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8981. anomie - 1/8/2014 10:44:09 PM

Judith, I stumbled across Rutherfurd's "Paris" on my library audiobook website. I think it's new. As I remember you liked his other books. This one looks pretty good too.

8982. Trillium - 1/9/2014 9:59:15 PM

Armond White's review of "12 Years a Slave"

"...But 12 Years a Slave is ultimate proof that Hollywood’s respect for Black humanity is in absurd, patronizing, Oscar-winning decline.

"Steve McQueen’s post-racial art games and taste for cruelty play into cultural chaos. The story in 12 Years a Slave didn’t need to be filmed this way and I wish I never saw it."

Armond White is being criticized for this -- but I applaud him. Sounds like a smart and honest man, he has my respect. (and I can get over differences of opinion... you might not agree with me, but this movie does sound like "sadistic porn")

8983. judithathome - 1/9/2014 11:15:01 PM

Movies today are a reflection of the times...I agree this movie looks like it panders to the sadistic in us just as Wolf of Wall Street panders to the profane...literally. With over 500 uses of the word "fuck" in a 3 hour time span, it shows that this writer is either unable to be creative with profanity or that he actually thinks people speak this way as a routine matter.

8984. judithathome - 1/9/2014 11:29:25 PM

Well, I posted something but it didn't show up.....

8985. judithathome - 1/9/2014 11:29:46 PM

Ah...there it is...WTF?

8986. arkymalarky - 1/10/2014 12:31:27 AM

Rent Fruitvale Station

8987. Trillium - 1/10/2014 6:29:46 AM

Fruitvale Station is on my library waiting list... one of these days they'll notify me that it's finally my turn to view it.

Meanwhile... I love San Francisco, BART, Oakland and especially Burma Superstar restaurant in every one of its locations around SF. Lord but their cooks are GOOD.

I also would have to admit that the California gangs of Nortenos and Surenos are not people I would want to mess with on a daily basis (like cops do). Scary. While I wait to see the movie, allow me to share a little bit of background information about Fruitvale Station neighborhood:

Injunction against Fruitvale gangs

8988. Trillium - 1/10/2014 6:34:17 AM

okay, link doesn't work. Let me try again. If I can't get it to work, google Nortenos and Surenos, there are lots of YouTubes etc.

Fruitvale injunction

SFgate about Mission District

8989. Trillium - 1/10/2014 7:15:54 AM

Bay Citizen article about Oakland, and what the police try to handle there:

Carlos Fernandez Nava

"The shooting, which police say was gang-related and did not target the toddler, marks Oakland's 67th homicide of the year, an increase of more than 30 percent over this time last year. It's the latest test for a police department with diminished resources, even with the addition of 22 officers this week.

"The department's rising murder caseload includes at least five victims under 18. At least 30 percent were unintended victims, according to city violence-prevention staff, and more than half of the homicides occurred in East Oakland."

8990. wabbit - 1/28/2014 10:03:15 PM

RIP Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger, the man considered to be one of the pioneers of contemporary folk music who inspired legions of activist singer-songwriters, died Monday. He was 94...

8991. Ms. No - 2/9/2014 6:00:59 AM

My go-to Pandora station for the last two months has been Portugese Fado. Perfect background for pretty much anything I need to get done around my house.

8992. arkymalarky - 2/9/2014 6:25:44 PM

I'm maxed out on stations. I'll dump one and check it out.

BTW? Does anyone do spotify? I like Pandora and subscribe but I'd like to be able to have playlists.

8993. arkymalarky - 2/17/2014 2:43:48 AM

You go Cheerios. They have a new commercial with the interracial family. Stan was a Cheerios addict when I met him, but so good to see a business deal with racism head on.

8994. judithathome - 2/17/2014 9:16:52 PM

Yes, they are one of the few large corporations that didn't bend to the rabid rights' response to reality.

Sorry for the alliteration....just happened.

8995. arkymalarky - 2/17/2014 10:11:38 PM

not only did they not cave in, they came right back in their faces with the "hey mommy's pregnant" commercial.

8996. judithathome - 2/18/2014 12:19:45 AM

I know...thus implanting in the bigots' minds the vision of mommy and daddy having SEX...heavens to Betsy!!!

8997. Jenerator - 2/22/2014 12:22:49 AM

I saw 12 Years A Slave a few weeks ago. It was one of the more depressing movies I've ever seen - up there with Pursuit of Happyness - in terms of two hours of pure struggle and three minutes of resolution.

From a technical standpoint, it was beautifully shot. I have very mixed feelings about it.

8998. judithathome - 2/22/2014 12:28:05 AM

I'm in no hurry to see it, frankly.

8999. judithathome - 2/22/2014 12:52:48 AM


9000. judithathome - 2/22/2014 12:52:59 AM

What's this?

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