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6522. vonKreedon - 7/12/2010 5:41:36 PM

So Spain won their first World Cup in their first appearance in the final, while the Dutch still haven't won despite this being their third appearance int he final. All in all a classic game; good combination of contact and grace, 0-0 through the first overtime period, a classically perfect goal near the end of overtime for a 1-0 win. Nice World Cup by SA, except of course for the fracking vuvuzelas.

6523. vonKreedon - 9/10/2010 10:24:00 PM

In vonKreedon related sports news, my son have cracked the top 200 US juniors! This means a significant increase in the amount of travel we will do in the coming months, as he will now get into the big national tournaments such as the Orange Bowl in Florida. He's starting to get weekly phone calls from the UWash and Boise State tennis coaches.

6524. vonKreedon - 9/10/2010 10:24:18 PM


6525. afrayedknot - 9/12/2010 9:50:26 PM

Good for you and your son --- now please use your elevated status to quickly improve the weather in New York. I'm at a time-limited public library computer and wanna see at least the start of the Men's Finals.

6526. wabbit - 9/12/2010 9:59:05 PM

Excellent news vonK, congratulations to all!!

Hey afrayedknot, good to see you!

6527. afrayedknot - 9/12/2010 9:59:33 PM

... Well, I'm anxiously waiting! PUH-LEEZE MAKE THAT RAIN STOP ... NOW!

6528. afrayedknot - 9/12/2010 10:00:50 PM

... uh ... thankew, wabbit! Sorry for being so emotional right now ... need my U.S. Open Fix!

6529. afrayedknot - 9/12/2010 10:13:43 PM

OK, OK ... I'm leaving quietly; ya don't hafta get physical. With my TV inop and my being the last person in the Western World clinging to Dial-UP , I'm going wacko having already missed the Women's Finals (although the score suggests *that* wasn't a titanic battle)... and now ... curses! Sorry to gripe and run, wabbit --- I miss you guys but hafta find a Left Coast Sports Bar. Pronto! S'ya!

6530. alistairConnor - 9/13/2010 5:28:51 PM

Lance Armstrong Wants To Tell Nation Something But Nation Has To Promise Not To Get Mad

Armstrong then took a deep breath, massaged his forehead, murmured "Oh boy, here we go," and appeared for several moments to be on the verge of telling the nation his news. He seemed to lose his focus, however, commenting that it wasn't as if anything he was about to say would diminish the fact that he beat cancer or that his foundation has donated more than $250 million to cancer research.

In addition, Armstrong said the American people had to promise that, following his announcement, they would resist the urge to remove their Livestrong bracelets and throw them away or burn them.

6531. vonKreedon - 9/13/2010 6:04:23 PM

OK, AC you got me...I was seriously afraid that Lance had actually said those things and had admitted to steroid use...then I checked the link. Haha...

6532. greystoke - 9/14/2010 1:12:42 AM

Jets offend female reporter

Team owner Woody Johnson (no joke) is trying to soothe the hurt feelings of reporter Inés Sainz of the Mexican television network TV Azteca.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is considering a two game suspension for the players who were rude, reduced to one game for the ones who agree to get castrated.

6533. vonKreedon - 9/14/2010 4:41:27 PM

6534. vonKreedon - 9/14/2010 11:52:38 PM

And we seem to have overlooked Rafael Nadal's historic career Grand Slam win at Flushing Meadows on Monday. I believe this is the second time that there have been two active career Grand Slam holders active on the circuit at the same time, the other being Rod Laver and Roy Emerson when Emerson completed his slam by winning Wimbledon in 1964.

Congrats to Rafa!

6535. vonKreedon - 10/25/2010 11:35:19 PM

Had the UW men's tennis coach over for a recruiting dinner on Saturday. I felt like I was in someone else's life; which in a very real sense I was in our son's life. At this point we are just waiting to see if his SAT scores are high enough before committing to UW. If he does play for UW next year the team will all of a sudden go from having been a primarily foreign born team, with no Washington players, of the last decade or more, to having 4 out of the 12 slots filled by players from the greater Seattle area, with two signed last year and two this year.

6536. PsychProf - 10/31/2010 7:16:33 PM

Good luck to your son VK.

6537. judithathome - 11/2/2010 7:13:14 PM

I knew the Rangers were out of their depth.

6538. vonKreedon - 5/31/2011 6:37:25 PM

Hey all, this the vonKreedon the younger report. Our son successfully defended his state tennis title this past weekend! He ends his HS tennis career winning his League, Distric, and state titles twice each, the District and State titles consecutively.

6539. arkymalarky - 5/31/2011 10:37:52 PM

Yay! Congratulations!

6540. wabbit - 6/3/2011 12:20:29 AM

Congrats, vonK! Has he settled on UW?

The Bruins lost a heartbreaker last night to Vancouver. Great game.

Federer will lose to Djokovic, but it might be a good match. I'm rooting for Murray to win over Nadal, unlikely as it might be. Francesca Schiavone, in her second French Open final, meets China's Na Li, who is in her second Grand Slam final.

6541. wabbit - 6/4/2011 1:11:20 AM

Being a Federer fan, I'm happy to be wrong. He won in five sets over Djokovic and will now meet Nadal, who beat Murray in straight sets, in the French Open final.

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