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28965. JJBiener - 5/1/2017 11:55:41 PM

I don't know if it was announced here, msgreer passed away about 18 months ago. It was very sudden. She was peaceful and there was no pain. She was a founding member here, so I thought you should know.

28966. Ms. No - 5/2/2017 3:14:13 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. I know you were close friends. I still think of her often when talking to my students about possible professions in health care --- and to others I know who would benefit from having a Nurse Advocate.

Do you know how her daughter is doing?

28967. wabbit - 5/2/2017 11:45:56 AM

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about Ms. Greer, my condolences JJ. I was just thinking about her last week, and also wonder how her daughter is doing.

28968. JJBiener - 5/2/2017 1:42:55 PM

Msgreer's daughter is doing alright. She is in a facility in South Florida. I talk to her on a regular basis. Obviously she is still grieving, but she is working through it.

28969. judithathome - 5/2/2017 6:00:42 PM

Well, hey! to you JJ...good to see you!

And so sorry to hear about msgreer...sad news but good to know she didn't suffer.

28970. arkymalarky - 5/3/2017 4:03:11 PM

So sad about MsGreer, such as good and kind person, but I'm glad her daughter's doing well.

28971. arkymalarky - 6/11/2017 10:56:37 PM

Have not been in the mood to be online at all but things are settling down finally. I lost my best friend in April agter surgery on a burst diverticula, my dad fell again, hit his head again, but only burst his eardrum that time. Our budfy spook is in the middle of a divorce and he's moved out to a beautiful Farm less than 2 miles from us, and we've been trying to help him get settled into his new, and I think way better life. But he has his hands full and we haven't had time to settle in and enjoy ourselves in Forever. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, but that's enough. We are getting some remodeling done on our house while we're in Colorado, and got some remodeling done on our colorado house while we were home, so hopefully will have two decent places to be by the end of this summer.

28972. arkymalarky - 6/11/2017 11:01:21 PM

School was actually A good diversion and I signed on for one more year, definitely wont go after that. I'll be out of sick days. I'm being full-time grandma after my son-in-law gets is phd wherever they end up living, and take care of my parents too.

28973. arkymalarky - 6/11/2017 11:05:26 PM

Also I'm wanting back into political action. There's a lot going on in Arkansas and my daughters been involved and my brother and I want part of the action.

28974. Ms. No - 6/12/2017 9:05:22 PM

Arx -- sorry to hear about your friend, but glad your father is okay. Do I say, "Hurray!....uh, sorry....but hurray!" for Spook?

I'm gearing up for a whirlwind ten days. Finishing final exams this week, calendar meeting Friday morning, then off to the airport for a cousin's wedding on Saturday. Back to Sac on Monday, seminar Tuesday and Wednesday, then down to Oakland overnight to make it to the airport on time to fly to Mazatlan for five days with the fam.

Haven't booked my other travel for the summer yet, but I'll be doing than in the next couple of days too. Have to hit Hoboken, Westport, Montreal, and NC.


28975. arkymalarky - 6/13/2017 1:06:47 AM

I love my best buddy. She and I were best friends since 8th grade and never once had a cross word. Never once even had a tense moment. Never once had a time when we didn't just love each other. as we got older we didn't see each other often because life, but she came to my house and spent the night a few months before she died. She had left her husband and we had big plans to get back to socializing regularly.

28976. arkymalarky - 6/13/2017 1:11:44 AM

Sounds like you've got a very great traveling summer planned. Hope it's fun and safe start to finish!

And I can't speak for spook, but I'm not crying about it. I don't know if you remember the old spin Doctor song Little Miss can't be wrong but I've been humming that to myself a little bit here lately.

28977. Ms. No - 6/13/2017 4:21:30 PM

Yeah -- and while I only met her a couple of times, I can absolutely see the correlation.

Divorce is always hard even if you can't stand the person, and I know that's not where Spook is, but I do hope things get a whole lot easier for him. I know he'll be glad to be closer to you guys!

28978. arkymalarky - 6/13/2017 5:08:59 PM

You got it exactly right. Emotions are very mixed, but there's a lot of good coming from the relocation that mitigates the other to a point. And I think that will continue to improve the situation.

28979. arkymalarky - 6/13/2017 5:11:46 PM

Us beeing gone 3 weeks may help as well. ;->

28980. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:20:43 AM

All right, looks like a good time for a millennial race. In the cafe no less.

28981. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:20:57 AM


28982. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:21:05 AM


28983. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:21:19 AM


28984. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:21:30 AM


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