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6162. Seamus - 5/12/2018 8:05:06 PM

Invisible Fish

by Joy Harjo

Invisible fish swim this ghost ocean now described by waves of sand, by water-worn rock. Soon the fish will learn to walk. Then humans will come ashore and paint dreams on the dying stone. Then later, much later, the ocean floor will be punctuated by Chevy trucks, carrying the dreamers’ decendants, who are going to the store.

6163. NuPlanetOne - 2/24/2019 9:41:26 PM

Seamus, old friend, some lovely poems there above. Good to know you still check in now and then.

Here are a few scribbles:

bye daddy

lately it sucks
i cant remember
little shit, things
i want to google
then i forgot
the babys name
grandpa im not boo boo
im joshua, remember
boo boo is uncle bobby
i drove to work
where i worked 25 years
ago. its not funny
anymore. my daughter
doesnt joke. she looks
at me like a job
sometimes i pretend
im not back so i can
watch her and see
how bad im getting.
got lost in the basement
for a long time
but i found some pictures
of before. then the baby
showed up and brought
me upstairs for
some cheerios.

I Wanted You To Love Me

Even if I got what I wanted,
Would it taste as sweet?
Fuckin right it would!
Perversions, diversions, could
You imagine how good
It would be to sit at sunset
Flipping you the bird?
There on our beach.
Fuck you. Every word
Out of your hole was a lie.
Go ahead, try to grasp reality.
But at that sunset,
What if you were already forgotten?
What if every stupid rotten
Trick you pulled on me,
What if I actually got
Over you? What would you do?
What if I watched the waves, alone?
And could see the coming tide?
Each wave inching over your face.
Erasing the memory, the pain, every trace.
And I sat boldly on the breakers, alive!
It sucks to feel hate, but wait,
It must suck even worse to be you!
Even if I didn't get what I wanted.

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