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7542. Macnas - 4/21/2004 10:10:05 PM

Incorrect, but on the right track, sort of....

7543. KuligintheHooligan - 4/23/2004 1:49:28 PM

In line with some complaints I made a few months back, I just read this today. It's about time.


ATLANTA - Maybe it was the credit card that rap superstar Nelly swiped through a woman's backside in a recent video. Here at Spelman, the most famous black women's college in the country, a feud has erupted over images of women in rap videos, sparking a petition drive and phone campaigns.

Nelly planned to visit Spelman earlier this month for a charity event enlisting students for a bone marrow registry. But the rapper canceled the appearance after hearing that a protest was in the works because of his videos — especially "Tip Drill," the one with the credit card, which also shows men throwing money between women's legs and women simulating sex acts with each other.

Misogyny in pop music, especially hip-hop, has been around for years. What's new, students say, is an explosion of almost-X-rated videos passed around on the Internet or shown late at night on cable channels like Black Entertainment Television, also known as BET.

Never before, students say, have the portrayals of black women been so hypersexual and explicit.

"It's very harsh. This is something we have to see and listen to on a daily basis," said senior Shanequa Yates. "Nelly just didn't want to come here and face the criticism for the choices he's made."

7544. judithathome - 4/23/2004 11:52:01 PM

This is something we have to see and listen to on a daily basis," said senior Shanequa Yates

Oh really? People are forcing you to buy the music and watch the videos, Shanequa?

They don't have to "see and listen to" anything on a daily basis if the choose not to.

7545. arkymalarky - 4/24/2004 12:19:58 AM

I can't stand Nelly anyway, but the rap videos themes aren't much different from the hair band videos of the 80s. It's the same "I'm a(rock/rap)star who can have any and as many 'beautiful women' as I want and they'll do whatever I want" mentality (so what and who cares--can you entertain me with a decent song?) that I've always found not so much offensive as vacuous and boring. I really like seeing the beginning of a move away from that in hip-hop lately, as the rock/metal moved on to more interesting work--some good, some great, and some awful, like music almost always is, but interesting and different. And really nice vocals are coming back some--not the glass-breaking Mariah Carey type, but real quality interpretive and soulful singing.

7546. arkymalarky - 4/24/2004 12:21:48 AM

I actually liked "gangsta rap" better, because it invoked images and people that seemed realistic to me and the leaders in that genre have proven to be sharp people over time who've grown with their musical experience, imo, whether I agree with their perspectives or not.

7547. judithathome - 4/24/2004 12:24:07 AM

It can't come soon enough for me. I am sick to death of that screeching, reaching-for-the-sound-barrier type of "singing".

Now...if we could only get rid of the slutpuppy looks and sounds of the lipsyncers like Britney Spears!

7548. arkymalarky - 4/24/2004 12:26:19 AM

Britney Spears is just gross to me, but I'll tell you someone who I think has grown musically and is using a stupendous voice much better, and that's Christina Aguilera (sp).

7549. judithathome - 4/24/2004 1:00:34 AM

Her voice is great but her look leaves a lot to be desired. These girls don't seem to realize that sexy doesn't automatically mean sleazy.

7550. PelleNilsson - 4/24/2004 3:53:47 AM


7551. Macnas - 4/25/2004 4:37:09 PM

Y'all are never going to get question "A", as not only would you have to have read the book, which I'm sure many have, but you'd also have to have remembered a fair bit of it, which I'm sure many do not. After all, as somebody once said "A man may no more remember everything he has read than carry with him everything he has ever eaten,"

The answer to "A" is Catcher in The Rye. The connection is that all the books/plays I mentioned in the the question (and more) are mentioned in it.

7552. Macnas - 4/25/2004 4:43:54 PM

re 7545

I don't really care what Nelly or whoever does wrt videos or song content, but some videos in particular are, as pointed out, pretty explicit.

So much so that my daughter is not allowed to watch any MTV or the like, (not that they play much music anymore....) she might see some music on the daytime television that she watches, but someone somewhere (on our national television network)is sensible enough to make sure that non-explicit videos are only shown during what you might call "childrens television" time.

7553. KuligintheHooligan - 4/28/2004 9:53:26 AM


7554. arkymalarky - 4/28/2004 10:27:54 AM

Hey! I never realized that woman was also in American Gothic! I see it now--the perfect match! ;-)

7555. wabbit - 5/5/2004 9:22:38 PM

Garçon à la Pipe sets new auction record

Auction history was made at Sotheby's
this evening when Pablo Picasso's Garçon à la Pipe, from the fabled Whitney Collection, sold for $104,168,000 to an anonymous buyer, making it the most expensive painting in the world...The work exceeded the previous record of $82.5 million set in May 1990 by Vincent van Gogh's Portrait of Dr. Gachet. In addition to a record set by Picasso, auction records were also established for William Blake, Raoul Dufy, Sir Alfred J. Munnings and Frédéric Bazille.

Nice to have money.

7556. PelleNilsson - 5/6/2004 12:11:51 AM

A better view:

7557. Macnas - 5/6/2004 12:19:43 AM

Well worth the money....for fucks sake.

7558. judithathome - 5/26/2004 11:35:09 PM

For those of you who live in New York City, there will be a chance to see my sculptor friend's work...one piece...in the National Society of Bronze Sculptors show. He was chosen as one of thirty-six exhibitors from a pool of 900 to have his work in the show.

Don't know the dates yet or the venue but I will keep you posted.

7559. judithathome - 5/31/2004 1:54:45 AM

I got the name wrong in the above post but here is the information on my friend's accomplishment:

Fort Worth artist Deran Wright’s sculpture ‘The Minotaur’, has been selected to appear in the National Sculpture Society’s juried ‘2004 Annual Awards Exhibition’.

The National Sculpture Society is the oldest organization of professional sculptors in the United States. It is master sculptors and architects like Daniel Chester French, Augustus St. Gaudens, Richard Morris Hunt, and Stanford White who founded the NSS in 1893 and have
comprised its active membership since.

197 sculptors submitted 871 slides, of which only 36 were selected for inclusion in the show, which runs from September 13th through December 3rd in New York at the Park Avenue Atrium.

7560. judithathome - 5/31/2004 1:58:03 AM

And I also got the number of exhibitors wrong...it was almost 900 pieces not artists. Still, pretty impressive for a hometown guy!

7561. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 5/31/2004 4:33:01 AM

Kudos to your friend, Judith. Happy Memeorial Day!

My latest effort: “Shoal With Dunes.”

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