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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 8502 - 8521 out of 9153 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
8502. wonkers2 - 11/15/2007 4:01:18 PM

Jex's buddy Gavin didn't make Salon's 26 sexiest men alive list

8503. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/18/2007 10:51:49 PM


8504. wonkers2 - 11/19/2007 2:28:15 AM

The Wiz should try it. It has real possibilities!

8505. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/19/2007 5:19:56 AM

I will try it . . . with Viagra . . . so I can do murals!

8506. wonkers2 - 11/19/2007 5:48:44 AM

With Viagra, you'll be able to do more than paint!

8507. David Ehrenstein - 12/2/2007 4:41:48 PM

Oh Henry, you SLUT!:

"A theme of "The Young Master" is that James -- far from being passive and erotically neutral -- was an active homosexual and not a closeted one. He was, writes Novick in the new book's preface, "an active and engaged man, passionate and energetic, for whom relationships were the ground of life and the subject of his art." And much of "The Mature Master" describes those relationships with a series of "handsome" fellows -- an adjective Novick uses rather too often and rather too suggestively. Instead of the austere, solitary figure portrayed by Edel, we have this portrait of the artist as a flirtatious old man."

8508. wonkers2 - 12/3/2007 5:20:36 PM

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art

8509. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/3/2007 5:29:50 PM


8510. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/3/2007 5:39:27 PM

The review AND the women!

8511. wabbit - 12/3/2007 7:18:54 PM

This nice person went through and ID'd all the portraits.

8512. wonkers2 - 12/3/2007 8:27:49 PM

Tnx, wabbit!

8513. wonkers2 - 12/4/2007 3:42:15 AM

A bit of American artistic,political and economic history

8514. David Ehrenstein - 12/6/2007 9:28:13 PM

Bill goes ballistic over the Grammys

8515. wonkers2 - 12/6/2007 10:12:37 PM

Art, Fair Use or Piracy?

8516. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/6/2007 10:53:22 PM

For a wonderful read about Prince and the poseurs who infest the NY art scene, check out the latest issue of The New republic.

If you want a flavor of his work, try this:

How the Art World Lost Its Mind to Money - Laissez-Faire Aesthetics

8517. wonkers2 - 12/6/2007 11:45:32 PM

Interesting. Thanks. I guess art is whatever sells.

8518. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/7/2007 12:37:32 AM

I guess art is whatever sells.

True and authentic art is a visual language with a long and complex history. The world is inundated now with a morass of commercial junk that passes for it because it takes genuine education to recognize it– most people don't have the time or the inclination to learn to see the difference between the two. The avant garde has become the derrière garde and rich fools want to be seen as cultured collectors.

Sorry–you got me started!

8519. concerned - 12/7/2007 12:55:04 AM

It seems to me that, with the exception of utilitarian art, artists appear to abhor repeating the modes and styles of expression previously used in art, and with modern day society's extensive means of documenting and categorizing art, not only is it becoming increasingly hard to come up with truly original art concepts but artists are very aware of that & I think it tends to inhibit them.

Just a non-artist's uninformed opinion.

8520. David Ehrenstein - 12/7/2007 1:27:35 AM

I think to a large degree you're right.

8521. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/7/2007 2:06:38 AM

It's a valid conclusion connie, but any genuine artistic discipline, like painting, literature, film, music, dance, etc., has infinite possibilities for an the artist with original vision. And there's the rub, because it takes decades to develop and refine one's unique way of expressing their soul.

The problem is that most young "artists" today are undisciplined and lazy. It's easier to scheme about how to get maximum attention with a shocking gesture that short-circuits the thinking of the easily fooled general public, than to actually learn a discipline and compete with the masters of the particular medium--be they living or dead.

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