5785. Ulgine Barrows - 9/5/2006 1:11:23 AM

For Jenerator

5786. Ulgine Barrows - 9/5/2006 1:12:15 AM

Brad Paisley, I think

Sittin' on a bench at West Town Mall
He sat down in his overalls and asked me
You waitin' on a woman
I nodded yeah and said how 'bout you
He said son since nineteen fifty-two I've been
Waitin' on a woman

When I picked her up for our first date
I told her I'd be there at eight
And she came down the stairs at eight-thirty
She said I'm sorry that I took so long
Didn't like a thing that I tried on
But let me tell you son she sure looked pretty
Yeah she'll take her time but I don't mind
Waitin' on a woman

He said the wedding took a year to plan
You talk about an anxious man, I was nervous
Waitin' on a woman
And then he nudged my arm like old men do
And said, I'll say this about the honeymoon, it was worth it
Waitin' on a woman

And I don't guess we've been anywhere
She hasn't made us late I swear
Sometimes she does it just 'cause she can do it
Boy it's just a fact of life
It'll be the same with your young wife
Might as well go on and get used to it
She'll take her time 'cause you don't mind
Waitin' on a woman

I've read somewhere statistics show
The man's always the first to go
And that makes sense 'cause I know she won't be ready
So when it finally comes my time
And I get to the other side
I'll find myself a bench, if they've got any
I hope she takes her time, 'cause I don't mind
Waitin' on a woman

Honey, take your time, cause I don't mind
Waitin' on a woman

5787. Ulgine Barrows - 9/5/2006 1:21:24 AM

If there's one thing
I don't believe in
it's you
Dear God

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