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7928. jayackroyd - 11/2/2005 8:47:30 PM

Ender's Game is actually very good, and I think well of the next two as well. Xenocide and something I can't remember.

Sappy, though.

7929. Ms. No - 11/2/2005 8:56:29 PM

Yes, well, Card is a bit sappy. I admired him for giving me my first real and positive glance at Mormonism in a book I can't recall the title of at the moment. Might've been Lost Boys or maybe not. I had good luck with a couple of his others but then it all fell apart for me. Treasure Box was nearly a total loss.

7930. judithathome - 11/14/2005 8:45:26 PM

An article by John Updike:

Determined Spirit

7931. uzmakk - 11/22/2005 10:09:18 PM

I saw the 60minutes segment on Bono and U2 last Sunday. Has U2 made any truly memorable music? I don't think I know any U2 songs, therefore I don't hum or whistle them. They are not gentle on my mind.

7932. judithathome - 11/22/2005 11:36:36 PM

I have no idea what sort of music thay make...but your last sentence brought a very unwelcome memory of Glenn Campbell to mind...ha!

I loved John Hartford's lyrics but hated Campbell.

7933. arkymalarky - 11/23/2005 1:29:28 AM

Hey, I loved Campbell. And his guitar playing is superb.

Uzz--I didn't like U2 for a long time, but they've grown on me over the years. The only album I have is the Joshua Tree, and it's very nice. There are a handful of other songs of theirs that are really fine, imo. A lot of the music on that album would sound familiar to you, I bet. Bono's really been effective with his advocacy. I read a long interview in Rolling Stone a few days ago.

7934. judithathome - 11/23/2005 9:59:28 PM

Not bashing Campbell's talent but he was a piss poor human being and was a real shit to his first wife and daughter.

7935. arkymalarky - 11/23/2005 11:20:22 PM

Oh yes. And it looked for a while like he'd turned things around, but nope.

7936. judithathome - 11/24/2005 12:49:05 AM

I was friends with his first ex-wife, the one that never makes the biographies because she insisted on it, and the stuff she tells about him is chilling. She was only 17 when they married and both of them were too young but his abuse lasted long after they were divorced and their daughter only agreed to have contact with him after she was grown and had had years of therapy. He's a shitheel and that doesn't change.

7937. uzmakk - 11/24/2005 1:00:02 AM

Well, I don't know about all that, but I do remember the great Hartford, Campbell, NBC Debate.

Wrt, Bono's music vs activism. He was asked which he would be remembered for and he said, the music. I don't know about that.

7938. alistairconnor - 11/24/2005 10:46:02 AM

Well, the first U2 album sticks in my mind : Boy. Very distinctive, finely etched, rather mannered and precious. In my opinion, it contains everything that is original or interesting in their work, and it was made about 25 years ago. I recommend it.

Memorable songs:

I will follow
Shadows and tall trees

7939. Macnas - 11/24/2005 1:30:03 PM

I like the early stuff best too. I don't own a single recording of U2's, but I'll cock an ear to them if they are on the wireless.

Out of Control
Electric Co
11 O'Clock Tick Tock
Party Girl

I also really like "bullet the blue sky", but find most of the Joshua Tree really pretentious.

I did see them live once, many many years ago, just as they started to sell records here at home. Have to say, they had (might still have) that spark that makes you want to join in.

7940. wonkers2 - 11/27/2005 3:42:58 AM

Anybody read anything by Jonathan Safran Foer? On the way back from DC we listened to the book tape of his novel "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" which was quite well acted (read). The book is a quite imaginative tale starting with a precocious boy whose father was killed in the World Trade Center and whose grandfather lost the love of his life in the bombing of Dresden. A brief account by a man's loss of his daughter in Hiroshima ties in a third tragedy for comparison. Foer is one of the most imaginative authors I've ever read, including Garcia Marquez.

Salman Rushdie is quoted in the blurb on the cover as follows "Jonathan Safran Foer's second novel is everything one hoped it would be--ambitious, pyrotechnic, riddling, and above all...extremely moving. An exceptional achievement." Another of his novels, "Everything Illuminated," was made into a movie which listening to "Extremely Loud..." made me want to see. I'd be interested in anybody else's reaction to Foer.

7941. wonkers2 - 11/27/2005 4:02:53 AM

Foer's precocious nine-year-old, Oskar, reminds me of a character out of Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye" or "Franny and Zooey." Sometimes Oskar's too precocious to the point of being annoying. His grandparents and several other characters in the book are also quite vividly drawn and emotionally moving.

A quick Google search revealed that Foer's is 28 and that he wrote his first book while a college undergraduate. So, no doubt there is a bit of himself in Oskar. I suspect we'll be hearing more of him. His wife, Nicole Krauss is a poet. Jonathan Foer

7942. marjoribanks - 11/27/2005 6:34:37 AM


I haven't read the second novel, but loved - and raved about somewhere in this forum - a lot of the first one. There are parts to it which are in the small handful of funniest things I'v ever read.

Foer is heavily watched, paid and marketed already, a total NYC publishing-lit-celebrity phenom. That Rushdie blurb is an indication of just how high up this young Princeton grad is in the new-author pecking order.

7943. judithathome - 11/28/2005 4:44:32 AM

Nicole Krauss

I just finished her novel, The History of Love...it was excellent! If her husband writes as well as she, that is one talented couple!

7944. wonkers2 - 11/28/2005 3:14:13 PM

Interesting. One of the google blurbs said she was a poet. Another said she's a novelist. It is a bit unusual to have such talent in both halves of a couple. I wonder who cooks and does the laundry?

7945. alistairconnor - 11/28/2005 5:31:46 PM

... filipino maid?

7946. Ms. No - 11/28/2005 7:38:02 PM

U2 is one of my all time favorites, but I'm much fonder of their old stuff than the new stuff. Party Girl, Stories for Boys, New Year's Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Unforgettable Fire. I have to laugh when they talk about ColdPlay being the new U2. Coldplay's been around for what, four years? They have two albums and they already sound like they're tapped out on their sound. Martin's lyrics are often trite and the band is too earnest by half without the required passion to get away with it. I like some Coldplay songs, but let's see if anyone remembers who they are in 25 years much less if they're still selling out stadiums for their concerts.

Mac, you could have all your U2 songs from their first live album: Under a Blood Red Sky

7947. wonkers2 - 11/29/2005 12:22:29 AM

Back to Jonathan Foer for a moment--his incredible imagination reminds me of and just might be in the same league with Pynchon, Barth, Garcia Marquez and Grass.

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