The Mote702. Dusty - 12/1/1999 10:24:19 PM
IdiotWind ??
703. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:26:58 PM
Hmmm? Try again, but change mote to DR.
704. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:28:58 PM
Do I have to put in DR's URL numbers?
705. Indiana Jones - 12/1/1999 10:31:10 PM
IW, here's the text for what you're trying to do:
<a href="">Drudge</a>
706. Indiana Jones - 12/1/1999 10:32:02 PM
Oops, should be
<a href="">Drudge</a>
707. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:32:38 PM
Thanks. I'll practice it.
708. Indiana Jones - 12/1/1999 10:34:04 PM
You're welcome. Now, can you translate your Latin post in the SI thread?
709. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:38:04 PM
710. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:41:06 PM
It's Seneca. "More men abstain from forbidden actions because they are ashamed of sinning, than because their inclinations are good."
711. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:49:40 PM
The link to ABC didn't work. I'll try again with DR.
Sexual democracy is nothing if not dangerous
712. IdiotWind - 12/1/1999 10:52:00 PM
Don't be cute, Idiot. Just repeat the damn code.