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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 45063 - 45082 out of 47360 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
45063. judithathome - 11/7/2012 3:10:11 AM

Ya got me.....

45064. arkymalarky - 11/7/2012 4:34:01 AM

On the local front, Stan's BIL Dem state rep beat Kokh bros $ to win reelection!

45065. judithathome - 11/7/2012 5:23:54 AM


45066. judithathome - 11/7/2012 5:26:16 AM

I have to say, that at this time....9:24pm cst....the fact that the Florida race with Alan West is too close to call is PROOF that the people of Florida are assholes.

45067. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:26:18 AM

Well, 0bama may win this one and the Senate may remain Democrat.

So the new normal may turn out to be permanent 7-9% unemployment and 20% of the nation in poverty more or less permanently.

When you act like you're living in a commune and you don't have rich parents to run to or a good economy to bail you out when you get tired of it, guess what? The country will descend to the commune level over time.

The takers will find that there's a lot fewer options out there from which to extract free goodies than they hoped for when they voted.
Given enough time (More than a few years), the ability to easily climb out of this hole will disappear, as will most of the more successful people who could have turned it around.

Welcome to your Democrat Party utopia if Romney doesn't win. For myself, I'm glad I'm near retirement. I won't be contributing to the United Way through work like I planned to if Romney won. It's going to be pure survival mode for me from here on out, thanks to Democrat voters. Overall, I will no longer expect things to improve significantly, and believe there is much more likely to be an additional 5-25% standard of living decline, starting with a 5% tax increase on income with Taxmageddon starting in 2013. Add to this a general progressive deterioration in cultural values and public discourse, not just in politics.

And iiibbb calls this a 'bargain'. A lot of people are very likely to find, to their regret, assuming they have the mental capacity, that partisan 'revenge' on a national scale is extremely expensive long term.

45068. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:33:28 AM

Check out the Phat Ass White Girls (PAWG) websites that are popping up. And probably Thick Black Bitches, etc. New normal, man.

45069. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 5:36:18 AM

Or Concerned... the Republicans could come to their fucking senses.

45070. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:37:17 AM

Remember, none of this could possibly be misogynistic, because it would be racist or at least culturally insensitive to say so. So, STFU.

45071. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 5:38:22 AM

Blame Bush my man... between his unfunded wars and the Republican's fucking obsession with peoples' bedrooms, your party whacked itself party off at the knees.

45072. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:40:50 AM

iiibbb -

'Republicans', like any other group of people, are not something that you can shape to your own preference.

You reject them completely because they don't meet certain particular personal standards of yours.

What more can I say without sounding very rude and judgmental?

45073. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:43:39 AM

re. 45071 -

Every single thing you present as a critique is a Democrat talking point. Either acknowledge the source and accept it, or not. But either way, better to stop with the revenge gameplaying. You can achieve nothing more at best than what I posted upstream the way you are going here.

45074. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:44:46 AM

iiibbb -

You may think you are not, but you are a mere advocate for a single party system.

45075. judithathome - 11/7/2012 5:47:46 AM

you don't have rich parents to run to or a good economy to bail you out

Oh, do you mean the ones that you're supposed to go to to pay for your college or get seed money from to start your business? (op cit: Mitt Romney)

45076. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:48:14 AM

When everything is defined by the current extreme LW Democrat Party, as is the case with everybody on this site except for me, there is simply no room for any other party.

45077. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:48:57 AM


Your sarcasm based on hippy glory days is wasted.

45078. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:51:48 AM

The LW ideas of 50 years ago, or worse yet, 80 years ago, never translated well to the real world when they were new - they haven't improved with age.

45079. concerned - 11/7/2012 5:54:45 AM

As individuals, you're nice people. Your social ideas in the vacuum you insist in placing them in, are not nice at all.

45080. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:11:54 AM

Conc'd I didn't reject them, they rejected me. I have been in the past a conservative voter. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was _not_ a republican and to go ahead and take my support elsewhere.

Does the Republican want independents or don't they? Or they want us... they just don't want to make themselves palatable to us.

45081. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:14:10 AM

The graphic above does highlight my sentiment... as the narrowing of the moderate representation is clearly visible.

45082. iiibbb - 11/7/2012 6:15:24 AM

To the point of being nonexistent on the republican side.... and yet I am castigated for turning my back on them.

go figure.

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