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Host: Ms. No, arkymalarky

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3318. vonKreedon - 7/16/2016 7:37:10 PM

So, I tried to visit the Mote several times in the last week or so and received an Ubutu error. What happened? Do you all have a designated non-Mote safe place to regroup when this happens?

3319. judithathome - 7/16/2016 8:41:37 PM

You can come to my forum, Talkalot, at Able Minds...I'll pay the $10 annual fee for you!

MsNo has joined...we're up every day and have been for about 5 years.

3320. judithathome - 7/16/2016 8:45:40 PM

AbleMinds Forum

3321. Ms. No - 7/18/2016 8:11:48 PM

Yep -- I haven't been very diligent about posting lately, but it's been up every time I've gone and there are some cool folks there.

3322. arkymalarky - 7/19/2016 1:47:35 PM

Been so busy I haven't really posted anywhere, but we're picking up spook and Danny from the airport tomorrow, and after they leave I'm hoping to log in and check it out.

3323. vonKreedon - 7/19/2016 5:41:48 PM

I got the Ubutu error again yesterday.

Thanks Judith, I'll check it out.

3324. vonKreedon - 7/21/2016 5:29:07 PM

I'm getting the Unbutu error when I try to go to the Mote homepage, but I can get to specific threads. Any ideas? I'm running Chrome. Thanks.

3325. judithathome - 7/21/2016 6:29:50 PM

I attempt to get in here at least 3 times a day, every day...so far I am averaging once/twice a week.

So, hello everyone!

3326. Ms. No - 7/22/2016 7:29:45 PM

VK - good to know about specific threads. I'll try entering that way for awhile and see if I get through more reliably.

3327. wabbit - 7/23/2016 2:29:17 PM

I'm still not getting any reply from AC, no idea what his situation is. Good to know about the threads, I'll try that trick next time Ubuntu shows up (which should be any minute now...).

3328. alistairconnor - 8/8/2016 8:49:55 AM

So sorry for being asleep at the wheel, people. Our host Sigi fixed the tech problem yesterday : a matter of DNS cache, apparently.
And we were immediately rewarded with a marvellous NuPlanetOne poem.

3329. winstonsmith - 8/9/2016 12:54:57 AM

Thanks AC. It does seem like it is working better.

3330. wabbit - 8/11/2016 12:17:48 AM

Thank you Sigi!

3331. macnas - 8/29/2016 12:23:24 PM

Password remembered, take /that/ dementia!

3332. arkymalarky - 8/29/2016 12:39:18 PM

Macnas!!! How have you been? Catch us up!

3333. macnas - 8/29/2016 12:57:27 PM

Been fine, nice and steady, that's me.
Don't have any on-line presense anymore really, so I have nothing to link yez to or anything like that.

Let me see, I still have most of my hair and teeth, if I was a horse I'd be allowed a quiet corner in the meadow.

Wife and family are still finding new ways to drive me mad, after all this time, you'd think they'd be bored with it but no.

Hope ye're all well!

3334. arkymalarky - 8/29/2016 6:15:23 PM

Haha! Can't speak for everyone, but I'm rocking steady.

3335. Ms. No - 8/30/2016 12:47:47 AM

Mac! Wonderful to see you!

3336. thoughtful - 8/31/2016 3:02:13 AM

Huh...I thought the mote was gone forever. I check in seldomly and last time I did, it was just gone.

Nice to see y'all again!

3337. arkymalarky - 8/31/2016 4:47:28 PM


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