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9737. judithathome - 1/10/2017 10:19:42 PM

Before we know it, he'll sell the Statue of Liberty to Vlad...

9738. Trillium - 1/12/2017 6:57:59 PM


Huge deployment of US Troops to Poland and Baltic states today

9739. judithathome - 1/13/2017 10:43:44 PM

Here's a hyperlink to that story: Troops Enter Poland

9740. Trillium - 1/14/2017 1:30:16 PM

Interesting article that refers to "Kaliningrad", formerly "Königsberg"


"Königsberg...renamed Kaliningrad...was the easternmost large city in Germany until it was captured by the Soviet Union on 9 April 1945, near the end of World War II.

"A university city...Königsberg developed into an important German intellectual and cultural centre, being the residence of Simon Dach, Immanuel Kant, Käthe Kollwitz, E. T. A. Hoffmann, David Hilbert, Agnes Miegel, Hannah Arendt, Michael Wieck and others."

That poor city experienced a monster ethnic cleansing at the end of WWII. I've had nightmares from secondhand stories about the 1945 evacuation of Königsberg that I heard when I was younger. I hope the small fry residents are not scheduled for more violence at the hands of distant political powers

9741. Trillium - 1/14/2017 1:50:24 PM

Metgethen was a suburb of Konigsberg
Metgethen 1945

Nemmersdorf was a nearby town
Nemmersdorf 1945

Cuban-born Human Rights attorney Alfred de Zayas was willing to investigate the war crimes Alfred de Zayas

9742. arkymalarky - 1/14/2017 9:54:04 PM

interesting note on de zayas in this

"I hope the small fry residents are not scheduled for more violence at the hands of distant political powers"

Who? Can you be more specific wrt your concerns?

9743. Trillium - 1/14/2017 11:25:10 PM

Interesting article which casts shade on de Zayas because he describes Germans as "victims". Many Germans *were* victims. A former German national who had been a prisoner of war in Russia (at age 16) began to cry as he tried to begin to describe it, then broke down even trying to begin to communicate about it. I felt horrible for even being close to the topic that triggered his PTSD.

In general, people don't want to hear stories from the "wrong" nationality. Those who want to hear the gory details of Auschwitz/Buna often don't want to know what happened to ordinary people elsewhere in Dresden, Nemmersdorf, etc. It is awful to be powerless and condemned to be silent about your witness to atrocity.

I disagree with de Zayas about Israel. Then again I disagree with quite a number of academics and religious leaders who also want to make Israel into the "bad guy" while ignoring the rest of the violent neighborhood.

9744. arkymalarky - 1/14/2017 11:34:04 PM

Mark Twain was right about man being the only animal who needs to blush, but you didn't answer my question.

9745. Trillium - 1/15/2017 6:39:30 AM

What is your question?

9746. arkymalarky - 1/15/2017 7:10:54 AM

At the bottom of 9742

9747. Trillium - 1/15/2017 5:47:19 PM

not clear. Try again

9748. arkymalarky - 1/15/2017 9:25:43 PM

It's your quote. Either you can explain it or you can't.

9749. wombat - 1/16/2017 12:55:32 AM

If a brigade is considered "huge," then what do we consider the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops deployed along their frontier?

9750. arkymalarky - 1/16/2017 1:11:42 AM

Wombat! So great to see you! Hope you're doing okay and had a good holiday season. If you haven't already, you can look at some of trillium's posts around here and get what she's about pretty quickly.

9751. wombat - 1/16/2017 8:39:53 PM

Arky, I'm doing fine.

Not sure about applying today's human rights standards to different historical contexts. What happened to Germany and ethnic Germans at the end of and after WWII would seem to come under "sowing seeds, reaping whirlwind."

9752. arkymalarky - 1/16/2017 8:54:25 PM

It's all just propaganda. Ask her about Milo yiannopoulos.

9753. Trillium - 1/17/2017 8:31:03 PM

re: ...sowing seeds, reaping the whirlwind

9754. arkymalarky - 5/27/2019 4:42:41 AM

YooHoo, Alistair! Anxious to hear your take on the EU elections. Sounds like splitting votes off of the moderates helped the far right, but it sounds like big winners in various parties on the left, especially your Greens.

9755. vonKreedon - 2/22/2022 4:42:19 PM

Well, Putin just waited until the Beijing Olympics were over and he's into Ukraine. I expect that when he recognizes the People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk he means the entire provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk, not just the tiny rump states. Also, while he's at it, I expect he'll take a land corridor from Marienpol to the Crimea, thus officially making the Sea of Azov a Russian lake.

9756. alistairConnor - 2/26/2022 3:12:38 PM

I thought the same on Tuesday...
and was thought a NATO hawk by many of my current internet circle (some of whom STILL think it's all the USA's fault).
I have been trying to get into Putin's head for weeks, I couldn't find any end-game that was favourable for Russia.
And indeed, there wasn't one.
This guy nails it though: King Lear in a grey suit

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