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9145. arkymalarky - 8/12/2017 3:54:05 PM

I loved his old songs and his show. It's amazing where all his guitar playing is thst no one realizes who they are hearing is Campbell.

Sorry for the tortured syntax. Fortunately I'm not teaching English until Monday.

9146. wabbit - 9/4/2017 12:25:20 AM

RIP Walter Becker

9147. arkymalarky - 9/9/2017 6:20:57 PM

Love Steely Dan. Consistently enjoyable Duo through the decades. I can't think of anything I heard by them I didn't like

9148. Ms. No - 9/10/2017 1:52:28 AM

Brings back fond memories of Dr. Wu -- the band I sang with for a couple years in L.A.

9149. arkymalarky - 9/10/2017 2:07:14 AM

I remember that. I thought at the time that must have been such a great thing, because their music seems like it would be so fun to do.

9150. Ms. No - 9/11/2017 6:37:00 PM

It was a blast, and there wasn't a single song we performed that I didn't like, although there were a bunch that I wanted to do that we didn't get to.

Fire in the Hole is still one of my absolute favorites-- off Can't Buy a Thrill --. Not really a "band" song, though. Just Fagin at the piano and some drums.

9151. wabbit - 1/26/2018 11:57:56 PM

Am I understanding this correctly? A fictional 20 year old Crock Pot causes a fictional fire that kills off a fictional character on a TV show, and people are posting videos online showing themselves throwing away Crock Pots?

Holy crap, people get stupider every day.

9152. Ms. No - 1/30/2018 8:07:06 PM

As if the election of a reality TV con-man to the White House weren't evidence enough. Sheesh.

I'll start telling my kids not to worry too much about getting a job - clearly, the world is full of morons, so the applicant pool will be shallow.

9153. arkymalarky - 2/3/2018 7:57:16 AM

Maybe it's my state of mind, but this is the most beautiful video I have ever seen. This is how and where I want to live when I retire :

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