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8780. wabbit - 8/2/2009 11:50:41 PM

If anyone is in Boston and wants to see the Titian, etc. show at the MFA, I have a spare ticket for 11am on 8/6. Email me at viwabbit @ yahoo.com if you are interested.

8781. wabbit - 8/7/2009 1:09:19 AM

RIP John Hughes

John Hughes, the director and screenwriter who helped define a young generation with his ’80s films “Sixteen Candles,” “The Breakfast Club” and “Pretty in Pink,” has died.

The cause was a heart attack, according to a statement from the publicists Paul Bloch and Michelle Bega.

Mr. Hughes first began as a screenwriter, gaining notoriety for his screenplay for “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” which became a popular franchise.

But his true success came with his directorial debut, “Sixteen Candles,” which made a star out of its young lead, Molly Ringwald...

8782. alistairConnor - 8/28/2009 10:25:55 PM

This is a TV show that my sister has been involved with (well actually she mostly does accounts and stuff for the production company but...)

The presenter, Chris Knox, is a legendary NZ musician and cartoonist, and a former neighbour of mine. He recently suffered a stroke, and is having a difficult recovery (plays a mean game of Texas hold'em, apparently, but has difficulty talking)

8783. wabbit - 8/29/2009 2:48:54 AM

RIP James Lord

I haven't read Picasso and Dora, but I do have A Giacometti Portrait and the Giacometti biography, both of which are good reads.

8784. wabbit - 9/5/2009 12:37:33 AM

I saw Jersey Boys Thursday night at the Shubert Theater in Boston. If you were a fan of The Four Seasons, or like me were too young to be a fan but enjoy the music now, and you aren't offended by profanity (iTs haow dey tawk in Jerzey), you'll enjoy this show.

The story is told by each of the four original members of The Four Seasons, starting with Tommy DeVito, who formed the group and recognized Frankie Valli's voice as something different. Bob Gaudio wrote many of the group's biggest hits and is still a financial 50/50 partner with Valli today. Nick Massi takes some of the shine off of the stories told by DeVito and Gaudio and is the only original member no longer alive. Finally, Valli gives his impressions of the rise, fall, and continued success of The Four Seasons.

It's funny, sometimes sad, and very musical. I was one of the younger members of the sold-out crowd and people were swaying and singing along throughout the show.

If you get the chance, see it, you won't be sorry. It's worth it just to learn where Joe Pesci (yes, *that* Joe Pesci) really got his start.

A side note for those in Beantown - the Shubert has tiny, horribly cramped seats ideal for people with short legs. The man to my right and I were relieved to have an empty seat between us so we could get our knees out of the seatbacks of the row in front of us. Row E, Mezzanine level - those are the primo seats. Believe me. We were in Row D.

But the show was worth it.

8785. wabbit - 9/13/2009 10:14:34 PM


8786. wabbit - 9/14/2009 7:50:38 PM

Kanye West is a jerk. No apology is going to give her back that moment. What an asshole. Good for Beyonce to try to make up for West's idiocy.

8787. arkymalarky - 9/14/2009 10:48:35 PM

He's always been that way and I'm sorry, but he simply doesn't have enough talent to make him worth putting up with. They ought to quit inviting him to those things.

8788. wabbit - 9/18/2009 8:50:51 PM

RIP Mary Travers

Mary Travers, whose ringing, earnest vocals with the folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary made songs like “Blowin’ in the Wind,” “If I Had a Hammer” and “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” enduring anthems of the 1960s protest movement, died on Wednesday at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut. She was 72 and lived in Redding, Conn.

The cause was complications from chemotherapy associated with a bone-marrow transplant she had several years ago after developing leukemia...

8789. alistairConnor - 9/18/2009 10:42:24 PM

Yes, I grew up listening to her.

8790. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/14/2009 5:00:24 PM

8791. anomie - 10/14/2009 8:19:48 PM

Hey WOW! Wow! Nice. And the style is unique - to me anyway. I like it very much.

8792. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/15/2009 3:59:14 PM

Thanks anomie!

8793. judithathome - 10/17/2009 5:56:26 PM

Economy of color AND motion and yet, I know just where it is...or think I do!


8794. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/18/2009 7:56:30 PM

8795. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/18/2009 11:46:37 PM

8796. wabbit - 10/18/2009 11:47:10 PM


8797. alistairConnor - 10/18/2009 11:59:58 PM

Stunning. Textured chiaroscuro thingy. Love it.

8798. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/19/2009 4:58:02 PM

8799. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/19/2009 5:00:51 PM

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." (J. Lennon)

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