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29243. arkymalarky - 12/25/2023 11:25:20 PM

Merry christmas and happy new year and all the other holidays Motebuds!

29244. arkymalarky - 12/25/2023 11:26:34 PM

Great to see you vonK!

Keoni called us yesterday and we had a great conversation. he sounded really good.

29245. Ms. No - 1/5/2024 8:27:46 PM

Happy New Year!

Arky -- that's good to hear. I need to call him and chat --- hell, I need to call YOU and chat! What's your weekend like? I go back to school on Monday, so I'm squeezing every last bit of relaxing and catching up with friends I can out of these couple of days.

29246. arkymalarky - 1/13/2024 1:56:56 AM

Hey, No! got a little hectic. But if you got any time this weekend mine is wide open.

29247. arkymalarky - 1/13/2024 2:08:00 AM

Oh, and forgot to tell y'all, especially Wabbit, that Hobo died in October. He was almost 16, sweetest boy. We got a card from the vet that everyone signed because they all loved him there.

29248. vonKreedon - 1/13/2024 4:28:43 PM

So sorry for the loss of you loved animal friend, Arky.

29249. arkymalarky - 1/14/2024 9:35:55 AM

Oh thank you vonK! My daughter found him as a stray. She and I worked together and she Lived a few miles way. So she was in front of me driving home and saw a litter of puppies on the side of the road, and I'm like Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop and she stopped and there were several. we gave them all away and kept him. We think he was half coyote. He was the best watch dog and companion. He stayed in the house last few months of his life and was a good house dog too. Everybody at the vet came to say bye to him When Stan took him for the last time. It was as good a life and death for a little stray Animal as you could possibly want.

29250. Ms. No - 1/17/2024 12:10:32 AM

Hobo did have a good life, but I know you'll miss him. I've got a picture of him still from the last time I was out....ten years ago? Has it been that long? I can't believe that.

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