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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 28991 - 29010 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
28991. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:25:57 AM

If I let this sit, Judith might get her login issue fixed and no and wabbit Might fly in here and post probably the last Millennial this Cafe will ever see....

28992. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:26:14 AM

It just occurred to me...

28993. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:26:34 AM

This really may be...

28994. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:26:46 AM

The very last...

28995. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:29:57 AM


28996. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:30:11 AM


28997. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:30:53 AM


28998. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:31:10 AM


28999. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:31:37 AM


29000. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 12:32:12 AM

YAY ME!!??!! TT

29001. winstonsmith - 7/21/2017 6:51:12 PM


29002. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 7:11:45 PM


29003. arkymalarky - 7/21/2017 7:13:02 PM

Are you having a sad over Sean? Going to be very interesting to see how the communications from the White House shift now. I think Sean was looking for any excuse to not be there anymore, and you don't have to wait long when you work for Trump I bet.

29004. winstonsmith - 7/22/2017 3:14:34 AM

Spicey has to be relieved to be out of there. Time to sell a book for big money.

29005. PsychProf - 7/22/2017 12:56:32 PM

Look in the fiction section.

29006. arkymalarky - 7/22/2017 2:31:27 PM

Haha! Hey PP! Good to see you! How's everything been going?

29007. arkymalarky - 7/22/2017 2:32:43 PM

I bet there'll be a lot of tell-all books to come out of this Administration, and separating fact from fiction will be challenge for a lot of them I bet.

29008. arkymalarky - 7/22/2017 2:36:25 PM

For one thing, Truth is Stranger Than Fiction will be an element of many of them.

29009. Ms. No - 7/25/2017 2:35:56 AM

You've got that right!

29010. wabbit - 9/11/2017 1:55:16 PM

Happy birthday Mote, 1999-2017, hard to believe.

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