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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 8660 - 8679 out of 9153 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
8660. anomie - 9/13/2008 2:05:12 AM

8661. anomie - 9/13/2008 2:06:47 AM

Kiss and pose:

8662. anomie - 9/13/2008 2:08:22 AM

8663. anomie - 9/13/2008 2:09:25 AM

8664. David Ehrenstein - 9/13/2008 2:17:40 PM


8665. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 9/13/2008 3:16:05 PM

Charming! [Photos & Link]

8666. thoughtful - 9/15/2008 11:10:41 PM

Nice pics...i esp like 8660...

8667. anomie - 9/16/2008 7:23:04 PM


8668. wonkers2 - 9/16/2008 7:30:59 PM

Great pictures, Anomie. One of these days I'm going to get the amateur version of Photoshop.

8669. anomie - 9/16/2008 9:48:18 PM

Wonks, I stopped upgrading at Version 6. I just use "Elements" now, and it does more than I need. Best 75 bucks you'll spend.

8670. David Ehrenstein - 9/21/2008 5:58:19 AM

Carol Channing.

8671. wonkers2 - 9/21/2008 1:39:22 PM

She looks pretty good for 87.

8672. wonkers2 - 9/21/2008 1:42:11 PM

Thanks, Anomie. You aren't the first person who's told me to get "Elements." I use Google' "Picasa" which does nearly everything I want, but perhaps not as well as "Elements," and I'm sure I could do a lot more with "Elements" than with Picasa.

8673. Jenerator - 9/21/2008 1:47:55 PM

Adobe will let you try CS3 for a month.

8674. wonkers2 - 9/23/2008 2:49:37 AM

Faces in the Crowd at the Peoples' Art Festival

8675. anomie - 9/23/2008 2:55:16 AM

Looks like a nice place to walk around. Artistic ability and talent always amazes me. I can't imagine being able to draw or paint anything.

8676. judithathome - 9/23/2008 3:40:31 AM

Anomie, love the wedding pics...of course, you had two wonderful models to work with! ;-)

8677. anomie - 9/23/2008 4:10:39 AM

Thanks, Judith. And yes, I was very lucky. Plus they obeyed instantly. Ha!

8678. David Ehrenstein - 10/10/2008 10:51:12 PM

Sondheim Says.

8679. alistairConnor - 10/12/2008 9:48:30 PM

The Great O! cultural tour is on...
My friends Caroline, the street theatre artist and Raphael, photographer, will be spending the last couple of weeks of the election campaign shadowing the candidates. Obama in particular.

So, here's the project as it stands. I'm hoping you people can provide advice and criticism.

I am a bit worried that we will have difficulty getting in touch with people who are sympathetic to the project. People who are actively involved with campaigning for Obama are likely to find the thing frivolous at best, and we are also aware that the immense popularity of Obama outside the US is more of a handicap than an advantage for him. I'm hoping that things may relax a bit as a big Obama victory becomes more and more likely; and that people may be more open to the project as a result.

The interest for the election in Europe is huge : as an indication, Raphael has been unable to find any commissions as a press photographer to follow Obama, because the US is already crawling with French photographers. On the positive side, C& R have funding from both Foreign Affairs and the city of Paris; Raphael's photos will be projected on walls in Paris during their trip. BUT he will not have actual press credentials.

Getting tickets for campaign events : as far as I can tell, these are handed out by the local campaign offices to their best activists. I'm guessing that they will need to contact local offices and get lucky?

They are planning to head for the US on Wednesday 22nd October, and stay until a couple of days after the election.
In the event that, as I suspect, the campaigns set up their schedules on very short notice, I'm thinking that the following strategy might be best :
Fly to somewhere in the midwest (Ohio?) and get ready to drive. My rationale is that the candidates will be spending the most time in the "tipping point states" (I've been following this concept on fivethirtyeight.com for a while).
With 24 or 48 hours' notice, they could cover a pretty wide radius : Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, Pennsylvania, will necessarily get some close attention from the candidates in the last two weeks of the campaign.
They intend to end up on election day in Chicago, on the principle that Obama will go there to vote and that it will be a big event (are we right on that?)

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