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6550. wabbit - 11/16/2011 5:37:09 PM

We are a nation of idiots - entertainment is far more valuable than actual knowledge or education. You should see the anti-Warren ad running on TV here in MA. We don't need no stinkin' intellectuals.

And I was wrong about Penn State's last game being the end of their season. Evidently, not only will they finish the season, they will accept a bowl invitation.

6551. wabbit - 11/16/2011 5:40:02 PM

JoPa transferred complete home ownership into his wife's name a few months ago. Hmmmm...

6552. vonKreedon - 11/16/2011 5:43:59 PM

I'm glad that Penn State will play out the season and post-season. To not do so would punish the players to an extraordinary degree, those of them with NFL/CFL aspirations, specifically the Seniors and Juniors, would have their career dreams negated because of bad actions and inactions on the part of the coaches and administration, actions/inactions that had nothing to do with the team unlike recruiting and cheating violations that can get a team sanctioned by the NCAA. The Juniors and Senior players are already pretty screwed, particularly the Juniors.

6553. judithathome - 11/16/2011 9:19:58 PM

Well, I think it's fine that everyone is so concerned about what this scandal will do to the innocent bystanders: the football team...I sort of feel like "poor them".

I'll tell you who probably feels their pain vis a vis "unfairness": the victims of that pervert. Yeah, the kids who were allowed to be abused while that pervert cut a swath through their ranks.

6554. vonKreedon - 11/17/2011 12:50:10 AM

I'm certainly not arguing that the pain of the rape victims is equivilant (sp?) to the pain of the football players, I'm only arguing that the PSU administration and staff have already inflicted pain on both the victims and the players through their repugnant and unethical responses to Sandusky's crimes and that there's no reason to inflict yet more pain on the players by suspending the program.

6555. judithathome - 11/17/2011 5:48:07 PM

I understood what you meant. Just making a statment.

I come from a state where football is more important than anything...when high schools with crumbling infrastructure and a roster of teachers who have been let go because of funding will spend millions on state-of-the-art football stadiums that rival any college campus. Where TCU is rebuilding a new stadium that will make Jerry Jones envious...the entire town is draped in purple until after the college bowl games.

It gets a little old, That's all...and those students last week, rioting to KEEP Paterno rather than rioting because of what was done to those kids...it was bizarro-world to me.

6556. arkymalarky - 11/26/2011 12:09:49 AM


6557. wabbit - 12/8/2011 4:42:19 AM

Sandusky arrested again:

Ex-Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was jailed Wednesday after new child sex abuse charges were filed against him based on the claims of new two accusers, including one who says he screamed in vain for help while Sandusky attacked him in a basement bedroom.

The latest accusers are the ninth and 10th alleged victims described in grand jury reports that claim Sandusky befriended and then molested boys he met through his Second Mile charity for troubled youth. A grand jury document released Wednesday echoed an earlier report, saying Sandusky gave the boys gifts while also making advances on them...

And some finally believes Bobby Davis:
Over the course of nine years, former ballboy Bobby Davis told his story of sexual abuse at the hands of Syracuse University assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine to the police, the college, the local newspaper and a national TV network. Each time, either he was too late or his story couldn’t be proved.

When he went public again last month, he was maligned by Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim as an opportunist and a liar.

On Wednesday, a top law enforcement official became the first to say publicly he believed Davis was a victim and Fine had abused him...

6558. wabbit - 1/29/2012 5:57:57 PM

RIP Joe Pa. 85-year-old Joe Paterno passed away on Tuesday. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2011. Many people will deify him now, but I lean more toward the opinion of Buzz Bissinger, that while Paterno can be remembered for his accomplishments, he must also be remembered for a collosal failure to act.

6559. wabbit - 1/29/2012 5:58:19 PM

Belarusian Victoria Azarenka dropped a whuppin' on Maria Sharapova, winning her first Grand Slam title at the 2012 Australian Open in straight sets, 6-3 6-0. Sharapova was a gracious loser and can let her throat rest. Azarenka's win moves her to the top of the women's ranking.

Novak Djokovic wore down Rafael Nadal in the longest Grand Slam singles final in the history of professional tennis Sunday, winning 5-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-7 (5), 7-5 after 5 hours, 53 minutes to claim his third Australian Open title.

6560. vonKreedon - 1/31/2012 12:53:41 AM

In ongoing vonKreedon related sports news, my son is starting for the Fresno State Tennis Team!

6561. arkymalarky - 1/31/2012 5:11:40 AM

Yay Vk!!

6562. vonKreedon - 2/15/2012 3:26:14 AM

Fresno State just beat Stanford at Stanford 4-3. Reid, playing #6, won his match 7-5 3-6 6-3!

6563. arkymalarky - 2/15/2012 4:42:39 AM


6564. vonKreedon - 2/15/2012 5:16:10 PM

A huge win for Fresno, beating the #9 ranked Cardinals for the first time in 19 tries.

6565. PsychProf - 2/16/2012 2:21:01 PM

Congrats VK…a fine accomplishment for both the team and your son.

6566. vonKreedon - 2/16/2012 5:26:42 PM

Thanks, yeah he's still over the moon about the wins. Plus it significantly ups the chance that he'll get some amount of athletic scholarship next year.

6567. wabbit - 2/19/2012 4:31:23 PM

Congratulations Reid vonK! I remember when all the Mote children were in Jr. High or younger. Hard to believe so much time has passed.

6568. wabbit - 2/19/2012 4:38:45 PM

Speaking of hard to believe, the Pats lost another Super Bowl to the Giants. Too sloppy.

The big news, of course, was Giselle. I was dumbfounded to hear people saying things like "Her job is to stand there and be pretty and she should shut up." Ok, so what was the jerk's job who set her off on her defense of her husband? Is he a professional asshole? News flash to anyone who thinks Giselle should have kept quiet...remember that next time you express an opinion on *anything*. You don't get to defend your family and you have no right to speak up about anything.

What are the odds that will take? Note to Giselle: you go girl. Say whatever you want about anything. Being a supermodel does not revoke your right to an opinion or to express your opinion, contrary to a boatload of loudmouthed morons who say otherwise. They miss the irony completely.

6569. bhelpuri - 2/23/2012 11:09:57 AM

don't have TV, live roughly 10,000 miles from the nearest NBA arena, and yet I find myself caught up in the Jeremy Lin story even from here. so many great stories tied up there, with so much resonance for me particularly (long-time readers here will know this, of course). maybe I will explore some of these, if time and energy presents itself. but one thing that came to mind immediately was the probably decade-and-half old conversation/argument I had right here in this thread in the first few months after ichiro burst onto the scene. now, sports people with even half a brain know that there were many similar phenoms pre-Lin, and no one - in my mind - has ever been more significant than the enigmatic, lithe little outfielder who has quietly put up astonishing, unprecedented HoF numbers from day one in the Japan leagues, and then day one in MLB.

the phenomena are different. ichiro plays the game unlike other players, and is an astonishing physical and mental talent of a kind that shows up only once or twice a generation. one of the fastest guys in the game, one of the best and most accurate arms in the game, and (harder to measure) uncanny reflexes that give him an edge at the plate (over other batters). lin on the other hand plays just like all the other players, his success has come slightly more conventionally. but the parallels far outweigh these differences.

now, what I want to do here is gloat, because I called Ichiro - way back when, just months into his first season - a disruptive player who could well go down in history as one of the all time greats. and because I don't rest on my laurels, let me register this prediction right now (and we can come check it in the future): barring injury, jeremy lin is going to remain (statistically) one of the top 5 point guards in the league for at least a decade, and he will bring the NBA championship back to NYC. he might even make it happen this year itself.

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