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29113. arkymalarky - 12/5/2019 4:57:47 PM

You are so much like Mose it isn't even funny. When I was there I helped her coordinate some stuff in her School Library database and she had done all this stuff to it and was finishing up and it was just adding books to different categories or something I don't even remember now. And I said something about why she was doing it and she said it was she just wanted to not the school recquiring it. She had spent days on it.

29114. Ms. No - 12/6/2019 12:31:31 AM

I love your kid.

29115. arkymalarky - 12/6/2019 7:00:26 AM


29116. arkymalarky - 12/25/2019 5:18:11 PM

from politics to where it belongs:

Merry Christmas Motebuds!!
Hope you all have a great holiday!

Trying to get my dad out here and hoping he feels up to it. Just got grandson video and Santa got him some Toy Story toys. Life is good.

29117. wabbit - 12/27/2019 2:03:13 AM

Ms. No, sounds like something I would do, I'm a fan of Excel.

Hello to the fam, Arky, I was just thinking about your dad the other day.

Happy Holidays to all!

29118. arkymalarky - 12/27/2019 3:38:05 AM

Oh! I'm taking him to the doctor tomorrow and I will tell him. He published his last book which is on Amazon.

29119. arkymalarky - 12/27/2019 3:38:52 AM

Hope you had a good holiday by the way. We're going to see grandson in a couple of days. Can't wait.

29120. arkymalarky - 1/1/2020 6:50:15 PM

Happy New Year mote buds! Hope you all have a great one.

29121. Ms. No - 1/7/2020 9:35:49 PM

Happy 7-Day Old Year!

Arx -- yes, crossbody

Wabbit --- access to Access is what made me buy a PC rather than a Mac when I finally replaced my home computer. I'm a huge fan of Excel --- drives me nuts when my coworkers build tables in Word. Hate having to deal with all that wonky formatting.

29122. arkymalarky - 2/21/2020 7:08:42 AM

Well Stan's mother died Friday. Expected but not distressing. She was at peace, in no pain, and Stan was with her when she stopped breathing early in the evening while he was playing Phoebe Snow quietly on his phone and holding her hand. he was playing I don't want the night to end.

She was 90 and had been in the nursing home 6 years. The service was really nice and we had the reception with over thirty family members at our house afterward. She had over 20 great-grandkids 14 were at our house. The youngest is three in at the grave side he was playing among the tombstones making little three-year-old noises and I leaned over to Moese and said that would have been mamaw's favorite part.

in almost 40 years she and I never had a cross or even a tense word. And that was due to her not me

29123. wabbit - 2/22/2020 11:02:02 PM

Oh Arky, I'm so sorry to hear about Stan's mom, she was a lovely woman, still living at home when I met her. Both you and Stan have my condolences.

29124. arkymalarky - 2/23/2020 8:56:25 AM

Thank you Wabbit. I'll tell Stan. I thought about that visit when I posted in here. That was a magical time. I'm very glad you got to meet her.

29125. Ms. No - 2/25/2020 7:45:18 PM

I love that she was a mamaw and not a mee-maw. As a kid I always thought other kids just didn't know how to say their grandmother's name. Of late, it has seemed to me that mee-maw is the more common, but that's just anecdotal.

Even when we know it's coming, even when it is peaceful, we still miss our loved ones. I'm glad there could be that toddler joy at the graveside. I'll have you in my thoughts, please give Stan my regards.

29126. arkymalarky - 2/27/2020 5:45:03 PM

lol. I'm a Nana.
Thanks. I will. The biggest thing is for six years Stan went to the nursing home three days a week. Interestingly, his thoughts of her now are from before that. You'd think that would be entrenched in his mind but it isn't. All of the good memories that he really didn't think about for 6 years because his Mother's circumstances were ever present when he was there have come back and that's a great gift.

29127. Ms. No - 2/29/2020 1:54:54 AM

Yes, it really is. My uncle, unfortunately, has held on with both fists to his angriest memories of his mother --- some of them greatly embellished, but not all or even most. My mother, who was treated far worse and has far more reason for complaint, has mostly held on to the very best. I remember some of my Mamaw's less lovely moments and qualities, but only when somebody brings them up and then I'm like, "oh, yeah, I forgot about that."

29128. arkymalarky - 2/29/2020 9:28:43 AM

Parent-child relationships are so complicated, and stan's family was pretty much the least I ever saw. It kind of freaked me out at first. Like I had stepped into a 60s sitcom like Leave It to Beaver. My family had the same effect on him for very different reasons. :>

29129. bhelpuri - 3/3/2020 3:45:32 PM

greetings + salutations, Le Mote! also, condolences to Arky on the loss of her mother-in-law.

recently, I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary. it was some months after that, in 1995, that I dialed online to the Internet for the first time, and not too long afterwards began corresponding with the unruly, unpredictable mob which called themselves 'Fraygrants' tempus fugit, etc. but I don't feel very much different at all.

29130. bhelpuri - 3/3/2020 3:46:22 PM

nice to see the light still on hereabouts, anyway. my warm good wishes to one and all.

29131. bhelpuri - 3/3/2020 6:14:44 PM

nice to see the light still on hereabouts, anyway. my warm good wishes to one and all.

29132. Ms. No - 3/3/2020 9:10:16 PM

Good to see you -- and happy quarter century of wedded bliss!

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