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9209. wonkers2 - 11/14/2008 6:30:01 PM

Very true. GM, Ford and Chrysler were shortsighted in betting so heavily on SUVs. Also, they missed the boat on diesels. GM and Ford have been skating on thin ice for a long time because they are so heavily leveraged. They lobbied successfully with the help of the UAW and Iron John Dingle against improvements in fuel economy standards.

9210. wonkers2 - 11/14/2008 6:41:39 PM

However, the failure of the U.S. auto companies will have a cataclysmic effect on the American economy.

9211. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/14/2008 7:17:47 PM

The cataclysm is coming one way or the other. Paulson is a still a whore for Wall Street and ineptitude continues to be rewarded because cronyism still rules in this administration.

As Claudius said: Lance the boil and let the puss run out.

9212. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/14/2008 7:18:25 PM


9213. jexster - 11/15/2008 3:13:34 AM

I'm likin this Frenchman more and more!!!

    Nicolas Sarkozy saved the President of Georgia from being hanged "by the balls" — a threat made last summer by Vladimir Putin, according to an account that emerged yesterday from the Élysée Palace. . . .

    The Russian seemed unconcerned by international reaction. "I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls," Mr Putin declared.

    Mr Sarkozy thought he had misheard. "Hang him?" — he asked.

    "Why not?" Mr Putin replied. "The Americans hanged Saddam Hussein."

    Mr Sarkozy, using the familiar tu, tried to reason with him: "Yes but do you want to end up like [President] Bush?"

    Mr Putin was briefly lost for words, then said: "Ah -- you have scored a point there."

9214. jexster - 11/15/2008 3:14:46 AM

However, the failure of the U.S. auto companies will have a cataclysmic effect on the American economy.

Earth to Honkers...they already HAVE failed..that's why they want me and Wizzer to bail their sorry asses out

They've been failing for three decades

9215. jexster - 11/15/2008 3:17:39 AM

FYI Chevron and me is going to Cyrus and Allah willing the French Laundry in January....we'll be saving the planet by drinking champagne and eating brunch in a hot air balloon

Balloon Ride in the Wine Country From USD
Come fly with us in a hot air balloon over the beautiful Sonoma Valley. Let the breeze usher you along the corridors of grape vines and between the mountains of one of the most magnificent valleys on earth.

9216. jexster - 11/16/2008 1:47:58 AM

Sarko, Medvedev Plan World Domination

9217. Dubai Vol - 11/16/2008 2:15:28 AM

Just checking in, as it's been a while. Thanks for some nice ammo to use on the republitard boards I troll.

And the grammar Nazi in me just has to beg you, PLEASE learn to use apostrophes!

And Jexster, you're still an asshole. Fuck off and die already.

And a funny to share, if you haven't seen it:

9218. jexster - 11/16/2008 3:05:16 AM

Dubai Goes Bust;
Is there a Silver Lining?

9219. wonkers2 - 11/16/2008 5:48:03 PM

Is that a photograph or an architect's rendering of a proposal?

9220. jexster - 11/16/2008 7:27:49 PM

Artist's rendering Dubai Towers, Lagoons Dist. completion 2010 or so...

Who has the HVAC contract?

9221. jexster - 11/16/2008 7:29:06 PM

The Holy Martyr

9222. jexster - 11/21/2008 5:52:50 PM

More on Dubai's dynamic bldg

9223. jexster - 11/24/2008 10:47:47 PM

Financial Times: Euro Socialists Should Look to Obama

9224. jexster - 11/26/2008 9:47:50 PM

Is Mumbai Burning?

Piyush Jindal mobilizing LA Natl Guard

9225. alistairConnor - 11/26/2008 10:10:56 PM

yeah my girlfriend is on the case. Night shift. They asked her to go in early.

9226. jexster - 11/26/2008 11:23:44 PM

Sheesh I figured Marji would be upset over the outcome of her Piglin Prognostication but I never thought she'd act out

9227. jexster - 11/27/2008 8:09:23 PM

Can't those people speak ENGLISH!

From Mumbai Twitter

    asanghi: Can you imagine a conversation between Pranab and say....um Obama? I'd pay to see that komma phool shtop #mumbai


Sounds like some sort of Indian insult

9228. jexster - 11/27/2008 8:12:00 PM

Werry Bollyvood

    gsik: The official NSG website has some funky background music http://www.nsg.gov.in/ #mumbai

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