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29070. Ms. No - 6/1/2018 5:13:07 PM

Happy National Donut Day!!

29071. arkymalarky - 6/6/2018 2:55:40 AM

How is your mom Msno? I hate to hear that she's had a stroke. That's such an uncertain occurrence and you don't know what the results are going to be over the long-term a lot of the time, but I hope she's still recovering well.

I haven't forgotten all y'all, just been very down over retiring and my kiddo finally moving away. It won't be too far, but a lot farther than they are now. Had my last work day yesterday, babysitting grandson for the next 4 days, and trying to deal with how different life is going to be without teaching and with my kiddo so much further away, to say nothing of my grandson. Like I told my principal when I busted out crying in his office right before I left, it's not where I'm headed it's what I'm leaving behind that makes me so sad.

29072. arkymalarky - 6/6/2018 3:00:08 AM

Wonderful to see you here Seamus. Been a long time, but your presence is always a nice breeze.

29073. Ms. No - 6/6/2018 4:55:26 PM

Arky -- she's doing great! She had fully recovered speech and movement before she even got to the alternate hospital with the neurosurgeon, so she didn't end up having to have any procedures for the clots. They'd completely dissolved by the time she got the MRI.

She'll be heading home from the rehab facility this Friday, and my brother is going out to stay with her for a week since I'm still in school. She'll have to use a walker for another couple of months and then a cane for a couple of months, but she's healing up very well and has no left-over effects from the stroke, at all. This is all just the broken leg stuff.

I'm happy for your for your retirement, but I also feel your sadness at it. I'll be teaching for several more years at least, but this class of seniors will be really hard to say goodbye to.

Where did Mose and fam move to?

29074. wabbit - 7/30/2018 9:46:34 PM

Happy Birthday Arky, hope it's been a great day!

Ms. No, how are you making out with the fires, I hope nothing is too close.

29075. Ms. No - 7/30/2018 11:46:50 PM

I'm fine - I'm in Hoboken!

I've got so excited friends in the East Bay and near Redding who are on alert, but so far everyone is safe.

How's by you?

29076. arkymalarky - 8/2/2018 10:00:33 PM

Thanks Wabbit! up in CO, laundry day in Ned. last bd that starts with 5. 😥
Hope all is well with you!
Enjoy your vaca, No! odd not to be back at it. work would start Mon. but already booked helping parents, being Grandma and planning to dive into GOTV when I get home.

29077. alistairconnor - 8/13/2018 12:49:17 PM

Oh helloes to all... hugs all round.
To take up a conversation from March :
Bhel : "I wager AC is a grandpapa at this point!"
No way. Some years off that. My elder just turned 25, she's still at school (Glasgow School of Art). I'm pissed off that when I go to see her graduate next year, the ceremony will not be at the freshly restored Charles Rennie building because it burnt out a second time...

The younger is 20 and does the accounts at a jazz venue (it's more complicated than that...) but is planning to go to New Zealand next year, until further notice.

I'm still buzzing from our annual holiday together. Every year we take a week in my little camper van, now 15 years old itself, and ... go somewhere. We did a complete tour of the Alps, through Switzerland, Austria, Italy, to Slovenia -- great way to mitigate the heatwave, swimming in lakes and rivers every day. I'm amazed that they actually want to spend a week, 24/7, with their old dad, and that we all enjoy it so much.

Neither are currently in relationships that could be described as both long-term and stable... and both are happy with that...

29078. bhelpuri - 8/21/2018 1:38:48 PM

AC - Your holiday sounds great. My own tryst with fatherhood at the moment is part launching pad (the oldest is 18, at boarding school and now applying to colleges very far away from home) and part Papa Bear (the youngest is 10, and we enjoy a significant portion of each day together). The third is 14, and in-between those poles.

Man, time flies. I recall very well meeting your two in NYC when the younger must have been not much older than a toddler!

29079. arkymalarky - 9/19/2018 12:17:25 AM

Yay the Mote's back online! I was beginning to think it was done. I've been swamped since I retired but my parents have everything lined out now and I'm power of attorney and it has been clear to me for the past 2 months that I had to retire. Working locally on gotv through local Democratic party, indivisible, when we all vote, Moms Demand, and a few others that have ways to let people help GOTV

29080. arkymalarky - 9/19/2018 12:17:34 AM

Yay the Mote's back online! I was beginning to think it was done. I've been swamped since I retired but my parents have everything lined out now and I'm power of attorney and it has been clear to me for the past 2 months that I had to retire. Working locally on gotv through local Democratic party, indivisible, when we all vote, Moms Demand, and a few others that have ways to let people help GOTV

29081. arkymalarky - 9/19/2018 12:17:57 AM


29082. winstonsmith - 9/19/2018 2:17:29 AM

Yes, I thoughtt it was a goner too. Happy to see it resurrected.

29083. Ms. No - 9/20/2018 4:32:59 PM

Whew! Same here!

My zero-period kids are working on a digital art project at the moment, so I've got a couple of minutes to report.

Mom is doing great --- walking everywhere without the cane, now. No lasting effects from the stroke. On her way to the city at the moment to go play grandma in the arboretum. She's up to 4 miles a day before she gets tired/achy, so I expect she'll be back to full strength in the next couple of months.

Dad is also doing well -- no relapses after getting out of the hospital. Still not smoking (hope it lasts!) and hasn't allowed himself to get sucked back into the toxic work environment that contributed to the pneumonia in the first place.

Attended my first ever women's barbershop chorus rehearsal last night with the Sweet Adelines Sacramento chapter. It was a lot of fun to sing with a chorus again. I was a little rusty with my music reading to begin with, but it all started to come back. Very cool to sing the bass line again after singing solo for so long.

29084. Ms. No - 9/20/2018 4:38:38 PM

In other news, I had a mouse. I say "had" because the exterminator came yesterday and the mouse is no more. So my Sunday will be taken up with scrubbing my kitchen down within an inch of its life to erase any mouse cooties.

29085. arkymalarky - 12/25/2018 5:17:44 PM

Merry Christmas Motebuds! Hope you all have a wonderful day and a wonderful holiday and that we all have a great New Year.

29086. wabbit - 12/25/2018 8:50:49 PM

Hey Arky, back 'atcha!

Merry Christmas to all!

29087. Ms. No - 12/27/2018 3:46:35 AM

Merry Christmas!

Wabbit -- you're not coming to the Bay anytime this year are you?

29088. wabbit - 1/1/2019 4:44:47 PM

Happy New Year everyone!

Hey Ms. No, probably not this year, maybe next year. Some corporate changes being made at the top over the next couple months, we'll see how it all shakes out. I'll definitely be in touch if I find myself out in your neck of the woods, would be great to see you!

29089. arkymalarky - 1/2/2019 2:16:11 AM

Happy New Year wabbit and all the other mote buds! Found out over Christmas that being Grandma rocks. I knew it already but is the first time we spent a couple of days with just us and grandson

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