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9124. arkymalarky - 9/19/2016 4:20:48 AM

Man, Anthony Bourdain is so great.

9125. Ms. No - 9/19/2016 6:23:51 PM

Saw a great show last night at a local venue about three blocks from my house:

Headliner - Saint Motel
Openers - Jr. Jr. and Weathers

I got my tickets to see Saint Motel and they absolutely delivered! I love this band and there isn't a bad track on their album Voyeur. So much fun -- and the crowd went wild, everyone singing and dancing. The band played two encores just because people wouldn't leave. Love these guys!

I didn't know I knew anything by Jr. Jr. - who played right before Saint Motel -- until the end of their set when they played a song I'd heard and liked on the radio. I enjoyed their music and they were fun performers -- they do a few too many "ambient" endings to their songs and it makes it hard for the audience to know when to clap, but I'd definitely pay money to see them again.

The band Weathers played first - just to warm up the crowd as people were arriving. Again, I didn't know I knew anything by this band -- the average age of the band members is 19 -- but they turned up at the City of Trees concert that I attended last weekend and I thought they were pretty good. Imagine my surprise when I saw them again last night! I was even more impressed.

The real clincher, though, was that at the end of the night when everyone was leaving a couple of the Weathers band members were sitting outside on a bench doing an impromptu acoustic performance. A crowd gathered around, the lead singer and bassist showed up and all of them performed around this single guitar for a good half hour, just because it was fun and people were excited. Folks were singing along when they knew the words and generally it was just an awesome vibe. I'm a fan for life after this.

The night couldn't have been better except if my brother had been there with me!

9126. arkymalarky - 9/20/2016 2:12:20 AM

Sounds fantastic! Stan and I are going to the tool concert in October, and I'm so excited. I rarely go to concerts, but it's always such a great experience.

9127. judithathome - 10/8/2016 12:03:05 AM

Best of Enemies was on TV this week and it featured Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley and was about their verbal battles at the 1968 convention in Chicago.

I remember watching their debates live on TV back then and I couldn't get enough of it...it was the first time EVER one man called a man a "queer" and the other responded with "...not surprising coming from a crypto neo-fascist commie pinko like you" and said commie pinko lunged toward Vidal in his chair and yelled "Shut your good damn mouth or I will come over there and shut it for you and you WILL stay plastered!"

It was better than ANYTHING on commercial TV programming at that time!!

Anyhow, it was said that this debate (and ensuing ones between them) were the starting point of cable TV political talk shows.

I really LOVED this...see if you can either tape it* or find it on disc...it was SUPERB and makes you nostalgic for "people talking smartly" (rather than "men talking bigly")....ha!

*It was on
Independent Lens
on PBS.

9128. arkymalarky - 10/29/2016 6:00:01 AM

Tool. Was. Amazing.

9129. wabbit - 11/11/2016 8:09:48 PM

"I get tagged as an art-song intellectual," Leonard Cohen observed during the early 80s. "But I've always tried to have hits."

Cohen -- who died at the age of 82 -- didn't have any of those. But the poet, songwriter and singer wielded enormous influence as a kind of pop music laureate, writing literate, evocative material that was admired and frequently recorded by others...

RIP Leonard Cohen

9130. judithathome - 11/11/2016 8:58:20 PM

Here's my fave....the words are astounding! I'm Your Man

9131. wabbit - 11/13/2016 10:26:07 PM

...As a musician, primarily a pianist, he played on The Beach Boys' "California Girls" and Jan and Dean's "Surf City." He also played guitar and bass.

Russell produced and played on recording sessions for Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Ike and Tina Turner, the Rolling Stones and many others...

RIP Leon Russell

9132. arkymalarky - 11/15/2016 6:55:08 AM

We saw him opening for somebody in concert one time, maybe Crosby Stills and Nash, but before we saw him in concert we saw him driving his own bus to be in concert.

9133. wabbit - 11/19/2016 2:50:45 PM

...[Sharon] Jones made a life out of music, despite not putting out her own album until the age of 40. She began singing gospel in church and later entered talent shows in the 1970s backed by local funk bands.
For years she worked as a corrections officer at Rikers Island and as an armored car guard for Wells Fargo Bank, until she received a break in 1996 when she appeared as a session singer backing Lee Fields...
RIP Sharon Jones

9134. wabbit - 2/13/2017 12:13:08 AM

RIP Al Jarreau

Seven-time Grammy winner Al Jarreau has died. His passing comes two days after an announcement was made on his website that he was retiring from touring due to exhaustion.

Jarreau had been in a hospital in Los Angeles and was "slowly recovering," according to a statement posted on Thursday. He was 76...

9135. judithathome - 2/13/2017 2:24:32 AM

OMG...when we lived in Japan, we had "geckoes" that lived in our apartment...it is considered good luck if you had house geckoes.

One night, we were watching the military TV station and it was an Al Jarreau concert...our TV was in the bedroom and suddenly we heard this weird chirping sound...looked down on the floor and saw 4 geckoes all lined up, looking up at the TV, and chirping right along to Al...

9136. wabbit - 2/14/2017 12:34:15 AM

Hey, geckos know good music when they hear it!

9137. judithathome - 2/14/2017 12:56:33 AM

No shit!!

9138. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 4:42:23 AM

My most favorite Happy song that I belt out in my car on the way home from work on a sunny spring day is Al Jarreau's mornin'. The geckos knows..

9139. wabbit - 4/15/2017 1:27:26 PM

Arturo Di Modica, get over yourself. If you think you still own the Charging Bull, feel free to take it away. But stop whining about how Fearless Girl, a commissioned sculpture, is infringing on your rights. You gave up your rights when you dropped the bull off in front of the NYSE uninvited - it didn't stay there, it was moved to a new location, were you crying about that? Either accept that it is a public piece of art, or reclaim it and put it in your backyard. But shut up already.

Marcel Duchamp is having a good chuckle somewhere.

9140. Ms. No - 5/30/2017 7:29:22 PM

And we've lost another:

R.I.P. Greg Allman

9141. arkymalarky - 6/11/2017 11:11:59 PM

Great great talent. I've managed to see them several times since I was a teenager, and they never disappointed.

9142. arkymalarky - 8/12/2017 5:36:20 AM

RIP Glen Campbell.

9143. arkymalarky - 8/12/2017 5:36:51 AM

Buried at home in Delight, Arkansas.

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