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9504. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:09:41 AM

Let's try that again:


Source http://www.shabak.gov.il/SiteCollectionImages/english/TerrorInfo/reports/2010summary2-en.pdf

9505. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:18:38 AM

Let's see about rocket attacks from Gaza from 2005-2010:


Mortar Attacks from Gaza, 2005-2010:


Source: http://www.shabak.gov.il/SiteCollectionImages/english/TerrorInfo/reports/2010summary2-en.pdf

9506. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:33:18 AM

Let's go to Concerned's IDF source, and let's go back to 2001. (Note that these figures combine rocket and mortar attacks)


Source: http://www.idfblog.com/facts-figures/rocket-attacks-toward-israel/

9507. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:45:12 AM

Is there a pattern here? Other than Concerned's continuing uncritical use of selective statistics without a recognizable context from obviously biased sources? Again Concerned substitutes opinion for analysis.

Using Concerned's (sorry, the International Business Daily's) laughable methodology, it is obvious from these figures that the Bush administration "aided and abetted" Hamas far more than the Obama administration has.

So we have definitively established that Concerned continues to be a fucking moron who has the analytical capability of a five year old.

Without further analysis, we can probably also say that the changes in the level of rocket attacks by Hamas (mostly Islamic Jihad, actually) has little if anything to do with whoever might be the US President.

Maybe Concerned can try this shit on Acey's web site, where he would be the voice of reason, at least some of the time.

9508. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:51:23 AM

Apologies for the obscenities, but rampant stupidity brings out the worst in me.

9509. RickNelson - 11/29/2012 1:56:04 PM


What a tool!

9510. concerned - 11/30/2012 7:19:13 PM

Wombat -

What's your point?

Extend your rocket and mortar statistics until 2012, and I win, you lose. I will concede that you have a lot more in common with 'fucking morons' in general than I do.

The majority of RN's items cannot be specifically credited to the 0bama administration. Admittedly, a few can, but most are more symbolic, or unrealized in practical terms as of yet than real.

Turkey, as well as most of the Middle East, continues to move toward Islamic fundamentalism, and that is a gigantic fail of 0bama's 'Arab Spring' policy.

9511. Wombat - 12/1/2012 12:54:14 AM

If I have to explain the point I was making to you again, you were clearly too stupid to get it in the first place.

Let's apply the idiotic methodology you promote in a different manner: Since rocket attacks from Gaza plunged from a peak in 2008 of over 3000 to under 300 in 2010, it is clear that the Obama Administration was much tougher on Hamas than the Bush Administration was. Do you get that?

The IDF statistics do go into 2012, and they may well reach levels not seen since the Bush administration. And it has nothing to do with the Obama Administration (or the Bush Administration, for that matter). Do you really want to continue with this? It doesn't make you seem any smarter, you know.

Here's something else for you to try and absorb: By pushing for elections in 2006--in spite of warnings from both Israel and the Palestinian Authority--one could say that the Bush administration played a key role in putting Hamas in power in Gaza. Talk about your Hamas "benefactors."

9512. bhelpuri - 12/6/2012 1:39:38 PM

Americans continue to argue trivial minutiae while their "way of life" slumps to crisis.

The fuck, Concerned? Can you not see the writing on the wall?

9513. concerned - 12/17/2012 12:58:23 AM

Re. 9511 -

If the US Left had not been so focused on undermining US policy during George W. Bush's second term, then these figures would surely have been better then. But the fact is that any temporary advantage that 0bama enjoyed due to his race/party affiliation or religion, past or present, is gone, and he is set to be more worthy of criticism than Bush ever was, regardless of the political viewpoint of the analysis.

9514. concerned - 12/17/2012 12:59:15 AM

re. 9512 -

I surely can. That is why I voted for Romney. 0bama's 'Arab Spring' policy is an unfolding disaster.

9515. concerned - 12/17/2012 1:03:53 AM

Muslim Country With 25% Slave Population Elected VP of UN Human Rights Council

And 0bama wants to give the completely corrupt UN
hegemony over US affairs and laws. I don't think so.

9516. Wombat - 12/17/2012 1:30:14 AM


Evidence to back up your added comment, Feces Flinger? Try using a source that is not from your bubble...if you can find one.

9517. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 6:42:37 AM

What up, Khantilal! You got something to talk about? It would be nice to have a blast from the past that doesn't feel degrading to even touch...

9518. alistairconnor - 7/1/2013 1:30:52 PM

Ha! A lot of water has passed under the bridge in the past ten years or so, the world is a different place, and I have a sneaky feeling you saw a lot of it coming before I did, Bhel. It would indeed be good to do a panorama of interesting subjects... the emergence of the middle class in the "developing" world, and the concomitant (and totally unexpected!) demands for good governance and individual freedoms (turkey, brazil...) The decline of the middle class in the "developed" world, which has been staring us in the face for a while now...

Just as long as we don't talk about Europe. Too painful (only joking...)

9519. alistairconnor - 7/1/2013 1:52:58 PM

For laughs, we could talk about the outrage building in the European Union over the fact that the US has been bugging our federal institutions, with the help of the UK and probably other EU secret services.

This is apparently a shocking revelation. Excuse me? Where have the shocked people been living in the past few decades? I remember demonstrations in New Zealand in the early 1970s against the "Echelon" listening system : NZ has been a partner, but mostly a host to technical installations which have been snooping on all accessible international communications traffic since at least that time.

Basically, if you've got something to communicate that you don't want the NSA to see, write it down on a piece of paper and deliver it by hand. Nothing changes.

9520. alistairconnor - 7/1/2013 1:53:46 PM

html laziness.

9521. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 1:58:14 PM

Well, the tearful comments by PMS in the other thread (meant as a slur) did have me casting my mind back to what we talked about here, especially post 9/11. I am pretty certain I complained quite a lot in the Mote about absurd real estate prices at the time, and my perception of an incredibly unsustainable bubble, etc. And now we know I was right.

The cool thing (which I definitely congratulate myself about in retrospect) is that I did not merely grumble, but made huge life decisions and financial gambles based on my analysis, almost all of which paid off big time (exiting Google stock at $104 was not one!)

9522. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 2:18:55 PM

I left the USA on the day after Dubya was re-elected, which was awesome timing. Couple months later I liquidated from almost all US assets, shifted my funds from dollars to rupees, and invested almost everything in Asia markets + real estate. Returns went from 10-12% to 70-80%. But right now happens to be a different ballgame, and some of my gains being wiped out by currency woes. The US now looks an attractive bargain in many ways - Europe too. In the next few years (as my kids filter to college) I will venture back...

9523. alistairconnor - 7/1/2013 3:46:47 PM

Yes, there are times and places for bringing up children.

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