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9246. Ms. No - 11/29/2008 6:49:48 PM


Glad to hear that you are well and safe. I've been thinking of your family since the first news came through --- although I suspected you weren't in the immediate vicinity I did think of how this city is such a part of your life and how devastating it is to see your heritage and history hit by such violence.

9247. jexster - 11/29/2008 7:37:33 PM

Why didn't this get 24/7 sturm und drang coverage?

9248. jexster - 11/29/2008 7:46:01 PM

India: the fight is on for pluralism

The air is still thick with tragedy in Orissa state. Someone just told me the story of a Christian widow he chanced upon in the state capital, Bhubaneswar, who chokingly related the story of her husband's death. She said that he fled from an angry mob that came to his house in the night of August 28, but he was caught and told that he and his brothers and all their families must convert to Hinduism or he would be killed. He resisted the pressure, so they tied him to a tree, took kerosene from his brother's house, poured it over him and set him on fire.

9249. jexster - 11/29/2008 8:13:09 PM

I am Concerned

The Hinduvata Flag

9250. vonKreedon - 11/29/2008 11:30:27 PM

Marj - Came here hoping to hear that you and your family are well; thanks for posting. The tide of global terrorism has certainly left its mark on your life.

9251. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/30/2008 6:25:04 AM

How do we stop ignorant men from this kind of behavior?

9252. wonkers2 - 11/30/2008 6:53:18 AM

That's a good question. Their civilization is not very civilized. The Muslims aren't the only religion that teaches that women must be subservient, however.

9253. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/30/2008 7:06:09 AM

It drives me nutz to see this kind of abuse.

9254. wonkers2 - 11/30/2008 7:15:49 AM

I agree. However, women in the U.S. only got the right to vote in 1920 when the 19th amendment was passed. Pakistan is not a very civilized country. Apparently terrorist groups there were behind the attacks in Mumbai. Catch 22 should be translated into Urdu and made required reading in the schools there and passed out free on every street corner with the objective of replacing Mohammad with Yossarian as a societal role model. And they could show The Big Lebowski free in every movie theater for a few months to encourage the fanatics to be a bit more laid back.

9255. jexster - 11/30/2008 9:00:46 PM

Indians worship snake gods...killed 2000 Muzzies in a pogrom...killed a hundred Christians, chased 30,000 into refugee camps

9256. jexster - 11/30/2008 9:01:17 PM

The entire country looks like a dump

9257. jexster - 11/30/2008 10:26:38 PM

And I thought India was fuckt up

    GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) --

    Swiss voters overwhelmingly approved Sunday a move to make permanent the country's pioneering program to give addicts government-authorized heroin.

    At the same time, voters rejected a proposal to decriminalize marijuana.

    Sixty-eight percent of the 2,264,968 voters casting ballots approved making the heroin program permanent. It has been credited with reducing crime and improving the health and daily lives of addicts since it began in 1994.

    Some 63.2 percent of voters voted against the marijuana initiative.

9258. jexster - 12/1/2008 9:09:25 PM

Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Mumbai Massacre was tragic but at least CNN called in its Chief Asia Crisis Correspondent!!!

Just did a bit from Victoria Station (not the nice one, the India one)

9259. jexster - 12/1/2008 10:07:48 PM

Indian Muslims Refuse Terrorists Burial in Muslim Cemeteries

9260. wonkers2 - 12/2/2008 12:47:11 AM

Interesting. Juan Cole is a good source.
Does anybody else think the Indian commandos should have been a bit more patient in dealing with the terrorists at the Jewish Center. A bit more waiting and negotiating might have resulted in saving the lives of the the Rabbi and his wife. Moreover, would it not have been better to capture the terrorists alive rather than killing them. Shades of Waco, Texas.

9261. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/2/2008 1:07:40 AM

Haste makes waste.

9262. jexster - 12/2/2008 1:21:19 AM

No it wouldn't have done any good. The Black Cat Commandos knew the terrorists were Mossad

9263. JJBiener - 12/2/2008 2:00:28 AM

Wonk - "A bit more waiting and negotiating might have resulted in saving the lives of the the Rabbi and his wife."

I am trying to figure out what you are basing this on. It would seem you are relying more on hope than on experience. I am having trouble remembering the last time there was a successful negotiation with terrorists. Can you help me out on that one?

9264. wonkers2 - 12/2/2008 3:02:19 AM

Plenty of hostages have been rescued alive or ransomed from the FARC in Colombia. I doubt that ransom would have moved the terrorists in the Jewish center in Mumbai. Before coming in with guns blazing I would have cut off the water, and electricity and waited for a couple of days before shooting the place up. This might not have worked but waiting doesn't cost anything. Catching a couple of more terrorists alive would have been useful, not to mention the saving the lives of the Rabbi and his wife. It would have been worth a try.

Do you remember the disaster at Waco where the BATF and Janet Reno got impatient and needlessly burned up a bunch of women and children. And for that they were roundly criticized, justifiably so.

Waco Shootout

9266. JJBiener - 12/2/2008 3:40:39 AM

Wonk - I am sure there have been successful negotiations with the Basque separatists as well, but it was clear early on the terrorists in Mumbai were on a different level.

I hope you aren't expecting me to defend Reno over Waco. She should have resigned over it. She was a lot of what was wrong with the Clinton Administration.

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