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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 8579 - 8598 out of 9153 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
8579. concerned - 6/25/2008 5:32:38 AM

Re. 8578 -

A fair amount. Of course, she may be coming up to me to try to get me to pay attention to her instead of drumming:)

8580. wonkers2 - 6/29/2008 10:01:26 PM

Jacques Brel, Shirley Bassey, Nina Simone

8581. jexster - 7/1/2008 10:58:15 PM

My sister in law's sister

All Honor and Glory to the Bird of Tejas

AUSTIN, Texas — The First Lady whose beautification work in the nation's capital is in bloom today will be honored at the United States Botanic Garden in a free summer exhibit created by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at Austin.

"A Clear Vision" will run May 24 through Oct. 13, and is the first exhibit at the Washington D.C. garden's recently completed First Ladies Water Garden. The Lady Bird Johnson exhibit will be part of the Botanic Garden's Summer 2008 exhibit, "One Planet — Ours!," focused on sustainable approaches to living. This exhibit near the U.S. Capitol grounds is expected to draw 300,000 visitors.


"A Clear Vision," designed by Leslie Ernst of The University of Texas at Austin Office of Public Affairs, is funded partly by a grant from university President William Powers Jr. The regional native plant displays were developed by horticultural staff led by Andrea DeLong-Amaya, the Wildflower Center's horticulture director.

This video from DC's NBC4 on One Planet, One Earth exhibit

8582. jexster - 7/1/2008 11:16:08 PM

Water Disk, Bird of Tejas Fountain

8583. jexster - 7/1/2008 11:17:50 PM

Leslie said "I did my best to channel Mrs. J.."

I tole her, if she's around me and feels that channel opening up, she'd best slam it shut with beta blockers

I ain't no fan of the Birds of Tejas

8584. wonkers2 - 7/2/2008 10:13:11 PM

Nina Simone or Shirley Bassey?

8585. jexster - 7/2/2008 10:35:31 PM


They gonna take away your health plan too when GM goes belly up?

I'd have a doctor check you out there wonkers

8586. David Ehrenstein - 7/3/2008 7:09:15 PM

Don on Chris

8587. David Ehrenstein - 7/7/2008 2:03:17 PM

Meet Jero!

8588. wabbit - 7/7/2008 11:11:47 PM

From NY Magazine: Artist Joshua Allen Harris Turns Garbage Bags Into World's Greatest Balloon Animals

I miss NYC.

8589. concerned - 7/10/2008 3:44:05 AM

I was practicing drums again this evening and starting to work on some kick drum modulation and tightening up some bridge passages when my biggest fankitty, after coming by about four times for some petting while I was playing, actually parked herself under my floor tom right next to the kick while I was playing full blast.

I had to quit after that, because:

a) It's got to be fucking loud where she was sitting (I wear hearing protection when I practice on the drums).

b) she might get bored and move away. I'd prefer to quit while I'm ahead under the circumstances:)

c) she might do something dumb and get pinched by the kick pedal if the stuck her paw there, or something else unexpected, since this was the first time she ever tried listening effectively from the middle of the drum kit itself.

Guess she's just liking the shit I play. Btw, I checked how fast I was drumming. I am still using a single kick, and drum occasional eighth notes in groups of two to four at speeds of up to 600-700 beats per minute at that speed. However, I can't maintain full volume at that speed with eighth notes like I can get with quarter notes or slower.

Not too slow for some 6' 6" 53 year old white bread who wears size 13s.

8590. wabbit - 7/10/2008 2:36:50 PM

concerned, your drum session posts are a great read. If you have a video camera, you and your fankitty could be stars on YouTube.

8591. Ms. No - 7/10/2008 5:55:13 PM


I'm a Nina fan all the way. She didn't have a pretty voice and had a hard time holding long notes true, but I can feel every word she sings. There's just so much soul in what she sings.

8592. wonkers2 - 7/10/2008 9:11:57 PM

Agreed. I haven't heard her recently except on the video, but I remember well when she appeared on the scene.

8593. David Ehrenstein - 7/17/2008 5:03:30 PM

Jo Stafford died. She was 90.

Her renditions of "You Belong To Me" and "Daydream" are engraved on my soul.

Here she is with Rosemary Clooney

She and her husband, musician Paul Weston, are also famous as "Jonathan and Darlene Edwards."

8594. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/20/2008 3:08:13 AM

Well my work has made it on to another book cover . . . for the afflicted!

8595. wabbit - 7/20/2008 11:36:12 PM

How cool is that?!!

8596. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/21/2008 1:26:02 AM

Thanks wabb–I'm excited because it's published by the Oxford University Press, which will mean extensive distribution and big media reviews.

8597. wonkers2 - 7/21/2008 2:33:34 PM

Congrats, Wiz! Way to go!

8598. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/21/2008 4:47:38 PM

Thanks wonk, serendipity is king!

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