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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 6697 - 6717 out of 6747 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
6697. wabbit - 3/13/2016 11:02:14 PM

Message # 6695 Agree. Keep their name out of the news and see what happens. It sure can't hurt to give it a try for a year.

And I'm over the "I blacked out I have a disease" defense.

6698. wabbit - 3/17/2016 1:22:41 AM

Jeez Louise, I had a post ready to go and the site went down, again...ALISTAIR!!!!!!

With his fist pumping as he ran beside his built-for-speed sled dogs, Dallas Seavey crossed the finish line first early Tuesday morning and entered the elite club of four-time Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race champions...He reached the finish line at 2:20 a.m., smashing the race record for the second time in three years. And he’s only 29....
His father Mitch finished second, again. Third was Aliy Zirkle, one of the two competitors who was hit by the drunk a* on his snowmachine. Attacked by the same jerk, Jeff King finished ninth after the death of his dog Nash and injuries to other members of his team.

6699. wabbit - 4/18/2016 8:46:51 PM

The Ethiopians swept the 2016 Boston Marathon this morning, finishing 1-3 in the men's and 1-2 in the women's divisions.

Local Marky Mark and his film crew were at the finish line early.

Red Sox lost to Toronto 4-3.

Best sign of the day...

6700. wabbit - 5/10/2016 11:03:07 PM

Nyquist is still perfect! There was some debate about whether he could get the distance in the 2016 Kentucky Derby, but he did and not in the slow time many handicappers were predicting. Exaggerator made a run at him, but couldn't catch him. Gun Runner was third, just ahead of Mohaymen.

I should have bet on the Oaks, had the winner, Cathryn Sophia. Favorite Rachel’s Valentina, daughter of Rachel Alexandra, finished sixth.

6702. wabbit - 5/15/2016 12:22:02 PM

JaH, I don't know what happened, but your 6701 wasn't showing up, I had to delete. Sorry.

6703. wabbit - 6/4/2016 1:41:01 PM

...Vitaliy Stepanov was a disillusioned Russian anti-doping agent, and in several meetings with WADA officials held in the Olympic Village in February 2010, he detailed how drug cheating was endemic among Russia’s Olympic athletes and how the government and Russia’s anti-doping agency were complicit.

For four years after those first meetings, Stepanov exchanged hundreds of emails with WADA employees, but the rules-enforcing agency never opened an investigation into Russia’s alleged rule-breaking. Finally, in early 2014, a senior WADA official, convinced his agency would never pursue the claims, directed Stepanov to contact a German journalist, in the hopes that the journalist would investigate them, according to Stepanov and a person familiar with the case who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Now, reports of widespread doping by Russian athletes at the past two Olympics are public, and WADA is rushing to complete its own investigation and decide whether to ban athletes from this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro...
Not surprised about the cheating, but disappointed in the WADA.

6704. judithathome - 6/4/2016 8:04:53 PM

That's okay, Wabbit...I'm so shocked when I DO get in to site, I was probably at fault.

6705. wabbit - 6/4/2016 9:50:53 PM

I had a post ready to go about Ali and the site went down...AGAIN. ALISTAIR - *PLEASE* email me!!

6706. wabbit - 6/4/2016 9:54:22 PM

When my father was stationed at Griffiss AFB, we shared a U-shaped two family. A family with three daughters, roughly the same age as we kids were, lived next door. A few months ago, I found one of the daughters on Facebook (the only real use for FB, but that's just me). A week or two ago she posted an old photo of her Dad who has passed away, and I wrote to tell her I was just thinking about him a few days before. She was only three when this happened and didn't remember it.

May 25, 1965 was the second Ali-Liston fight. Our fathers were going to watch the fight together. C's dad went to get each of them a beer right after the fight started and it was over when he got back. Neither of them could believe it.

RIP Muhammad Ali

6707. wabbit - 6/12/2016 11:29:03 PM

...Creator found an opening in the stretch and ran down Destin in the final stride to win the $1.5 million Belmont Stakes by a nose - the closest possible margin of victory...

- Frosted ($6.70) ran the fastest Metropolitan Mile in the 123-year history of the race, blowing away the field for a 14 1/4 length victory and earning an automatic berth in the Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile. Ridden by Joel Rosario, the 4-year-old gray colt stormed into the lead around the turn and widened his advantage with every stride. The winning time was 1:32.73, off the track record by nearly a half-second, but faster than Tizway's Met Mile time of 1:32.90 in 2011.

- Cavorting ($10.60) ran her way into an automatic berth in the BC Distaff by taking the $1 million Ogden Phipps by 2 1/2 lengths over Forever Unbridled. The 4-year-old filly is trained by Kiran McLaughlin, who also trains Frosted. Favorite Curalina was fourth.

- Flintshire ($3.40), a 6-year-old bred in England, made his first start of the year a winning one in the $1 million Manhattan for 4-year-olds and up on the turf.

- Celestine ($17) took charge in the stretch to win the $700,000 Just A Game for 4-year-old and up fillies and mares on the turf.

- Carina Mia ($6.10) edged past Kentucky Oaks winner Cathryn Sophia in the stretch and won the $700,000 Acorn for 3-year-old fillies.

Also, Tom's Ready ($17.20) rebounded from a 12th place finish in the Derby to win the Grade 2 $500,000 Woody Stephens; and Shaman Ghost ($9.60) won the $400,000 Brooklyn Invitational.

6708. wabbit - 8/13/2016 10:39:08 PM

So the Olympics have been on for the past week. As always, almost no coverage of the equestrian events.

A few good stories. Etimoni Timuani is there representing Tuvalu. An Olympic team of one with zero chance of anything, since his sport is the men's 100 meter (Usain Bolt anyone?). But there he is. Love that. We too often forget that winning is NOT everything. Participating is so much more important. Timuani was eliminated in the first heat, but so what, he's there, he participated.

Back to equestrian - the US Dressage team got a bronze medal! But the story for me was that Dutch Olympic medalist Adelinde Cornelissen withdrew Parzival when he got sick. He was bitten by a spider or mosquito or whatever and got sick. He recovered enough that Cornelissen decided to try, since the reserves who could have been in Rio declined to bring their horses. When Parzival didn't seem right, Cornelissen withdrew. That left the Dutch team with only three horses, meaning no extra score to drop, but good for her. Parzival is 19, he won Olympic medals in London, he deserved her consideration. Don't get me started about the Scottish rugby player talking about killing rabbits as a "team building" exercise...

6709. wabbit - 8/13/2016 11:39:53 PM

The Eatons are my Olympic couple heroes. Ashton Eaton is competing for the US in the decathlon. My message to the pathetic losers and haters calling him a traitor for rooting for his (OMG!!!) Canadian wife Brianne Theisen-Eaton in the heptathlon - go goose-step your ignorant ass to the ballot box and vote for the Donald. Team Canada has already said they won't have an issue with Theisen-Eaton wearing a USA hat and rooting for her husband. Sportsmanship, what a concept. I may have to go buy something from Best Buy.

6710. wabbit - 9/10/2016 6:14:06 PM

Colin Kaepernick - wtf is the big deal? Does the First Amendment not mean anything to the people who have their knickers is such a twist? I might not think that he chose the best way to express his position, but I absolutely think he has the right to do what he's doing. People need to learn to express their disagreement in a conversation (and for a change, a well thought out one), not in a shit fit of insults.

For those who think he should be forced to stand during the National Anthem or get off the team (and leave the US, according to some), I have a question...how do you feel about money being free speech? Ok with you that the uber wealthy can buy elections, that corporations run the US? All good there, right?


6711. wabbit - 9/10/2016 6:36:19 PM

6712. wabbit - 9/10/2016 6:39:36 PM

In case the video doesn't appear, watch Lamar Jackson, sophomore QB for Louisville, score a TD against Syracuse.

6713. arkymalarky - 9/10/2016 10:59:09 PM

Totally agree with you about Kaepernick

6714. judithathome - 9/11/2016 1:00:55 AM

Me, too...AND about people with money!

6715. wabbit - 10/2/2016 12:28:20 AM


I'm watching these a**holes on NBC Sports saying the California Chrome has a "Blue Collar" pedigree...are you f'ing kidding me???? Look that shit up before you run your mouth... Pulpit, Mr. Prospector, Cozzene, AP Indy...holy crap, someone needs to explain how that is a BLUE COLLAR PEDIGREE to me.

Mind you, I like the horse and the trainer, can't stand the stupid DTrump owners and am sick of the "experts" on NBC Sports claiming he is a Blue Collar pedigree.

Stupid shits.

6716. wabbit - 10/2/2016 12:36:20 AM

Please, anyone, please give me the twitter handle of the shithead sitting right of Jerry Bailey (left on tv). I need to send his ass a tweet, it will be worth signing up...

How far back do you go in a pedigree to call a horse "blue collar"??? His owners may be blue collar, but that doesn't make the horse's pedigree blue collar.

6717. wabbit - 10/2/2016 1:06:09 AM

omg, I'm apoplectic over this crap...as idiotic as DT is, and as dumb any woman planning to vote for him is (imho), these horse people are supposed to understand what they are talking about, and this bald jackass clearly has not done his homework. Was Seattle Slew blue collar???

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