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8903. judithathome - 3/8/2013 7:15:50 PM

Not exactly how women want to look using that product line.

I can't believe MAC accepted this as a comment on their work..clearly, she is saying women who are overly made-up with their product look like clowns...and apt interpretation, if you ask me.

The willing public will buy anything they think is trendy...last night I saw the work of an artist who does watercolors of scenes from WalMart...actually, they were more interesting than this woman's photos.

8904. bhelpuri - 3/9/2013 8:53:17 AM

I wouldn't spend five bucks on Tom Chambers prints/artwork - they're no more alive or interesting than Sherman's. If he's taken seriously by museums + the marketplace (and a cursory look at his bio suggests he is) it is just one more indication that the Western art world is collapsing in on itself through sheer inertia.

Here by contrast is the work of Dayanita Singh, who now describes herself as a bookmaker working in photographs , and consistently moves into new terrain as an artist. FYI, in a unique and historic development, she + Ai WeiWei will occupy the German pavilion at the Venice Biennale this year. If I were throwing more money into the art world (which I am now expressly forbidden to do by my wife and my conscience both) I'd be snapping up her early work wherever it comes to market (which is rarely if ever).

8905. Jenerator - 3/20/2013 7:51:01 PM

That's so funny, because I am convinced that my children can shoot pictures accidentally that are better than Singh's "Dream Villa".

Art is so subjective, and for me, at the very lowest level, the artist must be able to create something I cannot.

8906. Jenerator - 3/20/2013 7:52:15 PM

"Go Away Closer" looks like every college freshmen attempt at Photography 101.

8907. bhelpuri - 3/21/2013 7:55:06 AM

for me, at the very lowest level, the artist must be able to create something I cannot

we are at an impasse, madame. nothing more to be said here.

8908. Jenerator - 3/21/2013 4:32:25 PM

It's okay, Marj. I think we do agree that art is subjective and that the market place is no great determiner of taste.

Do you like Marilyn Minter at all, or has she become cliche?

8909. Jenerator - 3/22/2013 8:09:44 PM

I'm going to Istanbul this summer! Any tips or tricks, people?

8910. arkymalarky - 3/26/2013 3:10:27 AM

Stan's friend just got back from there. I'll try to get him to ask her

8911. alistairconnor - 3/31/2013 10:56:29 PM

You may remember my street-theatre artist friend Caroline : I posted about her 2008 "Finding Obama" odyssey.

For the past five years, a film-maker has been following her work, and now they need to crowd-source a little bit of finance in order to do post-production on a feature-length documentary about her.

So, if by any chance you want to support an under-the-radar international subversive stealth artist who spreads a message of solidarity, feminism, anti-racism etc... feel free to chip in, any donations from 10 euros and up are gratefully acknowledged.

8912. arkymalarky - 11/7/2013 2:42:48 AM

Tool is the greatest band ever. The end.

8913. arkymalarky - 11/7/2013 3:46:58 AM

Oh, and they have a song called Judith.

8914. judithathome - 11/9/2013 7:26:20 PM

This afternoon, we're going to a play...this one: Too Many Cooks

Arky and MsNo: I'm going to wear that necklace I bought from Jim's sister's gallery! Well, along with a black suit and black, red, and white striped sweater. Red shoes, too!

8915. arkymalarky - 11/9/2013 8:01:52 PM


8916. Ms. No - 11/9/2013 9:49:05 PM

You'll look fabulous!

8917. judithathome - 11/11/2013 1:43:13 AM

We had a unique experience yesterday before the play.

The theatre is in the basement of this elegant building that used to be a small, upper-end department store in the 1920s. The lobby of the building which is now fancy lofts and aparments, has two elevators, Art Deco in design and beautiful...there are 20 owners of the apartments/lofts and they are very pricey places to live. One of the elvators goes down level to the theatre...in order to use it, you have to be escorted through the lobby by someone who lives in the buliding.

During play season, this darling older couple takes on that responsibility...he watches the door and she escorts people to the elvator.

Keoni always lets me off to wait in the lobby while he parks the car...and I've chatted with this couple over the years. Recently, a building went up across from them that is about 12 stories tall; we got around to discussing what that building would do to their second floor apartment in terms of light....the husband is a painter. The building was finished about a month ago.

Yesterday, I asked the lady how the light was holding up in her place now the building is finished...she popped up and said, "Let me show you! We're quite pleased with it!" and she took us up to htheir second floor "loft"....I was gobsmacked!

This couple are in their early to mid 80s and their loft is amazing...full of an eclectic mix of old and new and with 16 foot ceilings...industrial in design with exposed pipes, vents, etc. HUGE works of modern art on the walls...I was just knocked over. Oh, and the floors are polished concrete with huge oriental rugs here and there.

We were absolutely blown away...it was something special, totally unexpected...both in the invitation AND in what we saw there.

8918. arkymalarky - 11/11/2013 11:29:24 PM

How neat!

8919. Trillium - 11/23/2013 7:07:47 AM

Most people are aware now that "Birth of a Nation" was racist, inflammatory, and regrettable.

While lingering way too long in a supermarket line, I came across some notes about a new movie with Kathy Bates(?) The movie is called American Horror Story, and is based on an actual (and hideous) story about a sadist during the era of slavery.

In a time of heightened racist incidents, do we really need this kind of inflammatory movie?

Based on the same standards that we use to judge "Birth of a Nation", I don't think it's a good idea to put this out. I think the producers ought to be held accountable for harm that is likely to result. Just saying.

8920. arkymalarky - 11/23/2013 4:25:17 PM

American Horror Story is a TV series. She's a regular in it. I'm not sure what you're expecting to happen or why, especially considering Django Unchained and Twelve Years a Slave having been recently released. What do you mean the "same standards"? It glorfies and embraces the value of slavery? The truth of slavery is an ugly story that has been depicted horrfically many times in literature, movies and television, and for good reason.

8921. judithathome - 11/23/2013 7:45:45 PM

I quite watching the series after the first episode because the young "witches" acting in it are so wretchedly inept but from just the first episode, I certainly didn't think it was glorifying slavery but rather, making the Bate's character extremely disgusting.

Judging from headlines today, with people murdering blacks left and right based only on "how they look", we might need a few reminders of just how awful we can be toward "the other".

8922. judithathome - 11/23/2013 8:28:40 PM

I'm posting a link to my favorite film critic's review of 12 Years A Slave...he posts at my forum; first joined when it was at The Atlantic but he's stayed with me through all my forums' incarnations.

Anyhow, he lives in the Philippines and is a wonderful reviewer:

Noel Vera on 12 YEARS A SLAVE

Check out his other reviews, too...he has a way with words!

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